WARNING: Spoilers for the season 1 finale of Peacemaker 

The DCEU series Peacemaker delivered a wild and violent superhero adventure for fans to enjoy. But since it is made by James Gunn, it should come as no surprise that it is also one of the funniest shows on television right now.

John Cena’s titular vigilante already proved himself to be a hilariously warped character in The Suicide Squad and that sense of humor is explored even more in his own show. He is also joined by some even odder characters and plenty of darkly comedic moments. As fans wait for season 2, they can look back at the laugh-out-loud lines from Peacemaker‘s first season.

10 Peacemaker’s War Cry

Peacemaker: “Eat Peace, Motherf***ers!”

One of the defining things about Peacemaker as a character is how he combines his desire to achieve peace with his incredibly violent behavior. As he says in The Suicide Squad, he is willing to kill anyone to get peace and that contradictory way of thinking continues here.

While the show explores this in some serious ways, it is also funny to see how oblivious Peacemaker can be to the juxtaposition. He even uses peace as a battle cry while throwing a bomb at a bunch of villains and blowing them up.

9 Peacemaker’s Reliable Sources

Peacemaker: “I Refuse To Believe That @Pepethefrog89 Is Lying To Me For No Reason.”

One of the funniest running gags in the show is Peacemaker making outrageous and vulgar claims about the private lives of some of the DCEU’s most famous heroes. This includes a rumor about Aquaman and his relationship with fish.

However, it is also funny how the show makes Peacemaker the kind of person who finds such things on the internet and immediately accepts them as fact. When questioned about the rumor, he sees it as more likely that it is true than that some random Twitter user would make it up.


8 Knowing When To Quit

Vigilante: “No, No, F*** This! No Way, It’s Over! You Won! Fair Fight I Got To Go!”

James Gunn has a talent for taking things that fans have seen done in movies countless times before and introducing a new yet obvious way of approaching it. This can be seen hilariously done as Vigilante and Peacemaker battle Judomaster.

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Despite his size, Judomaster proves to be a very skilled fighter who delivers quite a beating to the heroes. Seeing how much better Judomaster is, Vigilante does the sane thing and simply tries to walk away from the fight.

7 The Prime Suspect

Fitzgibbon: “This Is Going To Sound Weird But I Think Locke Was Just Describing The F***Ing Hamburglar.”

Apart from Peacemaker himself, there are a number of characters on the show who seem more than a little unhinged. One of the most frightening among them is Locke, a covert operative who is hired to infiltrate the police department.

However, Locke seems to have more fun killing people than being the mole and doesn’t even try to be convincing. After killing some of the officers, Locke gives a description of the suspect which Fitzgibbon immediately recognizes as a MacDonald’s mascot.

6 Peacemaker Gives Economos Some New Names

Peacemaker: “Shut The F*** Up And Listen, Man. I’m Giving You A List Of People You Could Have Done.”

Despite the high stakes of saving the world, the show is never afraid to go on a strange comedic tangent. Perhaps the most epic one comes after Economos frames Peacemaker’s father and Peacemaker makes his anger known.

In a hilariously extended tirade, Peacemaker berates Economos a seemingly endless list of names, from Ariana Grande to Optimus Prime, as people he could have chosen off the top of his head rather than Peacemaker’s own father.

5 Vigilante Picks A Fight With The Racists

Vigilante: “Let’s Each Say Something We’re Grateful For That Black People Have Contributed To American Culture.”

Vigilante is another character who has a very warped view of what is right and what is wrong. But while his outlook can be disturbing at times, he does seem to recognize the really bad guys, such as Auggie and his Nazi friends.

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After getting himself locked in prison, Vigilante picks a fight with the neo-Nazis in a hilarious way. Along with making these goons angry enough to attack him, Vigilante also gets the throw their racist beliefs right back in their faces.

4 Losing A Pinky Toe

Vigilante: “It’s The Most Important Toe On The Human Body.”

Another of James Gunn’s signatures in his works is the dark humor. He can place an audience in an extremely intense and even gruesome situation yet still make them laugh. After Peacemaker and Vigilante are captured by Judomaster, Vigilante is subjected to some brutal torture.

While Peacemaker is unwilling to give up any information, Vigilante is more concerned with the pain. After being threatened with cutting off his pinky toe, Vigilante stresses the small toe’s importance. It’s easy to feel sorry for him at this moment, but he is also still very goofy.

3 Batman’s Flawed Rule

Auggie’s Neighbor: “Batman Doesn’t Kill People.” Peacemaker: “Because He’s A P****!”

Seeing a character like Peacemaker in the DCEU gives the show a chance to comment on the larger-than-life heroes in this universe from the perspective of such an eccentric character. But in some cases, Peacemaker’s views make more sense than expected.

When confronted by his father’s neighbor, the man claims Peacemaker is not a hero because he kills people, unlike Batman. But Peacemaker points out how flawed it is that Batman keeps arresting a criminal like Joker who continuously breaks out of prison and kills countless people.

2 Peacemaker Growth

Vigilante: “Now Suddenly, You’ve Got This Weird New-Age Belief That All Life Is Sacred!”

While Peacemaker gradually comes to terms with the evil he has done and the wrongness of his methods, Vigilante has no such transformation. He is a friendly and even kind person to those close to him, but he also doesn’t really see killing as that big of a deal.

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In fact, when he finds that Peacemaker is starting to question his own violent ways, Vigilante is disappointed. It is darkly amusing how he views not murdering people as some ultra-progressive idea and is genuinely bummed out by Peacemaker’s growth.

1 The Justice League Shows Up

Peacemaker: “You’re Late, You F***ing D***heads!”

As exciting as the cinematic universe of heroes can be, it does present a challenge for these world-saving missions. Every time there is a global threat, fans wonder why the Avengers or Justice League aren’t helping out. Well, James Gunn addressed this in a hilarious way in the finale.

After defeating the butterflies and stopping their global takeover, Peacemaker and his team come outside to see the Justice League show up to help out. As he walks past them, Peacemaker dismisses the superhero team before insulting Aquaman further.

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