Allison Argent didn’t survive the majority of Teen Wolf‘s run on MTV, but she clearly made a very strong impression on Teen Wolf fans and viewers alike. Allison was the female lead of the show up until her untimely death, and even though the series moved on after her death she was one of the most beloved characters in the history of the show up until the very end.

But whether or not you consider yourself as a causal watcher of Teen Wolf or a hardcore fan, there are undoubtedly some tidbits about Allison Argent’s character that you never noticed or never knew about. Allison was one tough cookie and her character had a lot of development over the course of her tenure on the show, but here are 10 little bits of trivia that you undoubtedly never knew about Teen Wolf‘s Allison Argent.

10 Allison Was The Leader Of The Argents

The Argent family is a legendary squad of hunters who are some of history’s best killers of supernatural beings, and they have a lot of rules that enabled them to survive and thrive in their dangerous line of work.

An important element of Argent family law is that their family is matriarchal, and the current matriarch of the family has the final say on what goes. After the death of Allison’s mom as well as Kate Argent, Allison is the only Argent woman left, meaning she was in charge of the entire family when she was still a teen.

9 She Changed The Course Of Her Family’s History

Ever since the Argent family began hunting supernatural entities across the globe, they have obeyed a few simple rules to survive and thrive. One key rule is that they would hunt those who hunted them.

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That’s why they never attacked a supernatural creature unless they were certain it was a threat, but why they often times wound up killing supernatural beings that didn’t even understand what they were or what was happening. Allison changed all that though. She decided that the new mantra for the Argent family would be that they protected those who cannot protect themselves instead.


8 She Spent Her Life Training For A Duty She Knew Nothing About

Although Allison seemed poised to eventually become the leader of the Argent hunting clan, her family decided to keep her out of the family business for as long as possible. That was the choice that they made, for better or worse, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t prepare Allison for the duties she inherited.

Allison’s childhood hobbies and extracurricular activities were all things that preparing her for what she’d have to do once she became a hunter. Even if she wasn’t aware of it she was given  the tools that she needed to become very good at it.

7 She May Have Been Psychic

Allison’s shocking death left a lot of plot threads and character development without conclusions.Teen Wolf fans know of all of the gaping holes that Allison’s absence created in Beacon Hills, but there was one tidbit that was never addressed which was still a very interesting possible twist.

Allison (along with Scott and Stiles) participated in a mock ritual sacrifice to gain some insight into the Darach, and like everyone else, Allison is changed by the experience. Afterwards she hallucinates her presumed dead aunt Kate as a werewolf, which ultimately wound up being something that happened without anyone’s knowledge.

6 Beacon Hills Was More Of A Home To Her Than Anywhere Else

As an unknowing member of one of the most skilled and dangerous werewolf hunting families in the world, Allison spent a lot of time moving around. The elder Argents were clearly doing to hunt supernatural beings, but that meant Allison came along and rarely spent a significant amount of time in one place.

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Beacon Hills was a literal beacon for the supernatural, meaning the Argents stuck around for an unusually long time and Allison actually established a personal life there, making Beacon Hills more of a home to her than any of other places she had briefly lived.

5 She Was A Nationally Ranked Archer

Allison Argent is a girl with many skills that would seem like a bizarre hodgepodge to any normal person. These, however, are pretty clearly great talents to have if you’re a professional werewolf hunter. Allison’s most memorable, distinct, and useful skill has got to be her abilities as an archer.

Her skills with a bow and arrow could certainly rival Katniss Everdeen, and those abilities have saved her and the rest of the McCall pack from some seriously dangerous situations. But Allison wasn’t just good with a bow and arrow, she was actually nationally ranked in archery for her skills.

4 She Was A Year Older Than Her Classmates

This tidbit about Allison is very easy to miss because it was something that she herself went to great pains to hide from pretty much everyone around her. Allison eventually fesses up to Scott that she’s a year older than everyone else in their grade.

She tells him that it’s a particular point of shame for her because she thinks anyone who finds out will assume that she was held back a grade. In reality, she just moved around so much that she eventually fell behind in terms of grade levels.

3 She Helped Scott Manage His Powers Without Even Knowing It

Transforming into a werewolf is deeply connected to the emotional state of said werewolf, and having something calming to keep Scott on an even keel was essential. And little did Allison know, she was that calming presence in his life.

2 She Was An Excellent Gymnast

Allison’s most memorable physical skill were her abilities with a bow and arrow, but that was far from her only talent. She may not have been nationally ranked in it, but Allison was also a very experienced and skilled gymnast.

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It’s safe to assume that she may have inherited a physical gift for it considering her exceptional lineage, but her parents undoubtedly encouraged her to excel at it and continue to study it because it’s something that can obviously come in handy when fighting supernatural beings. And it certainly did prove useful for Allison in a lot of situations.

1 She Did The Near Impossible By Killing An Oni

In case it wasn’t already incredibly clear by now, Allison was an extraordinary archer and hunter. However, like many hunters, Allison’s luck ran out. tragically cutting her life short. But in the face off with the Oni that killed her, Allison achieved the near impossible by actually killing it in the confrontation.

These Japanese demons have been described as literal forces of nature that can barely be endured let alone fought. Most people who have come face to face with them have barely survived, let alone managed to hurt or kill one.

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