All the characters on The Office were incredibly important to this iconic series, including the underrated Kevin Malone. Kevin Malone was a hilarious addition to the cast of this show, and his commentary, clueless nature, and inappropriate opinions often led to some pretty interesting scenarios.

This character is known for many things and is definitely deeply missed by devoted fans of this comedy. This character had some famously funny moments, like the time he spilled his chili, which is a fan-favorite moment from this show! Keep reading to see 10 Kevin Malone memes that any fan of this show will find laughable!

10 A Quiet Place

This meme is the perfect comparison between one of Kevin’s most famous lines and a project outside this series. Every devoted fan knows that the actor who played Jim Halpert created a movie called A Quiet Place. One of Kevin’s most hilarious moments on this show was when he decided to limit how many words he spoke in order to save time, which proved to be so amusing. This meme jokes about the relation between these two projects and it is definitely quite funny. Any fan will find this one laughable!

9 His Math Skills

Although Kevin worked in the accounting department of Dunder Mifflin, it became apparent throughout the series that he was actually not that skilled when it came to math, which was part of what made his character and the different situations he found himself in so funny. This meme perfectly captures his skills, relating them to the current chaos of quarantine! This meme is seriously too relatable and points out Kevin’s flaws hilariously.


8 Booze Cruise

The episode of this series during which the office goes on a booze cruise in the middle of winter was entertaining for so many reasons. This meme points out one of the more subtle moments in this episode which is actually hilarious in its own way.

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This meme shows Kevin Malone slyly packing condoms on the booze cruise, which is so predictable for this character and any dedicated fan will definitely agree!

7 2020

The meme shown here is an incredibly funny and accurate comparison to one of Kevin’s most memorable moments on the show and the way 2020 is going so far. This meme shows one of Kevin’s most famous moments on the show, when he made his famous chili and then proceeded to spill it all over the place. This series of events perfectly captures how this year is going for most of the world right now!

6 Any Email

One of the most iconic scenes in this series is shown in this meme and is definitely one that most can relate to. During the scene shown in this meme, Michael Scott tried to force Kevin to eat broccoli during a meeting at the office, which was incredibly inappropriate but led to a very funny scene. This meme compares Kevin’s reaction to being force-fed the vegetable and the feeling of getting emails and is successfully amusing!

5 Pigs In A Blanket

Whether Kevin Malone meant to be or not, his commentary and opinions were often quite relatable, and this meme shows one of the most relatable of his lines by far.

The meme here shows one of Kevin’s funniest lines, “I’ve always wanted to eat pigs in a blanket in a blanket,” and compares it to trying things you’ve always wanted to try. This meme is definitely hilarious.

4 Little Patience For Stupidity

The meme shown here is definitely ironic and points out the irony in many of Kevin Malone’s statements, like the times he made statements or comments that made absolutely no sense, and contradicted himself. Although this series was often harsh on Kevin, it was clear that he was sometimes not the brightest, and could make some questionable decisions. This meme plays on this character’s personality perfectly and is one that any fan will appreciate!

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3 His Chili Gone

The funniest moment of Kevin Malone’s was definitely the time he cooked his famous chili and proceeded to accidentally spill it all over the office floor. This moment was so incredibly hilarious, and this meme jokes about this iconic moment flawlessly. The moment showed Kevin’s complicated process in order to perfect his chili, and after his proud moment of revealing the chili, he spilled it all over the floor, which was just too amusing.

2 Gluing His Shell

Kevin made many questionable decisions during his time on this series, but the moment shown in this meme might be one of the most questionable by far. When Kevin hit a turtle with his car, he felt horrible and decided to bring him into the office and attempt to heal him. He did this by gluing his shell together but soon realized that the turtle was dead. This moment is funnily compared to a children’s story and is quite laughable!

1 Jan’s Reaction

This meme nods to the time that Jan realized that it was possible that Kevin Malone was the father of her baby. After Jan decided to have a baby using a sperm donor, she shared the information about the process with the office and quickly learned that Kevin had donated at the same clinic she used. This moment was so funny purely because of Jan’s reaction. This moment is reflected perfectly in this meme!

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