Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has now dropped some new characters to try out. This guide will showcase how Min Min plays and the most effective strategies players can utilize to win.

Being a crazy crossover beat-em-up, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the fifth entry of the franchise that came out in 2018 by Bandi Namco Studios. It’s a mishmash of characters from various popular IPs that spans various characters from The Legend of Zelda to Donkey Kong. All the characters have their own zany moves that complement their style that’s associated with their own games and style. Mario jumps, bops, and knocks around characters with his boots while Mega Man blasts opponents away with his “blue buster”, as an example. There’ s percentage meter that players need to keep their eye on that increases during rounds. The higher the percentage, the easier it is for players to be knocked out of the area. Thus, there are sundry power-ups that players can utilize that come in the form of; swords, hammers, and even Pokeballs to throw that’ll summon help during matches. Among the chaos, there’s a method to the madness since every character has their own moves and balanced combat techniques.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is no stranger to adding new characters to the roster with DLC as long as the player purchased the Fighters Pass 2 package. With the current drop, Min Min is now available to play. She is from the ARMS universe in which people gain expendable arms to play in a sporting event that’s very combative. Min Min comes with excellent range and she can switch weapons on the fly. She comes in a medium-heavyweight status which gives her the same feel as; Link, Captain Falcon, and Yoshi. It can be widely acknowledged that Min Min has a unique balance of both power and range. She can pummel opponents to defeat like Little Mac which is also accompanied by long-distance attacks like Simon Belmont. She does, however, comes with some disadvantages and it’s important for players to know her limitations and where she excels at.

Playing As Min Min In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Despite her strange demeanor, don’t overlook the fact that Min Min can pack a wallop. It is almost as if she operates like a boxing robot with her one-two punch. Usually, pressing the “B Button” will activate a special attack with the other characters. When it comes to Min Min, it simply causes her to use her other arm. Punching back enemies with her arms will certainly keep opponents at bay, but the retraction time frame leaves her open for attack momentarily. Therefore, players will need to watch their backs and especially characters that are prone to aerial attacks. The kicker with Min Min is that she can swap fists (even in mid-air) which drastically changes her playstyle.

Min Min’s Different Fists

  • The Ramram
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This has the lowest damage. It kind of functions like a boomerang by the way it is thrown out and returns back to Min Min. It’s most useful for downing opponents at the edges of stages.

  • The Dragon

This fist can be used as a projectile. It’ll shoot lasers out across the stage after being powered up by holding down the attack button.

  • The Megawatt

This has the highest damage, but it can take some practice to land hits with. It can send opponents flying across stages when powered up.

Tips for playing as Min Min In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Pressing down in the D-pad+B special will enable Min Min to switch her fist on her right arm. It’s best that she keeps her distance and swing madly with her arms to keep enemies from getting up close. She’s not very effective standing toe to toe with other characters, thus her weakest link is that she can take major damage from attacks up above. So, always be ready to use neutral air to counter this. There’s no doubt that Min Min will feel awkward when players first try her out, however with some practice she can become quite a formidable fighter.

Tips Playing as Min Min 

  • Counters don’t seem to work very well with her arms.
  • Grabbing opponents has a rather good range and recommended for opponents who block excessively.
  • Using the ‘Up Special’ grants a brief moment of invincibility. It can be used to escape attacks.
  • Tapping A or B will cause Min Min to kick instead of punch. Kicking can actually reflect projectiles.
  • Always keep a distance.
  • Angling the punches toward the ground slightly will cause them to bounce up and hit opponents.
  • Activating the special in mid-air will cause Min Min to use an Armhook, which can be used as a recovery tool.
  • Press A+B simultaneously will activate two Smash Attacks, which can cover a large segment of the stage.

Min Min also has some handy tilt attacks that can keep opponents dancing from afar. Pressing the “Up tilt” will cause her to do a somersault kick that can reflect attacks and projectiles. Thus, “down tilt” attacks will activate a side-kick that can be useful if players are too close for arm attacks. These kicks can also be used to launch opponents in the air to set up juggles. If being attacked from behind is becoming a nuisance, using the ‘Down Smash’ will have Min Min do a split kick that can damage opponents are both sides of her. Just time it right, because the animation of her getting back up leaves her open for attack.

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Using the ‘Up Special’ will launch Min Min into the air like a giant spring. The longer the button is held, the higher she will go. This is a useful tool for escaping sticky situations. Also, don’t forget that using this move in mid-air will activate the arm hook, which was mentioned before. Lastly, Min Min’s ‘Final Smash’ will enable her to call her friends for the ARMS Universe, which will all jump in and punch all the opponents off the stage and into oblivion.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available on Nintendo Switch.

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