In Vikings, much emphasis was placed on war, power, and the Norse gods. Love also squeezed itself between those three on a frequent basis and the relationship struggles that the Viking Age characters faced were relatable even in modern times. Breakups were common and after a couple of tries, a couple of characters found “the one.” Ubbe and Torvi were two of such characters.

Fate was kind enough to lead Torvi to Ubbe but before that, she had been in unstable relationships with Jarl Borg and Bjorn Ironside. Ubbe, on the other hand, didn’t have an adventurous love life. Before Torvi, he had only been with Margrethe. With each other, Ubbe and Torvi shared more beautiful moments compared to what they had experienced with their previous lovers.

10 “A Simple Story” (S5E9)

Torvi was devasted after Bjorn left her for Princess Snaefrid. Ubbe, who was unhappy in his marriage at the time, came to comfort her and the two shared a kiss. They then had a heart-to-heart conversation in which Ubbe expressed his regret of fathering kids with Margrethe.

Ubbe’s regret was expected. His “know it all” attitude cost him several times in the series and the first example came via his marriage to Margrethe. He had been warned by his brothers about Margrethe but he never listened. He was now keen on remedying his unhappiness. Torvi wasn’t one to languish in heartbreak forever either. She had moved on easily from Erlendur and was willing to move on from Bjorn too.

9 “Moments of Vision” (S5E10)

Anxiety loomed over Ubbe and Torvi’s first battle as a couple. There were hints that one of them was going to die but that didn’t happen. When the bloodshed was over, it wasn’t just viewers who were glad. The embrace between the two, despite the loss, spoke volumes.

Though death would mean a direct trip to the Norse paradise of Valhalla, it was understandable for the new lovebirds to not want to lose each other just yet. They had both been in toxic relationships before and had a feeling that things would be different this time. They were ready to make it work. Only bad luck could ruin things but the gods were on their side.


8 “A New God” (S5E13)

Eager to get the lands in East Anglia, Ubbe tried to negotiate with King Alfred but the Anglo-Saxon ruler was playing hardball. In the days that followed, Alfred loosened his stance on one condition: Ubbe and Torvi had to convert to Christianity. Though it angered Bjorn, the couple proceeded to be baptized.

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This joint decision by Ubbe and Torvi was a reminder that they were willing to risk everything for each other no matter who they offended. By agreeing to be baptized, they were not only disappointing Bjorn but also the Norse gods. That didn’t matter to them. Torvi could have easily backed out too if she wanted but she was keen on going along with whatever made her man happy. Such is what true love is about.

7 “What Happens In The Cave” (S5E19)

Frodo was the only member of the Black Danes to oppose Ubbe’s proposal to lead Alfred’s army, so Ubbe challenged him to a fight-to-death duel. Ubbe won but was badly injured. Fortunately, Torvi’s dedication to nursing him made him heal much quicker.

Like every other person who had been raised to recognize the Norse Pantheon, Ubbe believed that Odin deserved all the credit for the improvement of his health. However, Torvi was the real hero. She washed his wounds and kept urging him to cling on to his dear life, making it clear he was all she had. If it was the carefree Margrethe doing such duties, events would have unfolded differently.

6 “The Prophet” (S6E2)

Ubbe had always wished for Torvi to have his child and it finally happened. She finally revealed that she was ‘with child’, creating a joyous moment for the couple.

Earlier in the series, Torvi had suggested that she wasn’t keen on having more children, so her choice to have another child with Ubbe said a lot about her love for the man. Being on the same page is important for couples and the two had no differing opinions about what the name of the child should be. They both agreed he should be called Ragnar, like the great Lothbrok.

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5 “The Ice Maiden” (S6E7)

Refusing to take the threat to Lagertha’s village seriously was one of the most shocking things Ubbe ever did. At Lagertha’s funeral, Ubbe apologized to Torvi for not letting her go check out Lagertha’s village after Gunnhild’s vision. Gunnhild had dreamt that Lagertha’s village would be under attack and it ended up being true.

Apologies matter and the couple never hesitated to tell each other that they were sorry. Lagertha’s death wasn’t a matter that directly affected their relationship but Ubbe knew he was wrong and was noble enough to admit it. He only believed he was doing the right thing as acting ruler by preventing Torvi and Gunnhild from going to the village. Despite the huge loss, Torvi’s forgiveness was proof that she wasn’t going to let grudges put a strain on their relationship.

4 “Valhalla Can Wait” (S6E8)

Ubbe and Torvi finally followed Kjetil Flatnose to Iceland. Ubbe had wanted her to stay behind but Torvi protested, saying she wasn’t going to sacrifice her dreams for men. Ubbe understood her and let her know that she was welcome to accompany him.

Soulmates never force each other to do things they don’t want to and the couple recognized this. Ubbe was aware that Torvi’s dreams and ambitions of exploration mirrored his, so he wasn’t going to stand in her way. Here, Ubbe was also painted as the man Torvi deserved, especially when compared to her previous lovers. Marrying Jarl Borg was one of the worst decisions Torvi made and during her time with him, a similar scenario played out. Instead of letting her come with him, he ordered her to stay home.

3 “Resurrection” (S6E9)

Upon learning that Othere The Wanderer was actually a Christian named Athelstan, Ubbe wanted to sacrifice him to the gods. Torvi forbid him against doing so, reminding him that he was once a Christian too. Ubbe went with her wishes.

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There are plenty of questionable life choices made by characters in Vikings but Ubbe was lucky enough to have someone who frequently installed sense in his mind. There was no justifiable reason to kill Othere and Torvi knew that. And he was a good and understanding enough partner to listen.

2 “All At Sea” (S6E15)

When things got out of hand in the settlement, Ubbe and Torvi decided to leave. Accompanying them were the level-headed settlers, including Othere.

It’s normal for sensible couples to come to the realization that a move they made jointly was a mistake. They thus recommend a different course of action and that’s what the lovebirds did in this scenario. The Iceland expedition had brought them nothing but pain. They didn’t blame each other for it. They simply decided to move on.

1 “The Last Act” (S6E20)

In the series finale, Ubbe and Torvi reunited with Floki. He filled them with tales of the new land he discovered after leaving Iceland. For once, everyone was in great spirits.

As with every other relationship on the show, there were always doubts whether Ubbe and Torvi’s relationship would last. Them still being happily married in the series finale served as confirmation that nothing was going to change for the worst. There was no hostility or a reason for either of them to want out. It was going to be happily-ever-after for them.

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