Boon Totems are a brand-new mechanic in Dead By Daylight that has some fans scratching their heads. There already seems to be a bit of a split in the community about the new additions, but only time will tell whether this change will cement itself as good or bad.

Boon Totems were originally revealed during a live stream by Dead by Daylight developers on May 25th, 2021. They officially drop in the mid-chapter update on October 19th, which also included the new survivor character, Mikaela Reid. We finally know now that Boon Totems are a feature to help survivors as they fix generators and run from their killer.


Here are the types of Boon Totems currently available in Dead by Daylight, each range and boost varies, depending on the perk level.

  • Circle of Healing: The range for this totem is 28 meters. Any survivors standing within that range gain 100% boost to their healing speed and can heal themselves without the use of a med kit.
  • Shadow Step: The range for this totem is also 28 meters. Any survivors within range will have their auras and scratch marks hidden from the killer for 4 seconds after leaving the totem’s range.

Though these are the only two Boons currently available, it is likely more will be added in upcoming updates. So far, it seems that these Boon Totems add a new level of challenge for the terrifying killers, while giving survivors a bit of relief.

Everything Known about Dead by Daylight’s Boon Totems

The Dead by Daylight totems start the game as dull totems. Once found, they can be blessed by survivors to become Boon Totems that provide specific perks to players within its range of effect. Players should keep in mind that they can only have one Boon activated at a time, and the killer can hear Boon Totems if they are in range. Killers can also undo the blessing if they find the totem. These can be great for either group or solo gameplay.

As stated previously, Dead by Daylight’s large fanbase seems a bit split on the implementation of these Boon Totems. While some find great relief in the extra benefit they provide to survivors, others see them as a Deus ex Machina kind of challenge breaker. Only time will tell what fans eventually decide to dub the new additions. Either way, the recent updates to the game have brought it some much-needed attention.

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Dead by Daylight is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, Xbox Series X, and PlayStation 5.

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