The developers behind Star Wars: Republic Commando looked to real-life soldiers while shaping the personalities of the game’s cast of elite Clone Troopers. Released in 2005 during the build-up to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, Republic Commando was well-regarded among Star Wars fans for its tactical FPS gameplay and dark, gritty look at the fabled Clone Wars conflict that defined the Prequel Trilogy and the various animated shows that spawned from it.

Players were put into the role of elite Clone Commando trooper RC-1138 (aka “Boss”), the leader of a special ops unit known as Delta Squad. Throughout Republic Commando, Boss could issue commands to his fellow troopers, consisting of the wise-cracking explosives expert RC-1262 (“Scorch”), formal data-slicer RC-1140 (“Fixer”), and battle-hungry sniper RC-1207 (“Sev”). Though all four members of Delta Squad shared the same DNA as clones of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, each one had their own distinct look, function, personality, and even voice – with Boss himself being played by Temuera Morrison, the man behind both Jango and his son Boba Fett in various live-action Star Wars projects like The Mandalorian.


According to GamesRadar, Star Wars Republic Commando co-writer Ryan Kauffman explained in a recent sit-down with the magazine Retro Gamer that while his team drew from the Clone Trooper classes established in the previous Star Wars films to figure out the jobs for each member of Delta Squad, they studied how real-life soldiers customized their uniforms and vehicles to figure out how each clone would differ in personality. “At first, there was some internal resistance to the ideas that clones would be differentiated,” he said regarding how Lucarts reacted to making each clone unique. “But then we began to research real soldiers, and we found some inspiration in the way that US soldiers […] wanted to express their individuality. You can imagine the clones feeling the same way. That example began to resonate, and people embraced differentiation between clones.

Though Star Wars Republic Commando would be retconned out of official Star Wars continuity along with the rest of the old Expanded Universe in 2014, Delta Squad and various other elements from the game would appear in Disney’s revamped cannon. As for the game itself, Republic Commando was recently remastered for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch back in April, allowing fans to strap on Clone Commando RC-1138’s helmet either all over again or for the very first time.

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Star Wars: Republic Commando’s approach to treating each Clone Trooper like an individual with his own personality and look would carry over into future Star Wars media like The Clone Wars animated series or its most recent spin-off, The Bad Batch. Hence, it’s interesting to see the thought process behind shaping the various members of Delta Squad, who quickly became fan favorites with Star Wars’ vast expanded universe of video games and other tie-in media set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Source: Retro Gamer Issue 222 (via GamesRadar)

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