Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has a plethora of cameos from Star Wars and Star Wars Rebels, including a brief appearance from Chopper, a member of the Ghost crew – here’s when his appearance takes place. C1-10P, aka Chopper, was part of Star Wars Rebels‘ Ghost crew, and was often a source of comic relief in the form of slapstick humor. Nevertheless, the droid was a beloved member of the team, having met the ship’s captain, Hera Syndulla, when she was a child during the Clone Wars. After the rise of the Empire, Chopper, Hera, and the rest of the Ghost crew helped form one of the first Rebel cells that would eventually coalesce into the Rebel Alliance to oppose the authoritarian Empire.


Indeed, the Star Wars Rebels series finale is set shortly before the start of Rogue One so, unsurprisingly, there are many Easter eggs for the series. Rogue One itself takes place just before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, portraying the Rebellion’s first victory against the Galactic Empire. Detailing the theft of the Death Star Plans, the film is filled with references to all aspects of canon lore, and that’s particularly true of Star Wars Rebels – but where and when Chopper be found?

Chopper’s cameo is brief and as a result quite easy to miss, but can be linked to several other Rebels Easter eggs in Rogue One which help bridge the gap between both of these properties and A New Hope. Chopper’s cameo in Rogue One happens at approximately one hour and thirty-five minutes into the film. When Mon Mothma and Antoc Merrick are informed of the Rebel force attacking the Imperial base on Scarif, Chopper can be seen in the background of the Yavin IV Rebel Base. Chopper’s distinctive droidspeak can be clearly heard as well.

Earlier in the film, a “General Syndulla” is called for via the base’s intercom (referring to Hera Syndulla). The Ghost itself can be seen several times in the Yavin base and during the Battle of Scarif. Saw Gererra, first introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and featured prominently in Rebels, is a pivotal character to the plot of Rogue One. Given the Ghost’s participation in the Battle of Scarif, it can be assumed that both Chopper and Hera were flying the vessel during the space battle.

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Whether or not other Ghost crew members, such as Sabine Wren or Rex, were present as well in unknown. The Ghost, Hera, and Chopper are all confirmed to have lived well after the Battle of Endor three years later, meaning that they survived the Battle of Scarif. The Ghost later appears as one of the many ships fighting Palpatine’s forces at Exegol in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, possibly still crewed by Chopper. Chopper’s appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story proves that the droid has a storied history fighting alongside the Republic Clones and the Rebellion.

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