As players gain levels in Dungeons and Dragons they get more health and power, while also getting additional ways to reverse death in case a character does get killed. This is critical to ensure that players don’t lose a beloved character to a series of unlucky dice rolls.

That said, the expanded resurrection options can make some Dungeons & Dragons player characters feel invincible. At later stages of a campaign, it’s easy for death to become an inconvenience instead of a threat, which can drastically lower the tension during Dungeons and Dragons boss battles and other combat encounters.


In Critical Role, dungeon master Matthew Mercer has used modified versions of the resurrection rules in both campaigns, leading to tense moments and creating a real threat of death, which could even kill some of the highest level characters if they weren’t careful.

Critical Role’s Resurrection in Campaign 1

The resurrection rules used in Critical Role campaign 1 have been shared by Matthew Mercer on Twitter. The rules aim to make it more difficult to revive players each time that they have died. This means that players who play recklessly may find that they are almost impossible to bring back from the dead. Additionally, the rules transform the simple spell cast into a ritual that involves the whole party, with up to 3 close friends of the dead performing skill checks and in-game offerings that make reviving the dead character easier or harder based on success. If a revival ritual is failed, the character is lost forever, as their soul doesn’t return to their body.

If a player attempts a resurrection spell that only takes 1 action, like revivify, there is no contribution from close friends, and no way to lower the DC of the resurrection check. This means that spells like revivify have a maximum of 75% chance of working, but luckily failing these checks doesn’t completely kill the character; it only means that players need to attempt a proper resurrection ritual. However, it still does increase the DC of future resurrection checks.

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Critical Role’s Resurrection in Campaign 2

Matthew Mercer hasn’t revealed as much about the resurrection rules in campaign two as he did for campaign one. As of the writing of this article, there hasn’t been a chance to compare the rules of the two Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, but Matt Mercer did say “Not spoiling anything, but there are things in place for the new campaign to make things a little more intense,” when asked about resurrection before the start of Critical Role campaign 2.

Luckily for the Mighty Nien, but unfortunately for players who want to know about the changes made, all attempted resurrections have been performed with revivify, and a single dice roll has decided the fate of the characters. Two rolls were made in secret by Matt, but the only information viewers have gotten about the rules was that an 11 from Caduceus was enough to revive Fjord, who had never died before Episode 98. This means that as of right now, viewers have no evidence that the rules have changed outside of Matt’s statement that things were going to be more intense.

What’s Great About Critical Role’s Resurrection?

Critical Role’s variant resurrection system adds several essential elements that make death and dying more interesting in Dungeons and Dragons. The first of these is that death with the variant rules involves roleplay and encourages players to learn about and interact with each other’s characters, so they know what to do during a resurrection ritual. These contributions are also a fantastic time for characters to mourn/discuss the character that died, leading to a satisfying roleplay experience whether the ceremony is a success or a failure.

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Perhaps the most critical part of these rules for Dungeons & Dragons is that they add real stakes to repeated player death. The rules allow for occasional slipups, but reckless play will lead to failed rituals and adventures that are permanently dead. With the traditional resurrection rules, there are very few ways that players can ‘die’ outside of the party losing the body. Even suggested dungeon masters strategies for slowing resurrection like limiting the number of diamonds in the world only serve to make resurrection more inconvenient, as opposed to giving it character relevance or making it something the party can fail at. Matt Mercer’s rules are unique in that they are punishing to recklessness while still being as accessible as the standard rules in the Dungeons and Dragons rule books.

Finally, these rules add additional distinctions between different classes of resurrection spells and make each of them feel more unique. Dungeons & Dragons spells like revivify are quick and don’t cost much gold but are unreliable, spells like raise dead can’t be cast in combat and are fairly expensive but come with a ritual that assists in calling the soul back, and spells like True resurrection are only attainable by the most powerful characters, but they are so potent that they cannot fail. These distinctions between the spells helps give each of them an identity; revivify feels quick, dirty and risky while waiting for the more reliable raise dead means losing money and not having access to that party member for the remainder of the encounter. Without the variant rules, the only reason to not cast revivify is that it’s been longer than a minute since the character died.

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Adding Critical Role’s Rules to a Campaign

It’s critical to keep in mind that, unlike some of Critical Role’s other rules the resurrection changes are more punishing than those included in the player’s handbook, which means that these rules may not be for every tabletop roleplaying group. Campaigns using Matt Mercer’s resurrection rules are much more likely to kill a player character than other campaigns. If players enjoy acting without the fear of death, then the rules won’t sit well with them, but Matt Mercer’s resurrections rules will add tension and much-needed threat to any campaign, especially medium to high-level Dungeons and Dragons games.

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