In Age of Empires IV, end-game units can turn the tides of battle, and the War Elephants are the perfect example of this power. They are the most impactful end-game military unit, and there are both melee and ranged variants of them. They are available only to Age of Empires IV‘s Abbasid Dynasty and are one of the primary reasons the Abbasid are competitive in the late game against more military-focused civilizations.

One of the reasons why the elephants are so strong is that they aren’t countered by Camel Riders the way that other strong cavalry units are. This is a major contrast to the French Heavy Cavalry units in Age of Empires IV, which also pack a massive punch, but struggle against the Camel Riders that are meant to neutralize them. The drawback to elephants is that they take a lot of resources and time to create, meaning that it is hard to amass a large number of them without enemy civilizations noticing.


In that primary weakness lies the key to countering the War Elephants: Numbers. While there are units that are especially good at dispatching them, the key is for players to scout the Abbasid consistently and ramp up unit production once elephants start being produced. The Abbasid in AoE IV typically use their ability to make these units as a go-ahead to start getting more aggressive in combat. So, players battling against them should use it as a sign to build up their defensive forces; since producing the elephants takes a lot of time, it gives opponents plenty of room to prepare.

How to Counter Elephants in Age of Empires IV

The two-unit types that players should focus on developing in response to elephants are hand cannoneers and spearmen. Hand cannoneers/Streltsy are incredibly strong damage dealers to troops, but not so much against buildings. Elephants are one of the few units that allow large groups of hand cannoneers (or The Streltsy for Age of Empires IV’s Rus Civilization) to show the extent of their offensive power, as they can quickly shoot down an elephant in large numbers. Spearmen are a no-brainer, as they are the staple for countering any sort of cavalry. Since elephants can have ranged units on them, spearmen alone aren’t very useful against them, but they serve as a great frontline to slow down elephants and draw their attention while hand cannoneers take them out from range.

Another way to deal with War Elephants is with siege engines. Elephants have a significant health pool but ranged siege engines like Age of EmpiresIV’s trebuchets, and cannons are more than potent enough to take them out with ease. This is more of a defensive strategy, but it can still be used offensively if players intelligently place their spearmen to distract and pin down elephants in one location for the siege engines to target.

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Age of Empires IV is available on PC.

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