There was a time when ONE was known as nothing more than a webcomic creator and publisher with a few novel ideas under his belt. Fast-forward to today, and he’s the creator of two of the biggest and most unique series in anime history. One-Punch Man is an international phenomenon that pretty much everyone knows about already, but another series that deserves the same level of popularity — if not more — is Mob Psycho 100.

The show is full to the brim with brilliant comedy, a great story, amazing fights, and some truly memorable characters who have certainly developed over the course of the series through their wildly entertaining character arcs. Of course, there are some personas that are simply more appealing than others, and this list will rank each of these character arcs in order to shed more light on this statement.

10 Dimple

There was a time when Dimple was nothing more than another run-of-the-mill spirit that Mob managed to dispose of using his psychic powers.

However, instead of disappearing into nothingness, Dimple actually ended up tagging along with Mob for the rest of his journey. While his motivation has pretty much always been to take over Mob or Ritsu’s body at one point, the fact that he’s helped out the heroes in a pinch should also not be overlooked in the slightest.

9 Tome Kurata

There was a time when Mob was going to join the Telepathy Club in order to make the most of his powers and actually do something productive… only to realize later on that his real interest lied in the Body Improvement Club and the goals he could achieve with them instead.

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Of course, this didn’t sit well with Tome Kurata — the leader of the Telepathy Club who pretty much had herself to blame for wasting club funds on snacks as opposed to actually doing something useful. While she definitely becomes a halfway-decent character as the series progressed, her arc is still nowhere near as compelling as some of the other people in the group.


8 Musashi Goda

The leader of the Body Improvement Club is a stand-up guy who — while initially coming off as a bully of sorts — actually wants to see that his club performs well.

The manner in which he supports Mob through his journey of self-improvement is certainly great, although Musashi doesn’t really get enough screen time to differentiate himself otherwise.

7 Toichiro Suzuki

The leader of Claw is a diabolical person who was too invested in his own powers and hubris to even bother thinking about anyone else, including his own wife who left him once she realized just how selfish and power-hungry he really was.

The fight he has with Mod eventually leads him down a path of ruin, with Mob using his powerful feelings to capture Toichiro’s explosion and prevent him from laying waste to the city through a rather unique form of poetic justice.

6 Sho Suzuki

Toichiro Suzuki’s son is an individual who was tired of his father’s horrible behavior, and tried his hardest to break free from the shackles that were put on him by starting a movement against Claw and his father… only to be given a strong — and rather painful reminder — of just how big the power gap between them really was.

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That being said Sho’s arrogance didn’t really help him in this regard — a character trait that has remained fairly consistent even after his father was defeated by Mob.

5 Arataka Reigen

There are times when Reigen seems like nothing more than a con man who only has his own interests in mind. It’s this part of his character that is quite unlikeable… but the same can’t be said about the other facets of his arc.

For starters, the genuine concern he shows for Mob — regardless of how he may be using him — is still quite endearing to witness. This, coupled with his backstory that is genuinely quite relatable, makes it clear that there’s more to Reigen than what meets the eye.

4 Katsuya Serizawa

A nice and caring person who got caught up in the inner workings of Claw due to Toichiro’s manipulation, Katsuya is a stand-up dude whose heart was just in the wrong place for the longest time.

Thankfully, after Claw was dismantled, Serizawa saw the error of his ways and ended up joining the Spirits and Such Consultation Office in order to use his powers for good.

3 Teruki Hanazawa

Teruki — and his hairstyle too, for that matter — has certainly changed a ton throughout the series as the show progressed. He initially started off as another psychic who was vain and absorbed by his own powers, only for Mob to give him a massive wake-up call by showing him what true power really was.

After this humbling event, Hanazawa ended up trying to be a kinder individual who would actually fight on the side of good and eventually went on to see Mob as his greatest friend and rival. Whether Mob reciprocated this sentiment is still up in the air.

2 Ritsu Kageyama

There was a time when Mob was considered to be the weaker half of the two siblings, with his psychic powers being the only notable positive in an otherwise one-sided competition.

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However, the fact that Ritsu actually felt jealous of Mob and his psychic powers ended up being a refreshing revelation, which ultimately showed that people will only think the worse of themselves, regardless of how much potential they may actually have. After developing his own powers, Ritsu ended up learning to channel his emotions and realized that there was more to life than just having psychic powers, which was a refreshing change of pace for the character.

1 Shigeo Kageyama

It’s only a given that the protagonist of this series is bound to be the most fascinating character as well. Mob is an anomaly when it comes to lead characters — his power far exceeds that of most people on the show, but he still ends up treating his powers almost like a curse and strives to improve in other departments.

Of course, that doesn’t stop him from letting his emotions get the better of him at times, as he lays waste to any enemy that would trigger an emotional reaction in him.

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