Given how many alien species are present in the Mass Effect series, it can at times be difficult to pin down exactly how old Shepard’s companions are. The asari and krogan, for instance, live far longer than humans and have different standards when it comes to maturity. Fortunately, there’s quite a bit of information out there to help figure out approximately how old Mass Effect 1‘s characters are.

The Mass Effect 1 companions in particular got renewed focus recently when BioWare revealed several statistics from Mass Effect Legendary Edition players, detailing everything from which gender they preferred to play as to how many of them saved the rachni queen. Among these numbers was information regarding who Mass Effect‘s most popular companion is, as well as the overall percentage that saved Ashley over Kaidan on Virmire.


Given that most of Shepard’s Mass Effect 1 crew reappear in later games either as companions or simply as major parts of the series, such as Wrex given that he survives the confrontation on Virmire, many of them have been significantly fleshed out over the course of the series. This doesn’t just apply to broad pieces of lore: quite a few more specific details have been revealed for much of Mass Effect 1‘s Normandy crew members, and in some cases that even includes their exact birthdays.

What Mass Effect’s Codex Reveals About Shepard’s Squad

Many of the canon ages of Mass Effect‘s characters are listed either in the game’s codex entries or appeared on BioWare’s website when the game first launched. Others were revealed gradually by developers of the series. For example, Patrick Weekes, a writer at BioWare, posted Garrus’ approximate age on his Twitter account.

  • Commander Shepard is 29 at the start of Mass Effect 1, and furthermore has a canonical birthday per Christina Norman: April 11, 2154.
  • Ashley Williams is 25, born on April 14th, 2158.
  • Kaidan Alenko is the oldest of the human companions at 32, born in 2151.
  • Garrus Vakarian is 2-4 years younger than Shepard, making him anywhere from 25 to 27. Turians, like quarians, have a lifespan comparable to that of humans.
  • Tali’Zorah nar Rayya is 22 in Mass Effect 1, born in 2161.
  • Liara T’soni was born in 2077, which would make her 106 at the start of ME1. Due to how long Mass Effect‘s asari live, however, she states this makes her comparable to little more than a child in the eyes of her people, meaning her age is likely comparable to that of Tali.
  • Although Wrex has no specific age, he’s the oldest of the ME1 crewmates by a significant margin. The games confirm that he was at least around at the time of the krogan rebellions, making him likely anywhere from 1000 to 1500 years old.

It’s possible that more specific ages and even additional birthdays could be revealed in the future, particularly if the upcoming Mass Effect 4 does return to the series’ original timeline and revisits some of Shepard’s former companions, or at least the ones who live long enough to appear in ME4. For the time being, however, the information BioWare has provided still provides significant insight into many of Mass Effect‘s characters.

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Source: Patrick Weekes, Christina Norman,

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