Ted Lasso has quickly become one of the most likable television characters around. However, it is hard not to draw comparisons between Ted and another sitcom icon. As Homer’s neighbor on The Simpsons, Ned Flanders is another overly nice mustachioed man who even shares a similar first name with Ted.

It is guaranteed both Ted and Ned would become fast friends if their paths were to ever cross. But which of these pleasant gentlemen is the most neighborly? They both strive for friendliness and helpfulness with everyone they meet, but one might do it better than the other.


Ted Lasso:

Tries His Best With Everyone

Ted is someone who is immediately willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. With each new person he meets, he just assumes they are going to be a decent and caring person and treats them as such. Even when they push back on his niceness, Ted does not relent.

With characters like Roy and Jamie, they wanted so badly to dislike Ted, but he continued to do his best to access their good side and it eventually led to them caving and accepting his friendship, albeit quite reluctantly.

Less Judgemental

Though Ned might meet every situation with a smiling face, he can also be quick to judge others. As a deeply religious person, he is not shy about pointing out sinners and condemning them. Ted Lasso has no such conditions for his kindness.

Ted is incredibly open in his beliefs and accepting of just about anyone else’s opinions so long as they are not hurtful to others. In fact, he would likely try to teach Ned a thing or two about tolerance.

Doesn’t Hold Grudges

Much like Ned, Ted’s kind persona might make him a target for certain immoral people. However, he is also so nice that these people usually end up feeling bad about it while Ted just continues being himself and forgives them.

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When Rebecca confesses to hiring Ted in an attempt to sabotage the team, Ted immediately forgives her and acknowledges that she has been through a lot. When Nate betrays him, he still tries to make him feel like part of the team. It seems as though Ted is incapable of holding onto anger.

Seeks To Be Better

One of the things that is so amazing about Ted Lasso is that, even though he is such a good-hearted person, he is always looking for ways to be better. He is never arrogant enough to assume he has the right answers.

He takes on a position where he knows he is out of his element but dedicates himself to learning. When Nate is angry with him, Ted’s response is not to attack how Nate feels, but rather to ask, “What have I got to learn here?”

Inspires The Best In Others

Despite the fact that Ted might not have been the most qualified coach for a soccer team, he did end up bringing something special to the position. His positive attitude and winning personality gradually won over those around him and inspired the soccer players on and off the field.

He helped others find something in themselves that they didn’t even realize was there. He taught his team to work together, how to have hope, and how to be better people.

Ned Flanders:

Puts Up With A Lot

Though Ned could be perceived as an annoying neighbor, he has to deal with a lot worse. Living next door to Homer Simpson would have been a constant nightmare, especially as Homer would go out of his way to make Ned’s life worse and push his issues into Ned’s lap.

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Of course, there was never a moment in which Ned took any issue with this mistreatment or with Homer’s dangerous and destructive antics. He always accepted it with a smile and his signature friendliness. There were rare moments where Homer would get to Ned, but he was always mature enough to apologize quickly.

Lets Homer Steal His Stuff

It could be argued that Ned’s niceness can make him a bit of a pushover, especially when it comes to Homer. Despite Homer constantly being mean to Ned, he also borrows things from his neighbor, often without asking, and rarely returns them.

From using his RV to rescue the lemon tree to turning his car into a snowplow during a blizzard, Homer also uses Ned’s stuff recklessly, never caring when they get damaged. And while Ned might question it at times, he never says ‘no.’

He Holds In His Anger

Ted might be charming because he doesn’t let other people bother him, but Ned is even more impressive because he is bothered but doesn’t let it show. In one episode when the incompetent people of Springfield really get on his nerves, Ned unleashes a furious rant, finally letting everyone know what he really thinks of them.

While it might seem like a rare moment of Ned being unkind, it is clear that he has thought about this for a long time. The fact that he would have these harsh opinions yet still treat everyone with endless kindness is pretty special.

Looks Out For The Simpson Children

Even though the Simpson family has always been cruel to Ned, he is nevertheless always there to lend a helping hand. This is especially true of the Simpson children as he often shows them more kindness than Homer ever has.

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When child services take the kids from Homer and Marge, Ned takes them in and gives them a loving home when needed. In The Simpson’s Movie, Ned is there for Bart when he feels let down by Homer and gives him the kind of support he is craving from his father.

Strong In The Face Of Adversity

Both Ned and Ted show that they are able to stand up to very difficult situations in their lives and come through it as better people. However, Ned has certainly gone through more adversity over the course of the series.

From losing his store to losing his home to losing his wife, tragedy is no stranger to Ned. There are times when these terrible things cause him to lose faith or become angry, but it is always temporary. He never lets these things make him bitter and continues to help others around him.

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