Hagrid might not have been the smartest character in the Harry Potter franchise, however, that doesn’t stop him from providing some pearls of wisdom throughout the movies. Hagrid has a huge heart and he quickly becomes very close to Harry and his pals, which leads to them having a strong bond.

Hagrid is always there to offer his advice to them in every situation and throughout the journey, he really gives some fantastic and very quotable lines. He ranges from bringing great comedy all the way to sheer emotion, and that’s why he became such a beloved character throughout.

10 “There’s A Storm Coming Harry, We’d All Best Be Ready When She Does”

For the most part, Hagrid is a very upbeat and positive character that looks on the brighter side of life, but that’s not always the case. As the franchise starts to take a darker turn, Hagrid does become more serious and after a visit to the giants to try to convince them to join their side, he quickly realizes that there’s trouble brewing.

He’s very open and honest with Harry throughout, and this quote sums that up as he openly admits that there’s a storm coming. He feels the situation building as it had before with Voldemort, and he doesn’t sugarcoat things or lie, and is instead just very open, which is why he’s always been so great.

9 “Don’t You Think On It Hermione, Don’t You Think On It For One Minute”

While fans might instantly think of Hagrid and his close friendship with Harry Potter, the fact is he’s just as caring to Hermione and Ron as well. He shows his caring side when Malfoy calls Hermione a Mudblood, which leads to her being upset in his hut.

This is where he tells Hermione not to think on the comments for one second, and makes it clear that Hermione is one of the brightest young wizards around. It quickly builds Hagrid as a really caring and kind character and shows just how nice he is.


8 “Dry Up Dursley, You Big Prune”

Rubeus Hagrid certainly does not like the Dursley’s and he makes that very clear when they first meet. When Vernon pulls out a shotgun and attempts to scare Hagrid, he simply bends the gun and drops this fantastic quote, making his thoughts very obvious.

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It’s a fantastic way for Hagrid to be introduced into the movie as it’s not only hilarious, but it also shows that he’s not someone who should be messed with, which works considering his size.

7 “Don’t Pull Out Any Of His Feathers”

Hagrid’s lesson with Buckbeak was a complete disaster, in all honesty, however, Harry Potter does end up making a bond with the animal which Hagrid then takes to a new level. Rather than letting them greet, earn each other’s respect and leave things, Hagrid ends up getting Harry to ride the animal.

He throws Harry on top of the animal in a wild moment, and his only real advice is to not pull out any feathers, as he then sets Buckbeak off flying away. It’s a hilarious moment that sums up Hagrid perfectly.

6 “Look! He Knows His Mummy! Hello, Norbert!”

Hagrid loves magical beasts and creatures, and that includes dragons. He’s great with them and he ends up getting a dragon’s egg to hatch, which is something that ends up causing him a little bit of trouble. However, it does also show his caring and soft side as he’s very good with Norbert.

He shows a totally different side of himself with the dragon, acting like an adult would with a brand new baby which is hilarious to see. It’s not what most people expect from a giant and it leads to this very funny quote from him.

5 “Not All Wizards Are Good”

Hagrid isn’t always playing the comedic relief throughout the movies, and this quote showcases that as he is the first person to have a proper conversation about Voldemort with Harry. He openly teaches Harry that there is good and bad within the magical world, which is a crucial lesson for him to learn.

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The full quote really shows just how well Hagrid explains the situation: “Understand this, Harry, ’cause it’s very important – not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago there was one wizard that went as bad as you can go.”

4 “Fine. Just So You Know, He’s A Bloody Coward”

Hagrid isn’t quite as polite to all the students as most teachers are, and that’s why he’s always quite blunt with Draco Malfoy. He doesn’t trust him and this quote showcases a funny way that he’s openly honest with him as they’re about to head into the Dark Forest.

Draco takes Fang with him and Harry, mainly because he thinks the dog will work to scare away anything they might come across on their journey. It makes sense in principle, however, Hagrid happily makes out that the dog is actually going to be no use at all, as he’s a coward.

3 “I Should Not Have Said That”

Something that Hagrid was very good at throughout the movies was telling Harry, Ron, and Hermione things that he shouldn’t really be telling them. He is technically a member of staff and while he isn’t a teacher, he does know a lot of information due to his close relationship with Professor Dumbledore.

However, Hagrid is terrible at keeping his mouth shut and he accidentally helps Harry get into danger as he spills too much information. The giant doesn’t waste much time regretting what he says though, as this hilarious quote is proof of.

2 “Never Insult Albus Dumbledore In Front Of Me”

Speaking of Hagrid’s relationship with Albus Dumbledore, it is very clear in Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone that he isn’t willing to hear anybody bad mouth that Hogwarts headmaster. He makes his thoughts very clear when speaking to the Dursley’s, showing how protective he is.

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It’s a great line that instantly shows how protective Hagrid is and explains why he has the job as the groundskeeper, despite not being allowed to perform magic. It’s all about the bond that they share and that is down to mutual respect.

1 “You’re A Wizard Harry”

Speaking of the original Harry Potter movie, this sees Hagrid’s greatest line and one that has become incredibly iconic over time. It’s the epic moment that Harry finally learns exactly who he is and what he is capable of after the mystery of the letters bombarding Privet Drive.

This is why Hagrid ends up having such a close bond with Harry as he’s the man who goes through Harry’s entire wizarding journey. This quote is one that all Harry Potter fans know and is something that people say frequently when it comes to these movies, which is why it’s his best quote.

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