Will & Grace is known for providing audiences with fast-paced comedy and smart one-liners. The character of Karen Walker, played by Karen Mullally, contributed to Will & Grace‘s funniest episodes by delivering classic lines infused with her sharp, cynical sense of humor.

In a way, it’s just like she says, “Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to be sarcastic.” Fans can agree that Karen has effectively no tact but is just the perfect amount of witty, making her one of the show’s most beloved characters. It’s with her sarcastic tone and pitch-perfect delivery that Karen kept audiences laughing across all of Will & Grace‘s many seasons.


Karen On Her Love For Drinking

“I Guess What I’m Trying To Say Is: I Love To Drink!”

Saying that Karen loves alcohol would be an understatement. The fact that she apparently drinks at all hours of every day, keeping her in a drunk state, helps to enhance the comedy of her character. The sentiment behind this quote is actually quite supportive and sweet. She says: “If you ever need someone to drink with, I’ll drink with you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll drink with you.”

Even though this shows Karen’s love of drinking comes before anything else, it also lets her friends know that if there’s alcohol involved, she will always be around. And by Karen’s standards, that could be considered a very nice thing to say.

Karen On Her Work Ethic

“Sorry I’m Late But I Got Here As Soon As I Wanted To.”

One of Karen’s main personality traits is how lazy she is regarding her work. As Grace’s assistant, she barely manages to answer a phone call. This may well be due to the fact that she technically doesn’t need to work since she’s already a millionaire.

This quote shows how unapologetic Karen is about her tardiness and commitment towards Grace Adler Designs. In another episode, she apologizes for being late to then quickly correct, “That sounded insincere. I’m late.” This is another demonstration of how not sorry Karen is and it’s this unapologetic attitude that makes her a fan favorite.

Karen On Her Moral Standards

“I Will Not Have Sex For Money! I Only Have Sex For Jewels, Furs, Or Mixed Securities, Like A Lady.”

As well as being a funny quip, this one-liner represents how split Karen’s worldview actually is. In this scene, she gets confused for a hooker by a man called Lionel Banks. Her response to that insinuation is: “As much as I am flattered by that, I’m afraid I have to disappoint you.”

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The duality of Karen’s personality is being quite a sexually open-minded person while still maintaining her conservative persona. At the same time, she doesn’t shy away from who she is, and her love of shiny things and material objects also represents her frivolous outlook on life.

Karen On Apologizing

“The Only Other Person I’ve Apologized To Is My Mother And That Was Court-Ordered.”

This quote embodies Karen’s stubbornness. There are very few moments on the show where Karen directly admits she did something wrong. In this episode, Jack and Karen are mad at each other due to Jack’s divorce from Rosario. Still, Karen enters the room and proclaims, “Hey, guess what, good news! We’re not mad at each other anymore because I’ve forgiven you!”

Sadly for Karen, Jack was not ready to forgive her, saying that his emotions are much more complex. This prompts the revealing one-liner, giving audiences a glimpse into Karen’s past life. The fact that she was ready to forgive Jack and not her own mother proves just how much she loves having him around in her life.

Karen On Her Distaste For Public Pools

“I Can’t Believe I’m At A Public Pool. Why Doesn’t Somebody Just Pee Directly On Me?”

One important thing to remember about Karen is that she’s not like a regular person. She’s rich and fabulous and acts accordingly 100% of the time. This is why putting Karen in a place as common as a public pool makes for an ideal opportunity for her to verbally show her disgust.

Moreover, Karen shows up at her stepson Mason’s swim meet with a bloody mary in hand, high heels, and a classic brown fur coat. This makes Karen look even more out of context and also sends the loud message that she clearly doesn’t belong there.

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Karen On Stan’s Mistress

“I’ve Never Seen Trash Take Itself Out.”

This quote is the reason Karen is one of the best parts of Will & Grace; audiences can always count on her for a sassy and creative comeback. In this case, the receiver of the insult was Lorraine Finster, Stan’s mistress, played by Minnie Driver. The idea that Lorrine is “trash” is reinforced by Karen  saying: “She seems to have a talent for stealing jewelry, even while other people are still wearing it.”

Karen and Lorraine’s rivalry and love for Stan make their interactions a highlight of the show, and fans even got to see them together again in the revival at Rosario’s funeral.

Karen On Jack

“You’re As Gay As A Clutch Purse On Tony Night.”

One thing Karen has always been really good at is keeping it real. Whether she’s talking about Grace’s puffy hair or Will’s romantic life, honesty seems to be something she values. So, when Jack tells her he’s auditioning to play a straight character for work, Karen voices her opinion in a way only Karen can: passive-aggressively.

Karen goes on to say, “You fell out of the gay tree, hitting every gay branch on the way down.” Although Karen was known to take humorous jabs at Jack, and some of Will & Grace‘s jokes have aged poorly, this quote is also a great example of how progressive Will & Grace was for its time by portraying being gay in a proud and positive light.

Karen Giving Advice

“Let Me Just Boil All This Hoo-Ha Down To Two Important Points. One: Brown Is Over. And Two: You Need To Get A Life.”

Karen’s advice might usually be rude and harsh, but it’s also usually right. When Will starts freaking out over Grace’s relationship with her ex-fiancé Danny, Karen’s patience reaches a limit.

In a swift sentence, she shuts Will up and teaches him to let go and relax, as well as including a little bit of fashion wisdom in the middle. This quote also displays the nature of Karen and Will’s relationship. Even though Karen and Jack are best friends, Karen and Will build a friendship, showing up for each other whilst still managing to get in the jibes.

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Karen On Jack Saying Rosario Is Just A Maid

“That’s Like Saying Pradas Are Just Shoes Or Vodka Is Just A Morning Beverage.”

It’s safe to say Karen and Rosario have a complicated relationship, but they form one of the best friendships in Will & Grace. Even though they insult each other constantly, in various episodes audiences get to see what’s hidden behind the apparent hatred and contempt. This quote represents just how much Rosario means to Karen, in her own unique way.

In the episode, Karen’s about to lose Rosario forever, and that’s when she admits, “There goes my world, there goes my everything.” Here it’s revealed that Rosario is not just a maid to Karen but also a friend, and Karen expresses her affection through fashion and alcohol, the two languages she understands.

Karen Being Supportive

“I Just Meant That People Don’t Like Having Sex With You, Ok?”

This quote reflects Karen’s views on Grace and the relationship Karen has with her.  In the episode, Grace asks Karen for sex advice before stating: “I want to ask you something, but it’s really personal, and I’m afraid you’re gonna be insensitive.” Of course, Karen didn’t listen, which prompted this insensitive one-liner.

Having said that, Karen did end up giving Grace some sage advice and motivated her to work hard and “exercise.” Whether she’s helping Jack, Grace, or Will, Karen’s frankness is what keeps her always one step ahead of everybody.

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