Content Warning: This list includes mentions of drug use, sexual assault, and mental health.

The hit show Euphoria took the world by storm when it was released by HBO in June 2019 and is now about to finish up its second season. Euphoria’s graphic images of nudity, sex, drugs, alcohol, and violence are shocking – especially so for a show about high school students. All of this controversial material is intermixed with compelling visual symbolism and fantastic music.

The show is amazing, not just for its beautiful cinematography, but for its rich and compelling writing. Therefore, it’s worth taking a look at the best and most memorable lines from both seasons.


Updated on February 17th, 2022 by Amanda Suarez: With the release of the second season of Euphoria, the fan base of the show has been discussing the characters and plot nonstop on social media. Some of the most common videos that fans make are detailed analyses of scenes and dialogue.

With Season 2 nearing its finale, it is only right to go through some of these fan-favorite scenes and iconic lines. Whether a character has said exactly what the fans are thinking or spoken some moving, undeniable truth, there is never a dull moment in Euphoria’s scripts. 

Cal Jacobs

“I’m Extremely Confused.”

Cal Jacobs’s confrontation with Fezco was one of the single most hilarious scenes of an otherwise very serious second season. Cal may be competing against Nate in terms of villainy, but this was a rare comedic moment from him–and very eye-opening, as well. And, ironically, it causes Cal to be more sure of himself than ever.

Cal realized that Nate had lied to him because he was covering up an awful thing that he did. Additionally, Nate had been romantically involved with Jules, who Cal had slept with. The shock that Cal feels in this moment is what sends him into a spiral that ends with him abandoning his family.

Jules Vaughn

“I Feel Like I’ve Framed My Entire Womanhood Around Men.”

Due to the long gap between seasons 1 and 2, creator Sam Levinson released two special episodes centered around Rue and Jules. The Jules installment provided a deeper dive into her complex character and everything regarding her thoughts on life, relationships, and so much more.

As a trans woman, it was important for Hunter Schafer to co-write the episode and add truth to the story. While she is talking to her therapist, Jules delivers one of her most memorable quotes from the special, explaining a lot about her and the things she does. She doesn’t want to cater to the male gaze anymore, and it actually rings true for several girls on the show like Maddy and Cassie.

Kat Hernandez

“Wait, I Don’t Understand. If You’re Not Auditioning For Oklahoma, Then Why Do You Look Like That?”

Besides the fact that this is one of the few scenes that Kat has had in season 2 of the show, it is also very indicative of how chaotic Cassie’s actions look from the outside. During the episode in which she’s trying every style she can to catch Nate’s eyes, Cassie is so caught up in her own world that she doesn’t see how ridiculous she looks.

Kat brings a refreshing burst of reality into her awareness. She sees right through Cassie’s charade and is the first to call her out on her bizarre behavior. As Kat says later to Maddy after their confrontation, she never trusted Cassie, and so it would seem that she sensed something was going on.

Nate Jacobs

Nate: “Because You’re Smart And Cruel. But, Not Really.”

Maddy: “Not Really Smart?”

Nate: “Not Really Cruel.”

It’s unclear what is going on in Nate’s mind in season 2. In some ways, it seems like anything that he says to Maddy before he gets the disc is a play to be in her favor. Their entire interaction at her babysitting job is odd. He can’t even admit that he knew she loved him.

It’s also worth mentioning that these characteristics are what Nate says that he loves about Maddy: that she is smart and cruel–but not really. This is vastly different than Cassie’s temperament. Where Maddy is composed, Cassie is vulnerable and emotional. The mind games with Nate never end, and this is a perfect example of that.


“I don’t know what kind of f***** up s*** you got going inside of your head. I don’t know how to help, but I could tell you one thing: this drug s*** – it’s not the answer.”

Many people on the show are deeply flawed and come across as someone fans don’t necessarily want to root for. However, it seems like the one character who fans unanimously want to be their bestie is Fezco. Though he’s a drug dealer, he’s depicted as the ultimate good guy on Euphoria and has a heart of gold.

