He was the chief antagonist of Book One: Air and met his end during the season finale – here’s Amon’s Legend Of Korra death explained. At the end of The Legend Of Korra’s parent series Avatar: The Last Airbender, hero and former Avatar Aang managed to restore peace to his world when he put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Fire Nation. However, that didn’t necessarily mean that Aang’s successor Korra – the titular protagonist of The Legend Of Korra – inherited a peaceful situation when she became the new Avatar. In fact, she faced a whole new set of problems and conflicts.

In The Legend Of Korra season 1 (AKA Book One: Air), civil unrest was brewing in the capital Republic City thanks to growing tension between benders and non-benders – the latter of which felt oppressed by the bender minority and unrepresented in the city’s government. Enter Amon: Legend Of Korra’s first major antagonist and the mysterious, masked leader of an anti-bending radical group known as the Equalists who sought to create an equal society by removing benders of their powers. Amon exploited the unrest in Republic City and soon enough his movement gained support from many of the capital’s non-bender citizens.


Amon crafted a persona designed to appeal to the non-bending masses, claiming to be a fellow non-bender whose face was disfigured by a firebender (hence his need for a mask) and who was granted the power to permanently remove a person’s bending abilities by the spirit world. However, Amon’s true identity was revealed towards the end of The Legend Of Korra season 1. His real name was Noatak – the older brother of corrupt Republic City councilman Tarrlok and the eldest son of Yakone, one of Avatar’s blood-bending crime lord characters who terrorized the capital and had his bending abilities removed by Aang. Yakone groomed his sons to exact revenge by teaching them the illegal art of blood-bending but Noatak came to resent his father’s hateful teachings, eventually rebelling and running away. Presumed dead, Noatak took on his Amon alias and began plotting his anti-bending revolution.

Korra confronted Amon in The Legend Of Korra season 1 finale and exposed his real identity at an Equalist rally, causing his followers to desert him. His budding revolution curbed, Amon fled Republic City and convinced his disgraced brother Tarrlok to accompany him. As the brothers departed the capital in a speedboat, Amon talked of starting afresh together but Tarrlok – realizing this was a pipe dream – ignited the fuel tank, resulting in an explosion that killed them both.

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Despite his death, Amon made a return – of sorts – in later episodes of The Legend Of Korra following season one. In Book Three: Change, he appeared to Korra while she was hallucinating after being poisoned by fellow villain Zaheer and haunted her again during a vision she experienced while traversing the mysterious Foggy Swamp in Book Four: Balance. While Amon’s time in The Legend Of Korra was short, he left made a major impression on its young protagonist.

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