The Big Bang Theory’s Raj Koothrapalli is a total enigma; he’s the poster-boy for self-love and has subverted many toxic masculine stereotypes. He has had his bad moments too and can be an over-thinker, but he’s definitely the most interesting character on the show.

Raj’s character design was developed to be very rich and complex, which is why the makers didn’t settle for an old school, happily ever after ending for Raj’s arc. But there are many things about the Indian-born astrophysicist that fans may have missed.

10 Doesn’t Hold Grudges

Unlike Sheldon, who has listed all his so-called ‘arch nemeses’ since he was a kid, Raj wasn’t the kind of person who would hold on to resentment. He was very open to making new friends, and since he was aware of his own social hang-ups, when he found someone he wanted to keep in his life, he worked towards the relationship even when things got rocky.

For instance, when Emily rejects Raj, first for being too shy and passive and then for barging in on her coffee date with Amy, Raj doesn’t take it too personally. Later on in the show when he spots Emily in a cafe he goes up to her for a friendly chat and doesn’t accost her or channel any bitterness towards her.

9 He’s A Nervous Dresser

This makes sense because he was fashion-conscious but also acutely sensitive to how he is being perceived. On almost all occasions Raj is seen layering one item after the other; he would wear a vest, a shirt, a sweater, and a jacket, and all the picks would be quite different from each other.

It’s possible that he was nervous about being pigeonholed into one fashion memo so he basically piled on several different kinds of clothes so as to intrigue people about him. But he was definitely indecisive as a dresser, even though he could probably afford quite expensive clothes. 


8 Obsessed With The American Dream

Like many kids who have been raised on American television, Raj, who grew up in the Indian capital of New Delhi, had some pretty serious aspirations about what his life in America would be like. Many times during the course of the show he’s seen lashing out at American pop culture for misleading him and expressed angst at different facets of American life when he found it difficult to adjust.

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Even though he was from an affluent family, it’s possible that Raj wanted to ‘make it’ in America like so many immigrants do. It may have to do with something about his personal self-esteem issues or about proving himself to his parents, but Raj definitely had pretty strong notions about what kind of success he wanted.

7 Comfortable With Being An Underdog

Raj has never tried to upstage his friends neither did he crave attention desperately. He seemed to be pretty comfortable in his own space; what he really always wanted was to be appreciated by his peers and the people around him. Though Raj thought he wanted fame, he actually just wanted a decent, wholesome life, a good partner, and a happy family life.

He is the quintessential underdog but he just doesn’t realize it; he obviously doesn’t handle fame well, since he has let it go over his head whenever he did make headlines, and his needs are actually quite simplistic since he’s not a hedonist.

6 He Is Better At ‘Handling’ Sheldon Than Leonard

Sheldon has at times behaved like an obnoxious toddler and the onus of managing his tantrums usually falls on his roommate Leonard. But fans have noticed that Raj gets on with Sheldon quite well because he is better at manipulating Sheldon into listening to him.

Like how he convinced Sheldon to go with him to the mixer to meet women, or how he got him into letting Raj stay with him when Leonard was staying with Priya. Chances are that Raj is simply shrewder than Leonard so he knew exactly what Sheldon needed to hear, whereas Leonard simply gave into Sheldon most of the times, albeit begrudgingly.

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5 His Feelings For Bernadette Were Just An Infatuation

Raj never actually fell in love with Bernadette, he was simply fond of her and perhaps had a crush on her, which he thought about constantly. Eventually, he actually convinced himself that he wanted her. But when he sees Bernadette with Howard he’s not uncomfortable or jealous or even remotely upset.

So when he writes poems for her or imagines them dancing to a Bollywood number or even when he pictures having a future with her, it’s not intense feelings but simply a rush of infatuation.

4 He Trusts His Female Friends More

Many fans have noted that when Raj wants advice about his personal life or even wants to vent out some frustration, he usually chooses the company of women. He has often talked about the need for a safe space to share feelings and it’s possible that with Amy, Penny, and Bernadette he feels protected because they don’t usually make fun of him.

A more important reason would be the fact that he trusts their advice more, so when Raj asks Amy’s for help before going on a date with Emily or talks to Penny about his other crises, it’s simply because he values their advice more than Leonard or Howard’s.

3 Wanted Love & Marriage For Different Reasons

Raj has always sought Ms. Right, however, his take on love and marriage is somewhat unconventional. He has always wanted love and believes that he is worthy of love, but he is a little more uptight about marriage. He believes love can come in many forms, however for him, marriage is like checking a box.

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He is probably affected by the social expectations of his culture, with his parents channeling their disappointment on him for not agreeing to an arranged marriage. Raj did want to get married, but not for himself. This is why he was ready to marry a lesbian his parents had set him up with just for the sake of social convention, but his approach to love is different.

2 He Is Too Clinical About Working On Himself

Raj is definitely ready to do the hard work and become a better version of himself, but at times, he simply overthinks everything, and that stops him from being himself and letting things take their course.

Like when he got all his girlfriends together to determine the reason for the failure of all his relationships rather than just accepting the fact that things didn’t work out organically. In the past too, he has been too self-critical and has approached his social skills too clinically which is the reason he couldn’t be objective about anything.

1 Was A Traditionalist

This may sound quite controversial because Raj has broken quite a few gender stereotypes, but his priorities and his approach to his personal life are quite old school. He gets upset at Leonard for seeing his sister, which is quite dated because Priya and Leonard are both adults.

Raj also envisions marriage as a sort of accomplishment, possibly because of the way he was brought up by traditionalist parents which gave him some solid culturally-rooted values, and when he envisioned a future, it’s pretty homely and domestic.

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