While he may have played a part in Rue’s addiction, he is a legitimate and loyal friend who wants the best for her. Fezco admits he doesn’t always know what’s right but this line perfectly captures his good heart and that he would much rather Rue be off the drugs, even if it means losing a top client.

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Maddy Perez

“I’m Just Saying Love Is A Million Things.”

The relationship between Nate and Maddy is easily the most unhealthy on the show, as they spend their time being awful to each other and have been shown to be abusive both physically and verbally. Maddy was even held at gunpoint by Nate in the most recent video and was still professing her love for him as he held the gun to her head.

Maddy struggles to recognize what healthy love looks like because of her connection with Nate. The cycle of abuse has led her to believe that love needs to be “dark” in order to be passionate. To her, love really is a million things: it’s rage, apologies, physical violence, passionate sex, love-bombing, and vicious insults.

Jules Vaughn

“I Feel Like Her Sobriety Is Completely Dependent On How Available I Am To Her.”

Jules has done some very controversial things that make no sense in Euphoria’s second season. She gets jealous of Elliot and then flirts with him, as well as sleeping with him after she found out he was also a drug addict. But, at the heart of her frustrating behavior is fear.

Jules revealed to her therapist that her friendship and romance with Rue put a lot of pressure on her. It seems like Rue puts her sobriety on their bond, staying off drugs when they’re together and relapsing when things got awry between them. So, while she has true feelings for Rue, there is some resentment that she feels like Rue’s “reason” for being clean, and also her reason for relapsing.


“What’s A Bigger Feeling Than Love?”

It’s entirely unclear what Elliot’s intentions are with Rue and Jules in season 2. He admits that he’s attracted to Rue, then to Jules, tries to orchestrate a threesome with the two of them, then reveals Rue’s relapse to Jules before they hook up.

It doesn’t seem like Elliot knows anything about love, but his poignant reply to Jules when they’re talking and her and Rue’s relationship is much deeper than is expected from his character. So many of the Euphoria characters are chasing the idea of “love” and so few seem to understand what that means and the implications of it.


“That’s Not A Kid, That’s My Business Partner.”

Fezco and Ashtray have a brotherly relationship that’s truly heartwarming. As fans learned in season 2, Ashtray was dropped off at Fez’s grandma’s house as collateral, and never picked back up. Ever since, Fez has been very protective of Ashtray and vice versa.

This quote is especially meaningful because it’s the exact same thing Fez’s grandma said about him when some man at a drug deal called Fez a kid and insinuated that he shouldn’t be there. It showed the immense respect that his grandma had for him, and the respect that Fez has for Ashtray now.

Rue Bennett

“Do You Wish I Was Different?”

Rue and Jules’s friendship started as one of the best of the show for a lot of reasons. However, the problems of each character’s personal life took a toll on their bond. Rue even flat-out asked Jules if she wished that Rue wasn’t exactly who she is.

Fans know from Rue’s narration in both seasons that she has a lot of self-hatred and is, admittedly, suicidal. There are many things about herself that she wishes she could change, and she only seems to admit this out loud in her most vulnerable moments. Thankfully, Rue is currently on a path of self-acceptance and happiness.

Leslie Bennett

“Plenty Of Great, Intelligent, Funny, Interesting, And Creative People Have Struggled With The Same Things You Struggle With.”

The opening sequence of Euphoria lets viewers know immediately that they are in for a wild ride. Rue, one of Zendaya’s best performances, is introduced and it’s clear that young Rue is overwhelmed, confused, and dealing with her mental health.

Her mother tries to reassure her that she is not alone in her struggles, and great, famous people such as Vincent Van Gogh had similar disorders. Leslie has continued to struggle with how to support Rue–as any parent would. She oscillates between tough love and overwhelming positivity, trying to find a balance. With Ali’s help, she’s getting a better sense of what to say and do.

Jules Vaughn

“I Liked The Way I Dressed You, But I’m Worried I F***** With Your Gender Expression.”

Jules is known for her extravagant fashion style and makeup, while Rue is more simple and boyish. When Jules dresses Rue for their school prom, Rue ends up with a much more colorful and sparkly look than she usually goes for. It’s a beautiful look though, and as expected, Rue rocks it.

