The wonderful, wacky world of Bikini Bottom has delighted fans since it first premiered in 1999. SpongeBob SquarePants is a classic Nickelodeon show that has remained ever-popular since its first broadcast. The show set the precedent for hyper-realistic cutaway close-up drawings of characters to portray exaggerated emotions and invoke humor. Subsequent shows like The Amazing world Of Gumball would find a lot of comedic inspiration from SpongeBob SquarePants, solidifying the show as an animated canon in television history.

Like The Simpsons, SpongeBob SquarePants is still running today, broadcasting newer episodes that appeal to younger generations. But, before the newer episodes, there were the classic episodes that audiences fell—and continue to fall—in love with.

10 “Did You Say Chocolate?”

In the episode “Chocolate With Nuts,” SpongeBob and Patrick decide they need to become entrepreneurs so as to be able to afford a fancy living, like having a swimming pool inside another swimming pool. The best friends decide to sell chocolate door to door to earn a lot of money. However, being SpongeBob and Patrick, they are not very good at being entrepreneurs. To worsen the situation, after knocking on the wrong door, a crazy fish begins chasing them screaming at the top of his voice, “CHOCOLATE!” and scaring both of them.

After the two learn that lying makes you a good salesperson, their chocolates begin to sell like hotcakes. The episode is resolved when the crazy “CHOCOLATE” guy finally catches up to them and asks to buy all their chocolate.

9 Band Geeks

“Band Geeks” is a revolutionary musical epic that brought viewers the song, “Sweet Sweet Victory.” In a rare instance of victory for Squidward, hot, muscular, and rich playboy, Squilliam FancySon, calls Squidward to ask his band to play The Bubble Bowl. Squilliam knows that Squidward does not have a band and hopes to humiliate him with the offer. After Squidward hastily puts a band together it looks like all hope is lost, since they are all terrible at being musicians. Yet, the band pulls together at the end and rocks the stadium during The Bubble Bowl half-time show.


8 Sailor Mouth

In another episode where the combined powers of Patrick’s stupidity and SpongeBob’s naivete join together in perfect harmony, Patrick teaches SpongeBob that swear words are “sentence enhancers.” “You use it when you want to talk fancy. You just sprinkle it over anything you say, and WHAMO! You’ve got yourself a spicy sentence sandwich.”

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The episode quickly escalates and, soon, the duo threaten to tell on Mr. Krabs to his mother for using all thirteen sentence enhancers. The episode’s writers, Walt Dohrn, Paul Tibbit, and Merriwether Williams cleverly use dolphin squeaks in place of bleeps to censor the sentence enhancers. Undeniably, hearing dolphin squeaks in place of swear words makes the episode funnier than it should be.

7 Handsome Squidward

‘The Two Faces Of Squidward’ starts with SpongeBob accidentally breaking Squidward’s face by slamming a door in it. After being rushed to the hospital, Squidward is given emergency face reconstructive surgery and turns out handsome. Despite originally enjoying his handsomeness, Squidward begins to realize that people stalk, harass, and obsess over you when you are good-looking. Desperate, he asks SpongeBob to slam the door on his face again to get his old face back. Unfortunately for him, this just makes him incredibly good looking.

How the door slam also changes his physique so that he also gets pecs and abs, is not addressed. Nevertheless, Handsome Squidward has become a cult classic, spurring many internet memes.

6 The Camping Episode

When SpongeBob and Patrick decide to go camping outside of their house, Squidward accuses them of excluding him because they think they are better than him. To prove this is not the case, he forcibly joins them, to the excitement of the pair. After a night of annoying shenanigans, including molten marshmallows being spat at Squidward, and a nonsensical ‘”Campfire Song Song,” Squidward decides to have his own fun. Disbelieving the very-well proven theory of seabears, Squidward tries to lure one to the campsite.

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Squidward’s disbelief is soon cured when a seabear does indeed appear to beat the squid up for taunting him.

5 Wet Painters

On a slow day with few customers, Mr. Krabs tasks SpongeBob and Patrick to paint the inside of his house. To mess with them, he tells them that the paint is a special kind of paint that can never come off. Should they get the paint on anything but the wall, he would cut off their butts and mount them on his wall, he warns. Consequently, SpongeBob and Patrick spend the episode being extra careful, scared to get the paint on the assorted knick-knacks Mr. Krabs hangs on his wall.

Once the painting is done, Mr. Krabs reveals to them that he lied, since saliva can take the paint off. Karma hits him when he laughs too hard, causing his excessive saliva to strip the entire room of the new paint.

4 “24”

After Patrick reveals that he spends his days waiting for SpongeBob to get home so they can have fun, SpongeBob invites his friend to join him for the day at boating school. At boating school, SpongeBob brags about having the most “Great Noodle” stars.

Soon, Mrs. Puff joins the class and asks for the new student’s name. Anxious, Patrick blurts out “24,” and the whole class laughs. Patrick and SpongeBob refuse to let a bad joke die and continue to goof off as Mrs. Puff is teaching. In fact, Patrick’s influence would then lead to SpongeBob losing a Good Noodle star, causing one of the stupidest, most hilarious arguments between the two, where Patrick tells SpongeBob: “I’d hate you even if I didn’t hate you.”

3 “I’m Going To Kick Your Butt!”

New boating school student Flats The Flounder introduces himself to the class by pronouncing his love for kicking butts. SpongeBob, however, thinks this is a joke and volunteers to sit next to the flounder. Unsurprisingly, Flats immediately promises to kick SpongeBob’s butt.

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“I don’t understand. Why would Flats want to kick my butt?,” SpongeBob asks himself while standing in the toilet bowl for an inexplicable reason. “I haven’t said two words to the guy!” In panic, SpongeBob realizes that he actually said three words to Flats, meaning that he apparently does deserve to get his butt kicked. Luckily for SpongeBob, his spongey flesh absorbs Flat’s punches, and the matter is resolved without him having his butt kicked.

2 Nasty Patty

In an incredulously dark episode, Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob murder the health inspector then try to secretly bury his body at night. During a routine health inspection, a news bulletin is broadcast stating that a man has been passing himself off as a health inspector to obtain free food. Money-obsessed Mr. Krabs is inflamed and decides to teach the impostor a lesson.

After adding toenail clippings, dropping the patty in the toilet , then drying it with smelly gym socks, the two serve the nasty patty to the inspector. Just before he takes a bite, a fly flies into his mouth, choking him. Thinking that their patty murdered who they then discover to be a real health inspector, the two attempt to avoid a prison sentence by getting rid of the body.

1 The Krusty Krab Pizza

The “Pizza Delivery” episode is well-known for delighting fans with the epic song, “The Krusty Krab Pizza.” The episode begins with Mr. Krabs forcing Squidward and SpongeBob to deliver a pizza from the restaurant despite closing time drawing near. Lazy as usual, Squidward forces SpongeBob to drive, resulting in the multiple-times, driving-school-failing sponge getting lost. The two go on an epic adventure, trying to survive and find their way back to civilization while resisting the temptation to eat the pizza.

As they unwittingly trawl deeper into the wilderness, SpongeBob uses his inexplicable knowledge of pioneering to get them safely back to the Krusty Krab.

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