Warning! Spoilers for Moon Knight #1 below.

Moon Knight has never been shy about taking justice into his own hands, and in the character’s new series, Marvel villains are well-aware of his most brutal kills. In Moon Knight #1, the antihero encounters 8-Ball, who immediately surrenders to him as he’s aware he once cut the face off of his greatest adversary. There’s no doubt Moon Knight has inspired fear in villains in his own backyard.

Marc Spector is one of Marvel’s most unpredictable heroes as he took up the mantle of Moon Knight after he died and was resurrected by the Moon God Khonshu. Spector has a form of dissociative identity disorder, meaning he adopts multiple personalities and names when he’s not fighting crime. As Moon Knight, he doesn’t have the same no-kill rules that apply to Batman or Daredevil, but instead, he will get bloody when needed. However, he once lost control during a previous encounter with Bushman, where he carved his face off with his crescent dart. The interaction is one of the bloodiest moments Marvel has published and still scares villains to this day.


In Moon Knight #1 by Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit, Moon Knight is back protecting the streets, as he’s alerted about a supervillain attacking a local clinic. When he arrives, the antihero finds the villain 8-Ball getting manhandled by a doctor. Upon seeing Moon Knight, 8-Ball pleads for him to not “cut my face off” and surrenders. Clearly, 8-Ball is aware of Moon Knight’s darkest tactics when stopping villains.

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Moon Knight has disagreements with the clinic’s doctor, Dr. Badr, who also appears to be a disciple of the Moon God Khonshu. Badr calls out Moon Knight for allowing vampires to exist in an area that’s supposed to be guarded by the Fist of Khonshu. Meanwhile, 8-Ball continues to plead his case as he’s handcuffed, telling the two, “we’ve landed on not cutting my face off? good choice guys. Love it!”

Getting on the wrong side of Moon Knight is never a good idea, as he has no issue in killing villains. For example, later in the issue, he’s seen throwing a villain off the top of a building and shown wielding a chainsaw against a group of undead monsters. Cutting off a villain’s face might be extreme, even for Moon Knight, but if someone crosses him the wrong way, it’s not completely out of the question he could repeat his darkest action. So, villains have every right to be terrified. Moon Knight #1 is in comic book stores now.

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