Big Brother11 was one of the most explosive seasons of the show. It marked the third-ever expulsion of a houseguest. It saw the seeds of love grow in a showmance turned marriage. And it introduced one of the biggest, most controversial, powers of the show: the Coup D’Etat. The season welcomed a total of 13 houseguests from all walks of life who, as the season’s big twist, were put into various high school-like cliques: the Athletes, The Brains, The Populars, and the Off-Beats.

These naturally served as pre-formed alliances though some players did end up aligning with people outside of their assigned cliques. And while each player was interesting to watch for different reasons, a handful were way more likable than others..

13 Braden Bacha (13th Place)

No one ever wants to be the first person voted out, but this surfer got that distinction.

He was put into the Populars clique during his short time in the house, but he ranks last on this list because of the racist and derogatory remarks he made towards Kevin and Lydia. While they were edited out of the broadcast, subscribers to the live feeds got to see and hear them.

12 Jessie Godderz (9th Place)

The self-proclaimed “Mr. Pec-Tacular,” Jessie was pompous, arrogant, and completely focused on himself and his physical appearance. As a professional bodybuilder, he made sure to constantly remind everyone of that, both on this season as well as during his first appearance season 10, where he placed 10th.

He had a few close allies in the house, not surprisingly, finding common ground with the other athletic folks. But in the end, he was taken out when Jeff used his Coup d’Etat power to overthrow Chima’s nominations and put Jessie and his closest ally Natalie on the block. Despite his friends in the house, he still goes down as one of the most disliked contestants.


11 Russell Kairouz (6th Place)

There’s always that one player who seems to want to constantly fight everyone in the house, and that was Russell. He was confrontational and snapped at pretty much everyone in the house who wasn’t in his Athletes clique.

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He was backdoored by Jeff in the end, who was aligned with him for a short time before ending the partnership and making a big game move to get him out.

10 Laura Crosby (12th Place)

Another houseguest who didn’t last long, Laura was part of the Popular clique. But when she had a total meltdown that effectively led to the end of Ronnie’s game, people began to sour on her.

She was the youngest houseguest and her immaturity showed, which is why she ranks near the bottom in terms of likability.

9 Dr. Michele Noonan (4th Place)

Michele made it far enough to get to the jury, thanks to being part of the Brains Clique. But she wasn’t really liked in the house.

She won the most competitions that season, with one HoH and three Power of Vetos, and was the only female player to win the PoV multiple times on Big Brother 11. Her performance was decent, but socially, she wasn’t the most popular.

8 Ronnie Talbott (10th Place)

As a member of the Brains Clique, Ronnie didn’t make it long enough to head to jury. His downfall: getting caught trying to play both sides of the house. He and Michele in particular butted heads, but by the end, the entire house turned against him.

A superfan of the show, he had vast knowledge of Big Brother history. However, that didn’t really make him likable. He played too hard, too fast and it made him an early target and an unlikeable character.

7 Casey Turner (11th Place)

The oldest person in the house, Casey was put into the Off-Beat clique, but he didn’t last long enough for people to truly decide whether they liked him or not.

A teacher by day, DJ by night, he was funny and engaging and was even brought back after eviction to provide the voice of Otev the Ape in the season’s version of that popular competition.

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6 Natalie Martinez (2nd Place)

While her alliance with Jessie and the other Athletes helped take her far in the game, and she was generally liked by others, Natalie also didn’t hold back when it came to making big moves in the game to get ahead. She also rubbed a lot of people the wrong way by her lying, backstabbing, and cheating.

In the end, her dirty gameplay contributed to the Tae Kwon Do champion not getting enough votes to win. That said, while she played a ruthless game and was aligned with the arrogant jock types, she didn’t fit the typical stereotype and seemed far more down to the earth than the other people with whom she was working. It is a game, after all.

5 Kevin Campbell (3rd Place)

Returning for the All-Stars season in 2020, Campbell did much better his first time around, making it all the way to third place. He was likable and aligned with the right people in his own Off-Beats clique as well as others, making him the final man standing among the Off-Beats.

He actually won competitions, was a tie-breaking vote, was the first openly gay male to reach the final three, and tied Lolo Jones for the most Power of Veto wins by an African-American person. On the likability scale, he had a great social game.

4 Lydia Tavera (7th Place)

A member of the Off-Beats clique, Lydia was the wild and crazy houseguest with the funky hair and tattoos. She got along great with Kevin and was visibly upset after her ally Chima was expelled.

She never won an HoH or POV competition, so it’s pretty impressive she still made it to jury. And while she didn’t do much in terms of gameplay, there was nothing particularly unlikeable about her.

3 Chima Simone (8th Place)

One of the elite few to have been ejected from the game for breaking the rules, it’s easy to say that Chima was unlikable. But her anger was understandable. After working her butt off to win HoH, strategizing, and choosing two nominees, her entire reign was deemed null and void when Jeff revealed his Coup d’Etat power that allowed him to effectively overthrow her.

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Anyone in that position, especially when her two closest allies ended up going up on the block on her HoH, would be angry. Sure, she went too far with her reaction. But she was entertaining, strategic, and likable despite that. She just let her emotions get the best of her.

2 Jordan Lloyd (Winner)

Jordan remains the Big Brother sweetheart, the soft-spoken, seemingly innocent Southern Belle with a heart of gold. She never really rubbed anyone the wrong way, flew under the radar, and worked side-by-side with her showmance partner Jeff Schroeder, who eventually became her husband and father to their children.

She was part of the Populars clique and while both she and Natalie played equally good games, the fact that Jordan got as far as she did without backstabbing and badmouthing people ultimately earned her the win.

1 Jeff Schroeder (5th Place)

Sure, his sugary sweet showmance partner Jordan actually won the game. But there was always something about Jeff that viewers loved. He fit the tall, dark, and handsome description yet didn’t act arrogantly.

He was funny and sweet and made big moves when he needed to. There’s a good reason he was chosen as America’s Favorite Houseguest on two different seasons.

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