Literally every character who was on The Vampire Diaries for more than one episode likely went through some serious trials and tribulations, and if they were lucky, they actually survived. There were many villainous characters, a few heroes, and mostly just people and supernatural creatures trying to keep themselves alive. However, that doesn’t mean that the characters didn’t offer something greater than that too.

In their own way, nearly every major character on The Vampire Diaries is inspiring. Whether it’s because they were truly good people, because they were determined to keep going, or because they were clever enough to survive when most people weren’t, these characters are truly inspirational.

Updated September 27, 2021 by Hilary Elizabeth: While the characters of The Vampire Diaries really run the gamut of the entire morality spectrum, there is still plenty that fans can learn from their personality traits and choices. While they’re all flawed, every main character in the series has at least one quality that can inspire everyone. 

15 Rebekah Mikaelson

Rebekah might be impulsive, childish, and have no ability to control her emotions, but in a sense, that is actually the most admirable thing about her. After all, most people who have been alive for a thousand years would be jaded and uncaring, while Rebekah is the complete opposite.

She wears every one of her feelings on her sleeve, and her enthusiasm for love and life hasn’t diminished at all, no matter how much time has gone by or how many times she has been betrayed.

14 Lexi Branson

Stefan isn’t exactly a people person, but there’s a reason why Lexi is one of the few people who could get through to him.

Although Stefan’s bestie died in the first few episodes of the series, her spirit was always looking over him and always looking on the bright side of things. She encouraged Stefan to let himself fall in love when he wanted to and to move on when he had to. Lexi is really the kind of friend everyone would want.


13 Katherine Pierce

Obviously, Katherine Pierce isn’t an inspirational character in the traditional sense, as most of her behaviors would land the average person in prison for life. But that doesn’t mean that she lacks any personality traits that everyone should aspire to.

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However, there is a certain admirable quality about Katherine’s ability to survive, her ability to run circles around the most powerful supernatural person on the planet, and her abject unwillingness to succumb to death. If only Katherine had used all of that motivation for something a bit better.

12 Matt Donovan

Matt Donovan may deal with much less extreme stressors than most other members of the Mystic Falls gang, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he’s accomplished a lot in his life.

Even putting aside the fact that he’s survived the supernatural world, just the fact that he managed to work his way up from an unstable upbringing and become one of the most important members of his community is huge. Matt is a poignant reminder that sometimes human victories are as valuable as supernatural ones.

11 Elijah Mikaelson

Elijah Mikaelson really made a name for himself as the honorable Original. While he could be sneaky and underhanded, he had a personal code that he adhered to no matter what. And considering how long Elijah has been alive, it’s really extraordinary that he stuck to his own rules.

When vampirism and eternal life naturally isolates immortals from their past selves and sense of morality, it’s truly exceptional to see someone who is utterly committed to their own beliefs, even if there isn’t anything they can gain from them.

10 Jeremy Gilbert

For the beginning portion of his character arc, Jeremy was an out-of-control teenager who understandably couldn’t handle the trauma he was facing very well. But after a few speed bumps, he really came into his own and rose to the occasion when he had to.

Becoming a Hunter may have been his destiny, but that duty fit him like a glove, and most importantly, when destiny called, he didn’t run from it. Most people couldn’t face mortal danger so bravely.

9 Caroline Forbes

Much like Jeremy, Caroline is one of the rare people who became a better person when they were forced to deal with the dangers of the supernatural world as well as the transformation from an average human to a vampire.

But the difference between Caroline at the start of the series and the end is night and day, and she truly became the person that she always wanted to be. Somehow, Caroline managed to take something that would destroy most people’s lives and actually become better because of it.

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8 Klaus Mikaelson

Klaus may be one of the best villains in The Vampire Diaries rogue’s gallery, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have his great qualities as well. There are many things that make Klaus compelling, but what is truly inspiring about him is his scope of vision and his indomitable force of will.

While most supernatural creatures are content to just live their immortal lives, Klaus wants to create something bigger for himself. And when Klaus is truly determined to do something, nothing will stop him from accomplishing that in the end.

7 Tyler Lockwood

Most of the characters weren’t their best selves at the start of The Vampire Diaries, but Tyler Lockwood seemed to be a legitimately terrible person at the start of his character arc.

So, it’s extremely inspiring that he not only managed to turn things around and stop being such a nightmare, but he actually started looking outside himself and went out of his way to help other people. His hybrid liberation plan went about as bad as it could have, but he still risked it all in the hopes that the people around him could be free.

6 Alaric Saltzman

Alaric Saltzman was just an average guy who got pulled into the dangerous supernatural world by his wife Isobel, but it’s incredibly impressive how much lemonade he managed to make out of those lemons.

When he was looking to avenge the woman he believed was dead, he didn’t hesitate to become a vampire hunter despite his lack of superpowers, and ever since he’s always been the type to get back up and keep fighting harder every time the world knocked him down.

5 Enzo St. John

Every character in The Vampire Diaries has lost something throughout their character arc, but Enzo truly redefined the term “suffering”. He spent decades being imprisoned and tortured, and his best friend Damon literally left him to die.

However, what makes Enzo so incredibly inspiring is that he never gave up his humanity and never surrendered to the Augustines. Given how many of the characters have embraced their violent vampire selves over much less, Enzo’s determination, hopefulness, and self-control are astounding.

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4 Bonnie Bennett

Some characters have to go through growing pains and redemption arcs in order to become their best selves, but what’s impressive about Bonnie is that she’s always been an amazing person and just got stronger as time went on.

She was always looking out for the innocent as soon as she knew she was a witch, and she was not only the constant savior of her friends, but Mystic Falls likely wouldn’t even exist now if it weren’t for her.

3 Elena Gilbert

Elena wasn’t always a perfect person, but one thing that can be said for her is that she always tried.

She made a lot of mistakes and didn’t always live up to her own ideals, but what makes her character even more inspirational is that she coped with so many nightmarish things amd made bad choices, but she ultimately decided to be a better person. By the end of her arc, she was exactly who she wanted to be all along.

2 Stefan Salvatore

Stefan Salvatore was always considered to be the good Salvatore brother, but with this family history, that isn’t saying much.

Stefan spent almost his entire vampire life struggling to be better than he was, but no matter what happened, he truly never gave up on himself or his own goals. Up until his literal dying day, he didn’t give up on hope for himself or Damon.

1 Damon Salvatore

At the start of The Vampire Diaries, Damon Salvatore was a terrible man doing terrible things. Out of all the characters who had gone down dark paths, Damon really had the furthest to climb if he ever wanted to become a better man.

But throughout his character arc, he did just that. He became someone worthy of the love that Elena and Stefan had for him, which was really all he ever wanted. His character demonstrates that it’s truly never too late to change.

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