Jules’s observation about messing with Rue’s gender expression is a sort of foreshadowing to her own gender expression. Not only does Jules revamp the way in which she presents herself in season 2, but fans also learn from her special that she’s been thinking about stopping her hormone treatment as she figures out the relationship between her and her gender.

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Rue Bennett

“It Wasn’t The Violence That Scared Her. It Was The Fact That She Knew No Matter What She Did, She’d Still Love Him.”

Despite the mistakes she may have made, Maddy is one of the most popular characters in Euphoria. She initially appears like the typical beautiful and conceited girl who is dating the football captain at school, but her character is more complex than that. Her boyfriend, Nate, is abusive and possessive, and it’s frustrating to watch Maddy struggle with him in both seasons.

The most heartbreaking part, however, is finding out what Maddy realizes when Nate crosses the line. She comes to understand that he is not right for her, yet she also knows that, for some reason, she loves him too much to leave him. Sadly, this was just the beginning of her awakening with Nate, and she’d soon discover just how far he would go to scare her.

Cassie Howard

“I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it.”

Cassie seemed to be prophesizing her future when she said this quote in season 1. She thought love was dark with McKay, but she has no one idea what’s in store for her with Nate Jacobs.

This quote also eerily mimics something that Maddy says at the bowling alley with Jules when they’re discussing Kat and Ethan’s relationship. Maddy posits that passionate love needs “darkness,” and that’s what she misses about Nate. Unluckily for both girls, Nate’s type of darkness is physical violence and emotional manipulation.

Rue Bennett

“She Hated Her Life, Not Because It Was Bad, But Because When You Hate Your Brain And Your Body, It’s Hard To Enjoy The Rest.”

One of the most significant issues that get covered by Euphoria is depression. When Jules is introduced, viewers learn that she is depressed as a young teenager trying to find herself. So much so, that her parents placed her in a psychiatric hospital. Body image, self-confidence, and self-love were some of the things she struggled with the most and that’s why she hated life.

When she reaches 17, she is obviously in a better place, but Jules seems to still be plagued by some insecurities and emotional stress. Her journey with self-love and expression has continued in season 2, along with some heartbreaking and emotional moments.

Rue Bennett

“I Know Your Generation Relied On Flowers And Father’s Permission, But It’s 2019, And Unless You’re Amish, Nudes Are The Currency Of Love. So Stop Shaming Us.”

There are countless shows about teenagers, but Euphoria is by far one of the most accurate ones in its representation of the youth. Not only does it get the slang right, but it also accurately portrays the way that relationships and romances are sparked. As high school students in 2019, the characters are part of Gen Z – a generation that is more exposed to sex than any other generation, because of the internet.

Jules, typical of her generation, not only goes on a dating application to find a guy to date but also communicates with this guy by exchanging nudes. Rue, as narrator, says this line to the audience and it’s a fantastic way of reiterating that they should not be shamed for this.

Rue Bennett

“The Absolute Worst Part Of Depression Is That Even Though You Know You’re Depressed, You’re Unable To Stop Yourself From Getting Worse.”

Rue often falls into depressive episodes. And when she does – she has no idea how to deal with it, and it’s part of the reason why she turns to drugs. There’s an entire episode dedicated to Rue narrating her depressive episode, and the way that she talks about depression is refreshingly but tragically accurate.

She talks about how slow and gradual of a process it actually is, and how you can feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper but it’s impossible to get yourself out. The entire monologue acts as a metaphor for Rue’s addiction. She feels herself–especially in season 2–falling deeper in until she has completely lost control of her life altogether.

Rue Bennett

“I Had A Therapist Once Who Said That These States Will Wax And Wane. Which Gave My Mother Relief, Because It Meant That In The Bad Times, There Would Be Good Times. But It Also Gave Her Anxiety Because It Meant That In The Good Times, There Would Be Bad Times.”

Throughout the series, Rue and her mother are seen working through a difficult relationship; the mother is overprotective and mistrustful of Rue even after her daughter left rehab, and Rue continues to lie to her mother and, worse, use drugs behind her back.

