The dark side of the Force is not only a pathway to many abilities some would consider unnatural, but an avenue by which many incredible characters come into the lives of Star Wars fans. Through the Skywalker saga and awesome animated shows, these evil characters constantly impress the fandom with their badassery, which is often on full display when they wield their iconic red lightsabers.

Not all dark side Force users are prolific with the blade, certainly not to a level that they would challenge well-trained Jedi. Others, though, particularly the full-blown Sith Lords, are seriously skilled lightsaber duelists.

10 Savage Opress

Raw, untamed, unrefined, and animalistic are not only accurate ways to describe Savage Opress, but also to describe the way he does battle and wields his lightsaber. He is strong but is not hugely skilled, better when he is a part of the brilliant duo with Maul.

What gives Savage a real advantage over many opponents is his sheer power. He may not have mastered one of the forms or be on the level of his brother with the blade, but fans saw in battles with the likes of Obi-Wan and Adi Galia that he can overwhelm adversaries.

9 The Inquisitorius

Thus far, fans have met the Second Sister, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Ninth Sister on-screen in Star Wars, and fans are patiently awaiting more. In terms of lightsaber skill, they are all relatively equal and not on the level of true, legendary Sith Lords.

The Inquisitorius have trained under Vader though, and thus are not inept with a lightsaber. They just lack power compared to other dark side Force users. While they did hunt and kill Jedi, they sometimes needed to do so in pairs, and as seen in canon, they often failed in killing untrained Jedi like Kanan, Ezra, and Cal.


8 The Grand Inquisitor

Perhaps the most powerful and proficient of the Inquisitorius is the Grand Inquisitor, a former Jedi Temple Guard who became disillusioned and fell to the dark side before being brought on as an Inquisitor by Sidious.

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The Grand Inquisitor repeatedly failed to kill two relatively untrained Jedi in Kanan and Ezra, but fared better against them than the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. On top of that, he did kill Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, and survived, albeit lost, a brief duel with Darth Vader before Vader knew who he was.

7 Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren, arguably the best character of the divisive sequel trilogy, was not a Sith, but a powerful user of the dark side who some fans may think was unskilled with a lightsaber based on his duel with Rey in The Force Awakens.

What fans should remember about that duel is that Kylo got hit with a bolt from Chewie’s bowcaster that would have killed most other people, and that Rey was well trained in melee. Also, Kylo completely out-skilled her a year later in the timeline in The Rise Of Skywalker. Kylo was a crude fighter with a lot of strength and skill, but fans did not see enough of him, nor was he good enough to be put on a level with Sith from years gone by.

6 General Grievous

General Grievous did not use the Force, but still deserves mention as a terrifying Star Wars villain with the exceptional ability with a lightsaber. He would handle Kylo Ren in a duel if all other factors such as the Force were removed from the equation.

Being trained by count Dooku helps Grievous massively. He kills numerous Jedi and wields four or two blades better than some Jedi handle one. Having no access to the Force never appeared to hinder Grievous, whose presence alone intimidated opponents.

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5 Asajj Ventress

One of the very best characters to come out of The Clone Wars was Asajj Ventress, who, while never getting deemed a full-blown Sith Lord or Apprentice, was a skilled Sith assassin who used both the Force and her two lightsabers with prowess.

Look at how Ventress not only held her own but even sometimes got the upper hand in duels versus the likes of Anakin and Obi-Wan. That is enough to prove her worth as a lightsaber duelist. However, she did not reach the levels of her own Master, and she was never taught all she needed to know to be as advanced as Sidious’ apprentices.

4 Maul

Similar to Savage, Maul is animalistic, particularly in his time as Sidious’ apprentice. But unlike his brother, Maul had a finesse and intelligence that made him not just a threat with his power and speed, but with his skill in lightsaber combat.

He could never best Obi-Wan and was lesser than exceptional fighters such as Ahsoka Tano, but he held his own, got on the offensive consistently, and killed Qui-Gon Jinn, a fantastic fighter who was admittedly hindered by the environment. While his record in on-screen lightsaber duels is awful, Maul’s physical advantages combined with his proficiency in the Juyo form makes him a threat to any opponent.

3 Count Dooku

Count Dooku may well be the most underrated villain in Star Wars, and fans tend to overlook how incredible he is with a lightsaber.

Dooku is a master with the blade, an expert at lightsaber-on-lightsaber combat able to challenge anyone in the Jedi Order. He may well have been third behind Yoda and Windu in terms of Jedi lightsaber duelists during his time in the Order. Dooku is not as skilled or as able as others in fending off hordes of blaster enemies like how Anakin and Obi-Wan can. Still, there are few better than Dooku in a simple lightsaber duel, and his exquisite use of the curved blade is marvelous.

2 Darth Vader

Given what happened to him on Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader never got to fulfill his unlimited potential as a Force wielder and powerful being. Yet, Vader still managed to become one of the most powerful people in the Galaxy and an awe-inspiring presence.

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With his iconic lightsaber in hand, Vader could challenge anybody. He killed numerous Jedi, handily defeated Luke on Bespin, and faced waves upon waves of enemies on multiple occasions, mercilessly and with unyielding power killing them all. Vader had to adapt his style to his suit and physical limitations, and did so with the utmost skill.

1 Darth Sidious

Always two there are, no more, no less. And when it comes to lightsaber skill, it is the ultimate Sith Master, Darth Sidious, who is far and away the very best the dark side has to offer in terms of on-screen swordsmen.

Fans obviously do not get to see Palpatine use a lightsaber much on-screen. But, when they do, it is a sight to behold. He made Maul and Savage look like children playing Sith when he toyed with them on Mandalore. Then, in his iconic battle with four Jedi on Coruscant, he handily defeated the best the Jedi Order had to offer at that moment. Many still debate whether or not Windu defeated Sidious, but either way, the battle acts as evidence as to how Sidious is the best dark side user when it comes to lightsaber skill.

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