In 1997, Starship Troopers released in theaters, entertaining audiences with its gritty (yet at times unintentionally comedic) take on a future militaristic Earth society. The film portrayed a conflict between humanity and an alien bug civilization in the far reaches of space. While the satire of this future was lost on some moviegoers, Starship Troopers remains one of the best sources of dialogue for a sci-fi action romp.

The military jargon of the era mixed with actual philosophical and political ideas makes for an intriguing cup of quotes. Read on if you want to remember with fondness the best, bug-stomping quotes from Starship Troopers.

10 “Service guarantees citizenship.”

This quote frequently caps the newsreel announcements of the Terran Federation. By “service,” they mean military service. In this futuristic society, you are not considered a “citizen” unless you’ve gone through the rigors of military service. Whenever these civic advertisements are displayed, they are enticing the youth of Earth to join up so they can become citizens. It’s another form of indoctrination. Especially since once a person has gone through military training, they are bonded to their squad through the shared experience.

9 “Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don’t do your job, I’ll kill you myself.”

Jean Rasczak is an old hand when it comes to the life of a soldier. When he commands his own squad, he uses this statement to get his soldiers to follow him. This quote is eventually repeated by protagonist Rico to encourage his own platoon of soldiers. Through this repetition we see the cycle of military indoctrination begin anew. Rico has learned from his mentor and utilizes the same techniques on the soldiers under his command.


8 “Who needs a knife in a nuke fight?”

Ace Levy becomes a sort of comedic relief throughout the course of Starship Troopers. Though initially seen as a potential antagonist to Rico, the two end up forming a solid friendship. During training, Ace complains about having to learn knife combat when the current weapons of the Terran Federation’s military are of a higher caliber.

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The drill instructor then demonstrates the effectiveness of a knife against someone about to push a button to arm nukes. Unfortunately, Ace is the direct recipient of this demonstration.

7 “A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility.”

Dizzy’s death is perhaps the second moment in Rico’s military career that solidifies his mindset as a citizen of the Terran Federation. During her funeral, he makes this statement, underlying Dizzy’s contribution in protecting humanity. The two were very close, and to even consider her death a meaningless casualty in a war started by human imperialism is unthinkable. Therefore, Rico morally and emotionally cannot attribute anything less than courage and duty to her sacrifice.

6 “Naked force has resolved more conflicts throughout history than any other factor.”

Jean Rasczak is one of the most influential teachers at Rico’s school. The very beginning of the film illustrates this point. As a product of the government, Rasczak is instilling in his students the same mindset he possesses. Since the Terran Federation is styled after a fascistic government, he is essentially saying that war is the answer to solve global conflicts. It’s also the answer to solving galactic conflicts. As shown throughout the rest of the movie, Rasczak’s teachings take hold among his students.

5 “M.I. does the dying. Fleet just does the flying.”

This quote, spoken bitterly by Rico, is emblematic of the tension that exists between the different branches of the military. Rico is a part of the Mobile Infantry, the ground forces who attack the “bugs” head on.

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Fleet is the branch that contains pilots and those who operate the giant spaceships that transport troops and fight in space combat. Carmen, Rico’s high school sweetheart, joined Fleet, and the differences in their experiences are made clear throughout the film.

4 “When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you’re using force.”

Many of Jean Rasczak’s quotes illustrate how society under the Terran Federation functions. In Starship Troopers, voting is considered a privilege. Only citizens are allowed to vote and participate in political choices. And a civilian can only become a citizen if they join military service. This mode of operating ensures that only like-minded people participate in politics. It is a surefire way of keeping the status quo when it comes to how society behaves.

3 “Funny how they always want to be friends after they rip your guts out.”

Ace Levy says this line of dialogue to Rico shortly after Carmen breaks up with him. On the surface, it’s a commiserating statement meant to console Rico about the commonplace nature of break-ups. However, it is also thematically related to the war going on around them. The “bugs” and the Terran Federation have committed atrocity after atrocity to each other. However, neither group attempts to reconcile and resolve matters diplomatically.

2 “Come on, you apes, you wanna live forever?”

This quote is spoken by Rico to his own squad of soldiers. It’s a clear challenge meant to bolster his soldiers’ resolve. Keen-eared viewers of Starship Troopers will also recognize this as a line spoken by Jean Rasczak. When Rasczak was trying to encourage the troopers under his command to prepare for a “bug” attack, he shouted out this line in very much the same vein as Rico took. This is yet another example of how Rico learned from his mentor.

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1 “The only good bug is a dead bug.”

If any line from Starship Troopers has become meme-able, it’s this one. Spoken by a random civilian from the destruction of Buenos Aires in a propaganda video, this statement shows the venom felt by humanity toward the bugs. While the anger and fear inspired by the attack on Buenos Aires are completely understandable, the manner in which the government manipulates this hurt is shocking. It turns the “bugs” into enemies and stokes the fire of war under the people of Earth.

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