The presence of crossguard lightsabers in Star Wars canon has increased in recent years, but the specific variant also has a history in Legends materials. The plasma-bladed swords are commonly used by Force-sensitive beings within the Star Wars universe, particularly the Jedi and the Sith. While the basic structure of lightsabers is often the same, certain aspects can be modified, including the hilt and the color of the plasma blade in connection to the kyber crystal inside. As time went on, lightsaber users experimented with more advanced modifications, resulting in the creation of crossguard lightsabers.


The crossguard variant usually consists of three plasma blades: the primary blade that stems from the center of the cylindrical hilt and two smaller plasma blades that come out at 90-degree angled vents, known as quillons. Most existing crossguard sabers in Star Wars were the same size as traditional single-bladed weapons. For the quillons to emit smaller blades, the energy from the weapons’ kyber crystal was split to power the entire weapon. Though some thought the crossguard was impractical due to the proximity of the vent to a wielder’s hand and wrist, many styled their variant with pieces that gave extra protection.

According to Star Wars lore, the crossguard lightsaber has been around for centuries. Seeing as the legendary variant was heavily present in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, it proves the style is still prevalent in canon across several pivotal eras. Combining the crossguard’s use from Legends, the variant was probably more noteworthy than most fans initially believed. That said, here’s every crossguard lightsaber in Star Wars canon and Legends, including what made the specific weapons significant to its user.

Kylo Ren’s Red Lightsaber

Not only is Kylo Ren’s lightsaber still one of the most memorable weapons in the Star Wars franchise, but it was also the first crossguard lightsaber to appear in canon. Debuting in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the lightsaber originally had a traditional hilt. When Ben Solo fell to the dark side, transforming into Kylo Ren, he modified his weapon. The loyalist to the First Order changed the blade from blue to red. Since the kyber crystal was cracked, it expelled extra heat, requiring the need for the lateral vents, or quillons. Kylo Ren used his unstable crossguard lightsaber while serving as a leader in the First Order, but he eventually discarded it when he reclaimed his Ben Solo identity in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Lightsabers Used By Practitioners Of Makashi

Kylo Ren’s lightsaber was actually inspired by an ancient design traditionally used by practitioners of Makashi; a combat style also referred to as Form II. Ironically, the most notable Makashi users in canon didn’t use crossguard lightsabers. Among the practitioners in Star Wars canon included Count Dooku, The Grand Inquisitor, and Asajj Ventress. However, many of the crossguard lightsaber users who were experts in Makashi fought at the Great Scourge of Malachor. The Battle appeared through flashbacks in Darth Maul 2, but it was mentioned in a 2016 episode of Star Wars Rebels. During the Rebels episode titled “Twilight of the Apprentice,” Jedi Ezra Bridger found a green-bladed crossguard lightsaber while on Malachor. The ancient weapon was presumably left there by a Makashi practitioner during the big battle. When Ezra picked it up, it instantly broke and deactivated.

Darth Atrius’ Pair Of Crossguard Lightsabers

Sith Lord Darth Atrius owned two crossguard lightsabers in Star Wars canon. The male figure was first mentioned in Star Wars Annual 4, a 2018 issue published by Marvel Comics. Atrius was active when the Sith were extremely powerful a millennia before the Battle of Yavin. The two distinct weapons were said to be infected with Atrius’ rage, causing anyone who wielded them to fall into madness. The crossguard lightsabers were lost following Atrius’ death, so the Empire hired a smuggler to recover the weapons. Seeing as she was also hired by a smuggler for the same job, she gave one weapon to each party. The crime boss used the saber to slaughter his crew after being infected with Atrius’ rage before Luke Skywalker destroyed the weapon when recognizing its danger. Darth Vader set out to find the second lightsaber so he could give both to Emperor Palpatine, but he too ended up destroying the crossguard weapon.

Stellan Gios’ Lightsaber

Comic book series Star Wars: The High Republic marked the first time a Jedi Master used a crossguard lightsaber in canon. The honor went to Stellan Gios, a notable member of the Jedi Order during the High Republic era. Inspired by the sword Excalibur, Stellan’s lightsaber was white and black with gold accents. The crossguard pieces were mounted on the hilt, allowing it to fold up when the blade wasn’t activated. Stellan used his lightsaber in a ceremony dedicated to the Starlight Beacon, a symbol of hope throughout the Republic.

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Dazh Ranos’ Pair Of Vented Lightsaber

Dazh Ranos was also a Jedi Master presented through Star Wars Legends, specifically the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game through a 2016 expansion pack. Dazh was a Force-sensitive Chiss who participated in the revolt against the Eternal Empire. The character notably wielded two metallic crossguard lightsaber that had vents similar to the style of Kylo Ren’s weapon. Unlike Kylo Ren, however, the kyber crystals in Dazh’s lightsabers emitted a blue color.

Roblio Darté’s Forked Lightsaber

A handful of crossguard lightsaber variants appeared in Star Wars Legends, including Jedi Master Roblio Darté’s forked lightsaber. The Jedi General introduced the Legends comic Star Wars: Republic was a survivor of Order 66 that fought in the Clone Wars. Rather than the three blades used in crossguard formats, Roblio’s lightsaber had a primary blue blade and one smaller blade angled at 45 degrees. The figure was the first character to wield the forked variant of traditional crossguard weapons.

Nightsisters’ Lightsabers

Some members of the Nightsisters were known to use lightsabers, including crossguard variants, in Star Wars Legends. The sect of the Witches of Dathomir were extremely powerful, but they were users of the dark arts. With the Force, Nightsisters had the ability to empower weapons so they would be unbreakable against lightsabers. Though they commonly used swords and spears, some sect members used lightsaber variants with red plasma blades, according to their Star Wars history.

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