Leslie’s desperation and anxiety for Rue are kept deep within her. Even as she tries to stay positive and motivating for Rue in her recovery, she is plagued by the fear that her daughter will kill herself, as fans heard her sobbingly beg the hospital staff to take her as an inpatient.

Cassie Howard

“Maybe People Are Nostalgic About High School Cause It’s, Like, The Last Time In Their Life That They Get To Dream.”

Euphoria may focus on mental illnesses, but it marries those themes with the trials and tribulations that high schoolers face. Whether that’s interpersonal drama between their friends or stress about school, audiences need to remember that these are still teenagers, despite their mature activity.

Cassie, especially, is a daydreamer. In season 2 she has completely deluded herself about Nate, their relationship, and the morality of her actions. She dreams of Nate being the ultimate man of her dreams, entirely unaware of the monster that he truly is and how little he cares for her.

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Lexi Howard

“You Fell In Love With Someone Who Spent Years Making Fun Of You. It’s Sad.”

Lexi is usually soft-spoken and timid, so this reality check that she gave to Cassie in episode 6 was long-awaited. In fact, both Lexi and her mom Suze didn’t give Cassie any slack on the situation between Cassie, Maddy, and Nate, which was very appreciated by fans.

Lexi has entered into a new era in her life. She is being unapologetically herself, and many Redditors have predicted that her play will reveal secrets within the friend group that she’s held onto for a long time. This moment of Lexi standing up to Cassie is just one of many to come.

Rue Bennett

“And Although She Had Never Been In A Relationship, Or Even In, Like, Love, She Imagined Spending The Rest Of Her Life With Her.”

Rue’s first meeting with Jules is one of a kind: she decides to talk to her after Jules has a bloody outburst at a party and, impulsively, the two decide to ride back to Rue’s place and hang out there.

Rue sits on the back of Jules’ bicycle, arms wrapped around her waist, and it’s a beautiful image that symbolizes the beginning of a meaningful relationship. For Rue, it’s love at first sight, which she admits to the viewer. Although Rue’s feelings may be honest and simple, her relationship with Jules proves to be very complicated for the rest of the two seasons.


“Everybody Gets Their Feelings Hurt. Some People Need To Get Their Feelings Hurt Sometimes.”

Fez and Lexi had some of the sweetest moments in episode 6 of season 2. While they hung out and got to know each other, Lexi opened up and confessed that she didn’t know if putting on her play was the best idea, to which Fez answered with this quote.

This quote applies to many characters on the show, specifically, as well as being true in everyday life. Sometimes, people need to be faced with reality and that will hurt their feelings, but help them in the long run. Rue had to be faced with the reality of her actions and Cassie desperately needs a large dose of reality, which will undoubtedly hurt her feelings–but hopefully knock some sense into her head.


“You’ve Got To Believe In The Poetry Because Everything Else In Your Life Will Fail You. Even Yourself.”

Ali has lots of words of wisdom for Rue, especially in their very touching special episode. For a scene to be one continuous location and the same two actors, the dialogue has to be very powerful. That is definitely the case in the dialogue between Rue and Ali at the diner.

On the surface, Ali seems like all of the cliché AA sayings come to life. But, when really listening to him, he reveals the sort of mindset that makes recovery possible. He sees the bigger picture of life and knows that addicts need something bigger than themselves to focus on in recovery, like the poetry of the world and life. He is the type of constant that Rue needs.

Rue Bennett

“Every Time I Feel Good, I Think It’ll Last Forever, But It Doesn’t.”

If there’s one quote that sums up the show, it’s this one. All the characters come across various obstacles and fleeting moments of happiness, big or small. Rue is obviously the best example of this: just like drugs have highs and lows, her relationship with Jules sometimes makes her the happiest she’s ever been, and other times makes her feel sad and betrayed. She learns the hard way that good things don’t last.

As each character chases happiness, like Cassie chasing Nate’s attention, Kat trying to find self-love, and Lexi longing for expression of her true feelings, each one hits one roadblock after another. It’s real-life at its finest.

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