Warning: SPOILERS for Batman #93

Harley Quinn and Punchline have finally met, and the meeting has gone exactly how you would think in Batman #93. The Joker’s new girlfriend and his ex immediately engage with each other, weapons drawn — a true grudge match as Punchline sees it at least.

Punchline seems to hold a personal grudge against Harley Quinn, not for anything Harley has done to her personally but for what she thinks Harley did to hinderthe Joker. Punchline watched Harley and the Joker and was jealous at how close Harley was able to get to the Joker — and had the audacity to try and help the Joker. By trying to fix him, Harley was watering down the Clown Prince to nothing in Punchline’s eyes, however, surely others would disagree.


Punchline has a bloody grudge against Harley for holding Joker back and not letting him be who he truly is. She makes Quinn aware of her feelings while the brutal fight is going on, as shows how deadly she can be with a pair of knives, managing to cut through the handle of Quinn’s signature over-sized mallet. As she switches weapons from a big mallet to a big gun, Harley finally sees Punchline for what she truly is: nothing more than a Joker groupie – and she’s got issues. Harley breaks it to Punchline that she isn’t special —  after all, the Joker has also said Batman is the funniest person he knows, which is saying something considering he is known for being more of the dark and brooding type. As Harley tries to explain how bad of a guy Joker actually is and he isn’t someone to idolize, Punchline swiftly moves in dodging Harley’s gun, again showing just how deadly and agile she is. As Harley tries to warn Punchline that the Joker will hurt her, Punchline quickly moves in, and a red line appears across Harley Quinn’s throat.

Wide-eyed Harley begins choking on her own blood and falls to her knees as Punchline taunts her. Harley appears stunned that she was bested, all while trying to tell Punchline that she shouldn’t fall for the Joker, knowing that she will end up getting hurt. While struggling for her last few breaths, Punchline’s henchmen pick Harley up and toss her in the water of the sewers. In an odd turn of events, Harley Quinn ends the fight on the moral high ground, trying to reason with Punchline and tell her to stay away from Joker in an attempt to keep her safe. But that morality doesn’t help a slit throat. Punchline wins the fight quickly and violently, proving herself a very serious threat worthy of being by Joker’s side. If the Joker was held back with Harley at his side, he is sure to be the deadliest he has ever been with Punchline as his new girlfriend.

It’s doubtful this is the last we’ll see of Harley Quinn, but it is hard to see how she can recover from such a gruesome fate. If she does make it through, it will be exciting to see how Harley will react to this defeat. Will she continue to try and help Punchline see how dangerous the Joker is, or will she be out for revenge against her ex’s new squeeze?

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