While some television shows enjoy extensive runs, others are canceled far too soon. This is the case with Imposters, a clever dark comedy that aired on Bravo for 2 seasons. The series premiered in 2017 and was canceled after its second season in 2018. Since its cancellation, the underrated series has garnered many more fans after being available on Netflix.

From Inbar Lavi’s character Maddie Jonson to Uma Thurman’s character Lenny Cohen, Imposters features a talented cast and a delightful ensemble of characters. By looking at the characters’ first and last lines, fans can see how many of the characters changed between the beginning of season 1 and the end of season 2. Some characters underwent satisfying arcs while others’ stories felt unfinished as a result of the show’s cancellation.

10 The Doctor

“I told you no interruptions.” – “Ow!”

The Doctor’s first lines show his arrogance and sense of self-importance. He believes he is superior to everyone else and that everyone must bow to his every whim and command.

These narcissistic traits lead to his downfall as he is conned into believing he won the prestigious Egan Award and that everyone is finally giving him the respect and admiration he deserves. Despite being a cunning mastermind, he can’t see past his own ego and is made vulnerable. Even though it isn’t part of the plan, Sally takes advantage of this vulnerability and kills him, leading to him crying out in pain as she lethally poisons him.

9 Lenny Cohen

“No, thanks.” – “I do hope you never have to see me again.”

Uma Thurman’s character Lenny Cohen is a ruthless woman employed by the Doctor. She is sent to confront the people who aren’t doing their jobs properly for the Doctor and to put them back on track. While she does specialize in intimidating or physically hurting people, she also exudes a surprising sense of cautionary civility in her interactions.

When first introduced, she is sitting at a bar while one of the patrons tries to hit on her. She calmly refuses the drink he got for her. She warns him to stop his advances and when he doesn’t heed her warning, she breaks his bones. Her last line is a sincere and honest warning to Ezra, Richard, and Jules. Moments like these make Lenny Cohen much more interesting than the traditional goons working for the villain.


8 Sofia

“Madre de…perdon no good the English.” – “Come here. I’ll tell you all about it.”

Just like Maddie Jonson and Patrick Simons, Sofia is introduced through an “accident” that is staged as part of a con. When Sofia makes it seem like Ezra tripped her and that she doesn’t understand what he’s saying, she only intends to steal from Ezra. Their relationship goes much further than she could foresee as Ezra sees through her act, the two of them even team up, and they fall in love.

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Sofia and Ezra’s relationship has more than a few bumps along the way, but in her final scene, Sofia is definitely in love with Ezra and happy to be with him. It would have been interesting to see what happened to their relationship if Imposters had a third season.

7 Patrick Simons

“How you doing?” – “You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford one, the court will appoint one for you.”

Despite the many failures Patrick experiences, his story does begin and end with him feeling confident and successful. It begins with him casually talking to Maddie at a coffee shop, which is the beginning of him getting close to her as a way for the FBI to take down the notorious Doctor.

Maddie does fall for Patric for a while, but the mission is ultimately a spectacular failure. Patrick struggles with this for a while but eventually gets his revenge when he arrests Maddie and reads her Miranda Rights to her in the season 2 finale.

6 Max

“Can somebody help us, please?” – “I’ll try, but that sounds awfully boring.”

Max’s first line comes when he is in disguise and purposely collides into Josh Bloom at the airport. It’s just a big distraction to make sure that Josh is unable to pursue Maddie.

Max’s last line comes after the Doctor is defeated and after Richard tells him to be good. Max’s response is authentic to his character and fits with the delightful banter and relationship that he formed with Richard.

5 Sally

“Always, darling. Part of your charm.” – “Start counting.”

When Maddie apologizes for being late, Sally’s response shows how much she adores Maddie, even when it comes to the things that might irritate others. Things get much darker for Sally after this scene, though. She has no choice but to kill Gary Heller when he attacks her. She is led to believe that she and Max are going to go on the run, only for Max to double-cross her and turn her over to Lenny Cohen and the Doctor. They hurt her and make her prove that she is still loyal to the Doctor.

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This leads to her final scene where she gets her revenge by lethally poisoning the Doctor. She then takes the duct tape off the captive Sofia’s mouth and tells her she can call for help once she counts to 100. Fans can only speculate about how Sally would have developed after this turn of events.

4 Maddie Jonson

“So tell me, my sweet…my 28th day anniversary present? It symbolizes what, exactly?” – “What’s that?”

Before the audience gets to know her as Maddie Jonson, she is first introduced as a sweet and curious French woman named Ava, which is the identity that Maddie takes on to seduce Ezra Bloom, marry him, and con him out of all his money.

By the season 2 finale, the show deeply explored the complex character of Maddie. When Patrick confronts her on the bus and says he is about to say what he always wanted to say to her and Maddie asks what that is, he reads her Miranda Rights while arresting her. Maddie actually facing consequences for her actions is an intriguing direction for her story to take. It feels like an important turn in her journey toward leaving her old life behind and getting a normal life, but it doesn’t feel like a proper ending for her story.

3 Jules Langmore

“Yeah?” – “I love you stupid idiots.”

When Ezra Bloom and Richard Evans first show up at Jules’s door, they think they are about to find Maddie. They have no idea that they are about to meet and team up with another person who married Maddie and who was conned out of all their money by her.

Jules develops a close friendship with both Ezra and Richard over the course of the show’s 2 seasons. Ezra and Richard may frustrate her to no end, but she also loves them dearly and is grateful that they came into her life.

2 Richard Evans

“Open up! FBI! Open up!” – “I thought we weren’t gonna cry.”

Richard is a pretty humorous character, but the audience gets a different initial impression of him. He has a commanding and authoritative voice when he tells Ezra to open the door. This persona is shattered when Ezra opens the door and Richard declares that he is with the Federal “Burrow” of Investigation, which becomes a running joke in the show.

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Richard is a big guy with an even bigger heart. This is perfectly embodied in his last line as he cries after parting ways with Jules and Ezra and shouts about how they weren’t supposed to cry.

1 Ezra Bloom

“Go away. I’m killing myself.” – “Go ahead, Ernie. I’m listening.”

Ezra is introduced as a broken, hopeless man who feels like he has lost everything. He is pushing away everyone and is in a very dark place. At the end of season 1, he has turned into a confident and brilliant con man who has taken control of his destiny.

After the Doctor’s death, Ezra in possession of the burner phones the Doctor used to keep in touch with his various crews. Ezra picks up one of the phones when it rings and answers as if he is the Doctor, which shows how much he’s changed and sets up a fascinating direction for the third season that never became a reality.

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