Though Big Brother has a huge following, each season of the show is met with a different reaction from fans. This is often due to the casting choices made by production as the likeability of the houseguests greatly impacts the fans’ perception of the season.

Season 17 was generally well-received by fans. The season featured entertaining twists, huge blindsides, and two alliances that heavily targetted each other. Many of the houseguests this season were incredibly well-liked, with a few even being invited back for future seasons. However, that doesn’t mean that every houseguest from this season was loved. Let’s check out these houseguests ranked from least likable to most likable.

17 Austin

Austin immediately made a target out of himself in the house due to his cocky persona. While the houseguests eventually got to know him better and changed their original perception, fans were left with a bad taste in their mouths.

The dislike for Austin continued to grow when he got into a showmance with fellow houseguest Liz despite having a girlfriend back home. He also failed to recognize Liz was actually two women, as her sister Julia was switching in and out of the house as part of the twin twist.

16 Jeff

Jeff was placed in the house with his former Amazing Race partner Jackie as part of a twist. Jeff made many sexist comments and creepily pursued Liz Nolan.

Even following his eviction, Jeff seemed to be obsessed with Liz, often commenting on her relationship with Austin on twitter giving many fans the impression that he was jealous of their relationship. Jeff didn’t last long in the house, placing 15th, and fans were happy to see him go.


15 Jace

Jace was the first contestant evicted on Big Brother 17. He and Austin immediately bonded, creating a Final 2 and displaying their “bro-ish” personalities.

Jace engaged in wild antics, streaking through the house and drawing a lot of negative attention to himself. Like the houseguests, many fans found Jace annoying, and with him evicted so early, fans never got the chance to know him.

14 Clay

Clay is mostly remembered for his showmance with Shelli. Most of his screentime was in relation to their relationship, though he was a member of The Sixth Sense alliance.

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Unlike his alliance members, Clay did not go far in the game and was evicted pre-jury in 12th place. Fans didn’t dislike Clay, but there wasn’t anything particularly interesting, entertaining, or memorable about him.

13 Becky

Becky had potential as a contestant, but she struggled to build strong relationships in the house. She wasn’t actively involved in an alliance and was instead loyal to Jackie and Johnny Mac.

Becky laid low initially, attempting to form bonds with many in the house. However, Becky was seen as a competitive threat. She regularly lasted long in competitions and won two HOHs. Once in power, Becky immediately targetted Vanessa, which resulted in her being evicted shortly after. Becky was a decent competitor but without a strong alliance or memorable personality, she wasn’t particularly loved or hated by fans.

12 Shelli

Upon entering the house, Shelli quickly bonded with Audrey and Da’Vonne. The three swiftly formed an alliance that would prove to be incredibly short-lived. Shelli later joined The Sixth Sense alliance and actively targetted The Goblins.

Had Shelli not abandoned her day one alliance, she likely would have been better received by fans. This is because many fan favorites were in The Goblins alliance and viewers weren’t happy to see Shelli target them so forcefully. Some fans also found her relationship with fellow houseguest Clay to be a bit disconcerting considering the large age difference between the two. Still, Shelli had many fans and even those who cheered against her couldn’t help but respect her.

11 Steve

Steve doesn’t receive the recognition he deserves. He played a calculated game, made strategic decisions, and always did what benefited him. Towards the end of the game, he began dominating in competitions.

Steve was incredibly quirky, often pacing around the house and talking to himself and the live feeders. Steve’s strongest moment was when he evicted Vanessa at the Final 3, earning him favor with many fans.

10 Julia

Julia entered the game as her sister Liz, switching in and out as part of the twin twist. Julia had several alliances in the game but wasn’t a strong strategic player. She mainly followed the advice of those she was aligned with and was easily manipulated by Vanessa.

Fans adored Julia for her criticism of Austin and her disgust over his relationship with her sister Liz.

9 Liz

Liz, the other half of the twin twist, was a member of a few dominant alliances in the house. She proved to be a strong competitor, winning 3 HOHs, 1 veto, and 1 POV (despite the fact that her partner James was attempting to throw the competition).

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Liz was also memorable for her sense of humor. Despite working against many fan favorites, Liz was better received than many of her alliance members.

8 Meg

Meg had a good attitude and a sense of humor. She was in The Goblins alliance which automatically gained her favor with fans. This underdog was often used as a pawn, much to her chagrin.

Meg was extremely close with James and was often the target of his jokes. Her feigned annoyance with his antics and her hilarious DR sessions made Meg one of the most liked houseguests of the season.

7 James

James regularly played pranks on other houseguests and made jokes, keeping the fans and his fellow contestants entertained. Another member of The Goblins alliance, James actively worked against the dominating alliance.

James hilariously failed at throwing BOTB competitions while trying to execute eviction plans. James was considered a straight shooter. He won two HOHs 2 vetos, and 2 BOTBs and was always clear and direct about his targets in the house.

6 Johnny Mac

This loud-mouthed rock and roll dentist went far in the game by allowing others to believe he was stupid. He served as a pawn in many situations and won 4 POVs. Johnny Mac was a floater with few alliances with others in the house.

Many fans fell in love with Johnny for his DR sessions, in which he would scream at the camera and continue to portray his confused persona and ridiculous commentary.

5 Audrey

A true superfan of the game, Audrey quickly gained support. Unfortunately, her game quickly fell apart when she played too quickly and got caught in several lies, placing a target on her back.

Instead of continuing to lie her way out of the situation, Audrey broke down, unable to handle the pressure. Though this contestant was out quickly, she provided loads of drama and entertainment to viewers, earning her a devoted group of fans.

4 Jackie

Jackie had an infectious, upbeat personality. Though she entered the game with Jeff, she managed to make connections for herself while carefully distancing herself from some of Jeff’s behavior.

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Jackie was hilarious, often making blunt comments about the other contestants’ gameplay. Fans adored Jackie because she was incredibly persistent and loyal.

3 Vanessa

Vanessa is one of the best strategic players of all time. She manipulated the entire house, masterminding the eviction of almost every single houseguest. She created many alliances and was willing to take big risks as long as they could result in big rewards, such as protecting Liz and Julia.

Vanessa was also a competition beast; she won a total of 4 HOH competitions and 3 vetos. Vanessa was always three steps ahead of everyone else and she used her emotions to manipulate those around her. Vanessa’s game commanded respect and fans couldn’t help but acknowledge her moves.

2 Jason

Jason was the immediate fan favorite. His energy was infectious and many viewers saw themselves in this superfan.

Jason was animated and formed a close relationship with fellow houseguest Da’Vonne. Jason provided hilarious commentary both in the Diary Room and in conversations with his fellow houseguests. Jason was so loved that he was voted back into the house on BBOTT where he placed second.

1 Da’Vonne

Da’Vonne is one of the most beloved BB players in recent years. Known for her astute powers of observation, Da’Vonne struggled to keep the information she noticed to herself, sharing it with the wrong houseguests and placing a target on her own back.

Da’Vonne’s hilarious Diary Room sessions are some of the most remembered and quoted. Da’Vonne made history when she was invited back to compete for a second season, making her the lowest placing contestant to ever return for a second season. The impression she left on fans after such a short amount of time in the house proved how likable this houseguest was.

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