Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers of Dune (2021).

Director Denis Villeneuve’s epic sci-fi film, Dune, thrust audiences into a vast new universe filled with strange planets, interstellar travel, and conflicting Houses. Within these Great Houses are several unforgettable characters whom most viewers may be meeting for the first time.

The recently released film has received praise for its talented cast and thoughtful portrayal of the characters. From the horrible Baron Vladimir Harkonnen to the brave Liet Kynes, some individuals in Dune are more likable than others, with the best among them often making difficult and courageous choices in the face of grave dangers.

10 Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

With his vast wealth and the enigmatic Emperor’s support, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen could very well be one of the most powerful supervillains ever. He’s greedy and ruthless, often commanding his subordinates to find more ways to make profits and oppress the Fremen.

As the leader of House Harkonnen, the Baron wants to put an end to the Atreides, whose power and influence have been steadily growing over the years. He sets a fatal trap for the family and their army, showing viewers that he is cunning and heartless. His heinous actions and hideous appearance easily make him the most repugnant character in Dune.

9 Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam

As the Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit and Truthsayer to the Emperor himself, Gaius Helen Mohiam takes on a unique role as both a leader and mentor. She doesn’t make a great first impression on both Paul and the viewers, as she is portrayed as an intimidating character feared and respected by Lady Jessica.

She puts Paul in an unimaginable amount of pain with her grueling test, which is later revealed to have gone on longer than necessary. The real reason fans eventually detest her doesn’t come until the midpoint of the movie when she conspires with the Harkonnens to betray the Atreides. While she does make an effort to protect Jessica and Paul, it’s in large part due to her own selfish interests that are inextricably tied with the Bene Gesserit’s larger goals.


8 Dr. Wellington Yueh

For fans who have read the book, Dr. Wellington Yueh’s betrayal is an obvious plot twist in the movie. Those learning about his treachery for the first time can’t be blamed for missing it completely — Dr. Yueh is House Atreides’ trusted physician, after all.

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While his deceit definitely stings, Dr. Yueh was simply doing what he thought was the only way to end his wife’s suffering in the hands of the Baron. What’s more, he does help the Duke by giving him a poison tooth that, unfortunately, fails to kill the Harkonnen figurehead. Most viewers would agree Dr. Yueh is a sympathetic character who made some bad choices when faced with a hard decision.

7 Chani Kynes

Despite appearing mostly as a silent figure in Paul’s visions and in-person only briefly towards the end of the film, Chani Kynes is one of Dune’s more memorable characters. Fans already know that she is fiercely protective of the Fremen, which is proven when she sneaks up behind Paul to make sure he doesn’t hurt her people.

Based on Paul’s visions, it looks like Chani has a big role to play in the coming events, potentially becoming one of the most powerful women in sci-fi movies. While her short appearance hasn’t given viewers much of a chance to get to know her better, it does seem like she’s a strong and kindhearted person. Her compassionate nature is underscored by the fact that she hands Paul her great aunt’s crysknife so he could “die with honor” — this selfless act alone makes it easy to like her, but it will take more heartwarming scenes to truly fall in love with her character.

6 Gurney Halleck

The hardened Warmaster of House Atreides, Gurney Halleck, is portrayed as a skilled fighter who’s willing to give every battle his all. He’s also partially responsible for training Paul and he takes this job seriously. During their tense training sequence, he doesn’t accept Paul’s excuse about not being in the mood for a lesson.

His tough-love approach obviously pays off when audiences see how well Paul can fight and defend his own life against Jamis. Gurney also doesn’t hesitate to charge at the invaders despite the terrible odds. He may seem distant and aggressive at times, which could cause some to disapprove of him, but his actions are always motivated by a code of honor and loyalty to House Atreides.

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5 Lady Jessica Of The Atreides

As a member of the Bene Gesserit, Lady Jessica has special abilities that enable her to defend herself in treacherous situations. She cares about her son Paul, so she violates the rules of the sisterhood to teach him crucial skills for survival.

In many ways, Paul would not be as powerful as he is today without Lady Jessica’s training and guidance. That said, her lack of confidence can be off-putting at times, as she is quick to become anxious when anything stressful happens. Her apprehensiveness never gets in the way of her skills, though, as she’s shown that she’s perfectly capable of using the Voice and her fighting abilities to defeat enemies.

4 Duke Leto Atreides

It must be difficult to be in charge of one of the Great Houses, but Duke Leto Atreides shows viewers that he is more than capable of doing so. In his meetings with his officers, he demonstrates his intelligence, always coming up with potential solutions to Arrakis’ problems. The film also highlights how Duke Atreides values his people, choosing to risk his life to save workers from the deadly sandworms.

The Duke deeply cares about Lady Jessica and Paul, doing everything he can to ensure their safety. He tries to protect his family until the very end, sacrificing what little is left of his life in an unsuccessful attempt at poisoning his killer. He’s an excellent leader who could have turned Arrakis around and he’s a good father who did everything he could to keep his family safe.

3 Liet Kynes

One of the reasons fans were skeptical about Dune is that nobody was sure if it could represent the book’s iconic characters well, one of the most important ones being Liet Kynes. It seems that the movie might have put this fear to rest, as Liet is an excellent portrayal of her brave counterpart in the novel.

As the appointed Judge of the Change, Liet says that she must “say nothing” and “see nothing.” She takes a huge risk and does the right thing by violating her responsibility to the Emperor to rescue Paul and his mother. She’s obviously more powerful than she appears, as she is respected by others and was even about to somehow ride a sandworm before the Sardaukars got to her. Her slight hesitation to help at first is disappointing, but she makes up for it by keeping Lady Jessica and Paul safe in the end.

2 Duncan Idaho

House Atreides’ loyal swordmaster, Duncan Idaho, is introduced as a courageous character who is also skilled in diplomacy, as he is able to make a connection with the elusive Fremen. When he’s not out on an important quest, he’s responsible for teaching Paul vital combat lessons, which also explains why they’re close friends.

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Although his death towards the end of the film is foreshadowed by Paul, it’s still a shocking and saddening moment. Duncan’s courage and dedication to the Atreides family are remarkable and his usually cheerful disposition is a great loss in Dune’s bleak world.

1 Paul Atreides

It’s not surprising that Dune’s protagonist is also its most likable character. Paul Atreides has shown fans from the very start that he’s a skilled fighter and a curious student with a thirst for knowledge, always wanting to learn more about Arrakis and its people. Beyond his abilities, Paul’s kindheartedness and bravery are also highlighted when he saves Shadout Mapes from a deadly hunter-seeker and risks his life saving the workers from the sandworm in the desert.

Although he admits to his father at one point that he isn’t ready to become a leader, he quickly adapts to the role after Duke Leto’s tragic death. As the new Duke, Paul knows that he has to fearlessly lead his people and forge a new path with the Fremen. He’s shaping up to become an admirable and valiant figurehead, possibly surpassing his father’s legacy someday.

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