In The Godfather, the Corleone family was one of the major organized crime factions operating in New York City and later Nevada. Formed by Vito Corleone and operating under the cover of the Genco Olive Oil Company, the family would grow to become the most powerful mafia outfit in the whole of America.

The Corleone family had no shortage of formidable members. Some of these were “made guys” that had been absorbed after they proved to have the nerve to navigate New York’s underworld. Others were Vito’s sons who had grown up in the mob and had no option but to be part of it. However, not every member of the family was likable.

11 Paulie Gatto

Clemenza’s right-hand man committed a cardinal sin by betraying the family and working with the narcotics dealer Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo. He tried to cover his treachery by communicating using payphones, but phone company employees were under the family’s payroll so they outed him to the Don. Consequently, he was executed.

There’s little to like about Paulie because he had a good thing going and he blew it. There was no reason for him to turn on the family because he wasn’t cash strapped. His mentor, Clemenza, even allowed him to supplement his wages with stick-ups, something that was against the rules of the family. He also had extra income from his gig as Vito’s driver. Still, he became infected by greed and when it came time for him to pay, there were no protests.

10 Luca Brasi

There are a number of movies that have referenced The Godfather and most of them include the phrase “Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.” Brasi slept with the fishes (got killed and had his body dumped in the water) but before that, he was Vito’s trusted enforcer, bringing terror to the streets of New York.

Even though Brasi did a few commendable things, such as killing two hitmen sent by Al Capone to whack Vito, he was mostly loathsome. His penchant for acting violently towards his wife made it impossible to sympathize with him, and his execution methods were also considered over-the-top and grotesque.


9 Fredo

Often seen as the weakest of the Corleone siblings, Fredo was always given low-profile tasks. His disgruntlement led him to betray Michael to Don Vincent “The Jew” Forlenza and Hyman Roth’s right-hand man Johnny Ola.

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Every fan likely nods in agreement whenever Michael describes Fredo as gullible and weak. Nothing he ever did was impressive. Even warfare was a complex concept for him and this was best seen when he struggled to pull out his gun during the first attempt on his father’s life. For a mobster, his pride was surprisingly non-existent, best seen when he allowed Moe Greene to slap him around in front of everyone.

8 Rocco

Rocco The Executioner memorably took the lives of the turncoat Paulie Gatto and Don Tattaglia. Before his death, he also shot a major Corleone family enemy, Herman Roth.

Rocco was far from bright, but his involvement in the action scenes helped boost the entertainment value of the trilogy. As a member of the Corleone family hit squad, he helped get rid of foes on the regular and bring about a sense of peace. His rise up the family felt deserved, unlike Fredo, who was hurtled to the top by nepotism.

7 Albert “Al” Neri

Beginning his career as a New York City policeman, Al found law enforcement to be boring, so he switched to lawbreaking. His most memorable hit was that of the corrupt Archbishop Gilday at the Vatican grounds.

Unlike Rocco, Al was both brains and muscle. He evinced his intelligence by donning his old police uniform in order to get close to Barzini and kill him. Al was at the peak of his intelligence during his Nevada days. With ease, he manipulated several influential people, such as Meyer Kingsman and Senator Pat Geary, into doing the Corleone family’s bidding.

6 Vincent Mancini

The illegitimate son of Sonny and Lucy Mancini was born shortly after his father’s death, hence he came to see Michael as a father figure. Vito would go on to succeed Michael as boss of the Corleone family.

Vicent’s character development was admirable. He started out as arrogant and temperamental but morphed into a pragmatic mobster under Michael’s tutelage. His bravery awed everyone too. He was willing to shield Michael from bullets with his own body when Zoey Zasa attacked an ongoing Commission meeting. His loyalty was even bigger when he broke up with Michael’s daughter, Mary, to please the boss, despite Mary urging him to run away with her.

5 Tom Hagen

The Consigliere was the odd-one-out in the family because he wasn’t an Italian-American. He had been taken in after Sonny implored Vito to adopt him. Hagen was so trusted that Tony appointed him as Acting Don for a short while after the attempt on his life.

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There were many reasons to love Hagen. As a trained lawyer, he helped keep members of the Corleone Crime Family out of jail by making deals with judges. Thanks to him, there were hardly any prison scenes. Hagen also knew his place. He stuck to advising the Don and getting family members out of trouble. He never meddled too much in family affairs and his diplomacy skills also helped prevent unnecessary wars with rival families.

4 Sonny

The eldest of the Corleone siblings was the typical mobster — impulsive and violent. He expressed interest in his father’s business at an early age and took over city block after city block with so much ease that he was compared to conquerors of the old.

Sonny’s love for family was laudable. He looked out for Michael and his sister Connie and after Carlo assaulted Connie, Sonny went mixed martial arts on him. It was after Sonny’s death that his importance was truly felt, both in the eyes of viewers and in the Corleone Crime Family. In what would be one of the saddest scenes in The Godfather, a tough Vito Corleone would cry for the first time in his life after learning about Sonny’s execution.

3 Clemenza

No one was more loyal to the Corleone Crime Family than the first capo, Clemenza. Among his most iconic scenes was when he had the traitor Paulie executed and when he trained Michael on how to whack Sollozzo and McCluskey.

Clemenza was likable because he carried with him all the old school mob tropes. He wore fedora hats, long coats, and oversized pants. He was also quite humorous. Clemenza’s best quotes were also some of the best in the trilogy in general. He was brave too, demonstrated by how excited he was about the pending war with the rival New York families.

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2 Michael Corleone

Michael’s feats have never been replicated either in other fictional tales or in real life. Taking down the bosses of five rival families all at once is something that future generations would still be in awe about. Most importantly, later in his life, he turned the family into a legitimate enterprise.

Michael would have been the best if only he didn’t have a father that was too perfect. He had plenty of flaws, such as being a poor lover and husband and being blinded by religion to the point he was manipulated by Archbishop Gilday, but as a mob boss, he was the gold standard by which future organized crime leaders would be measured.

1 Vito Corleone

Thanks to his forays into the olive oil and alcohol smuggling businesses during the Prohibition Era, Vito turned the Corleone Crime Family from just a street gang to one of the biggest organized crime factions in America.

Vito sits at the top of the list because he was very different from the stereotypical mafia Don. He was soft-spoken and composed at all times and there were never any bursts of anger, as seen with many other movie crime bosses. He was generous and devoted to his family and loved ones, and the fact that he rose from nothing (a poor immigrant) to something (a wealthy Don) is also something worthy of endless applause.

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