Audience members have waited for over a year for Dune to be released in theaters and finally, the event is here. Denis Villeneuve’s interpretation of Frank Herbert’s epic sci-fi tale far exceeded expectations that Dune Part Two has already been greenlit. Many are hopeful that this will mean Oscar nominations for the cast.

But some opinions of Dune are more ambiguous. Jason Momoa’s depiction of Duncan Idaho has resulted in some discourse. Many fans appreciated Momoa’s interpretation of House Atreides’ protector and the heartfelt scene when he says goodbye to Paul. But there are those whose opinions of Jason Momoa’s performance are unpopular.

10 He Should Have Played Gurney Instead

Despite Momoa’s popularity, some fans don’t think that he was meant to play Duncan Idaho. “I couldn’t help but feel that Brolin and Momoa’s roles should have been switched. I thought Momoa played Duncan more how I imagined Gurney Halleck, and Brolin more how I imagined Idaho,” says Redditor Fast-Glove2681.

“I can’t imagine Brolin’s Gurney bonding with Paul over raunchy ballads, but I can imagine Momoa’s Duncan doing it,” agrees Reddit user themocaw. Although it is true that Gurney plays raunchy ballads in the books, that is not representative of the character in the Dune film. Duncan is given the more humorous moments, not Gurney. Momoa has proven that he can handle the humorous one-liners. The casting for Duncan makes more sense for Momoa to portray.

9 He Is Too Comedic

Jason Momoa exudes charisma in his roles, but some fans do not appreciate that. “I think he physically fits a good description of Duncan I think they really played up his role and added comedic effect with him which is not really in the Dune universe,” says Fresh_Silk. This commenter thinks Duncan was made to be funnier to appeal to mass audiences.

In a cinematic experience, most audiences need sources of levity. And even though Duncan does make a joke or two, most of the film is full of daunting material. While Duncan makes a couple jokes, that is a fraction of the story. Most of Duncan’s arc is trying to save House of Atreides and protecting them from ruin.


8 He Keeps Playing The Same Character

As far as fighting sequences go, Momoa has it in the bag. He made it big as Dothraki Khal Drogo and with little dialogue. But this ability does little to appease fans who want to see something with more depth. “He’s just another actor that plays as the same character like Chris Pratt,” says this Redditor.

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Fans think that Momoa is falling into a trap of playing similar characters. He has portrayed strong characters who are loners like in Game of Thrones and Aquaman. But that is not all he does. He has portrayed characters with heart looking out for their own like in Netflix’s Sweet Girl. Duncan is also more nuanced than that. He is more wise than he appears, and has one of the best quotes in Dune.

7 Audiences Only Like The Performance Because He’s Jason Momoa

When looking to attract audiences to Dune, one thing that is important is fan appeal. Some fans think that’s his only merit. “It’s Jason Momoa. Of course, he’s one of the hottest things in Hollywood. People would love him no matter what he played. It’s portrayal of Duncan was just ‘ok’. Not great. Not bad. It was aqua man with a sword instead of a trident on a planet with no oceans” says cjlacz on Reddit.

Both Arthur Curry and Duncan Idaho have their heroic moments. But they are moved by different motivations. Duncan is ruled by duty and honor. Arthur’s humor far outweighs Duncan’s. Momoa has shown nuance between these two characters. Ducan shows genuine grief during the Harkonnen slaughter. This is a deep role not often seen in Momoa’s repertoire.

6 Gurney And Duncan Should Have Been Combined

Gurney disappears after her charges the Harkonnens. Since Duncan is in more of the film, some think that the characters should have been combined. “I almost think that Gurney and Duncan could have been combined. Duncan outshone Gurney and got way more screen time and he almost didn’t have a reason to exist in the film,” says Gunmeta1.

This would be considered disrespectful to many fans. Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho are both beloved characters from the books who are important to Paul for many reasons. They serve different needs. While Gurney may not appear frequently in the first film, he becomes far more important later down the line and is needed.

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5 He Doesn’t Match The Book Description

Many fans watching the film version of Dune have read the books. The similarities and differences are watched closely by viewers. “All the casting choices are great… except for Jason Momoa as Duncan Idaho. Doesn’t sit right, isn’t Idaho supposed to have black curly hair, and be slender/agile?,” asks Howitdobiglyboo per Reddit.

Many unpopular opinions about Dune consider Momoa being miscast. Momoa’s body type does not match this description. Even though his hair is not strictly curly, this does not take away from his fighting ability. Duncan is defined by his ability to protect House Atreides. He doesn’t need to be slender to pull this off. 

4 His Performance Isn’t Nuanced

Duncan Idaho doesn’t just miss the mark aesthetically. He also differs from the books significantly due to his personality. “Duncan Idaho is one of the most complex and multi-faceted characters in the novels,” says KaleoBlue. “I felt his performance & interpretation of the character was almost as one dimensional as a cross between his Baywatch character and Khal Drogo…”

Dune Part One is the best Dune adaptation for many reasons. Momoa’s acting is significant in moving the plot along. After the H0use of Atreides falls, Duncan is given one of the most emotional scenes. Momoa shows devastation that he has failed in protecting his charges but additional reserve in finding Liet Kynes. The latter half of the film does not work without Duncan’s emotional turn.

3 Some Lines Of Dialogue Are Cringe-Worthy

Duncan is present to introduce humor in a bleak story. But this Reddit user doesn’t think that the banter felt authentic. “There were a couple of moments of dialogue that made me outright cringe…like Duncan Idaho making a lame joke about the size of Paul’s muscles,” posts this Redditor.

Humor is important when viewers are watching an entirely new world full of lore. Duncan’s scene with Paul was not just meant to be humorous but to introduce character. Paul is supposed to not be in ideal fighting shape, the antithesis of someone who will lead a planet one day. Duncan’s joke is also meant to make this clear. It works on many different story-telling levels.

2 Better Actors Make Him Look Worse

Jason Momoa main scene partner is Timothee Chalamet. Chalamet has had a varied body of work including Ladybird and The French Dispatch. An unpopular opinion about Timothee Chalamet is that he is overexposed, but many accept his acting as beyond reproach. Some fans think acting opposite accomplished actors makes Momoa’s acting look worse in comparison. “By far my biggest complaint is Duncan. Maybe Jason Momoa isn’t a great actor, or maybe his terrible performance was amplified by the other great actors/actresses around him,” says Redditor Pithius.

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Duncan is integral to saving Lady Jessica and Paul. Duncan’s conviction and dedication to the family has to be believable for the movie to work. Duncan pulls off a devastating scene when he sacrifices himself to the Sardaukar to save the rest of the family. His acting ensures that the audience feels this loss, along with Paul.

1 He Doesn’t Have The Range

For some fans, it simply comes down to bad acting. Some believe that the actor does not have it in him to pull the role off. “He’s been at least par for the course in everything I’ve seen him in – Stargate Atlantis, GoT, Aquaman, See. He doesn’t have a lot of range but that doesn’t mean he’s terrible,” says commenter jdl_uk.

Momoa is given a lot of screen time in Dune for a reason.  He is instrumental in getting Liet Kynes to the side of House Atreides. He displays genuine grief as well as fighting style. Duncan is the emotional heart of the house. For the film, Momoa makes his range work.

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