Warning! Spoilers ahead for My Hero Academia Chapter 296

If all stories have a happy ending, then it’s hard to believe that the latest arc of the My Hero Academia manga series has come to an end. Chapter 296 depicts the aftermath of a massive war as the dust begins to settle. The heroes have fought against the Paranormal Liberation Front, a combined force of the most powerful villainous organizations, and the results are anything but pretty.

The Paranormal Liberation War arc began in Chapter 253 with an end to UA’s winter break, but a whole new beginning for the UA students. Nomu pose an imminent threat, and the discussion of their existence at the end of that chapter foreshadows the destruction these powerful monsters would create. An army of Nomu and the League of Villains, led by the terrifying Tomura Shigaraki, find themselves in a battle against the pro-heroes and UA students that lasts a spans an overwhelming 43 chapters of the series.


The latest chapter begins by showing the city left in ruins. From the wreckage, many are still trying to save civilians that find themselves trapped in the rubble. Flashbacks depict the intense effort on behalf of the heroes to keep the villains from making their escape. Despite their efforts, more than 100 villains did manage to slip from their grasps, including Shigaraki himself. While tens of thousands were arrested, readers are left with a bleak view of the disappointed hero force, but this is from the worst consequence of the war.

After showing an overwhelmingly devastated panoramic view of the city, the chapter focuses in on a group of distraught students standing over the mask of one pro-hero, Midnight. Readers discover that she is among the many casualties of the violent war, alongside other iconic characters, such as infamous villain, Twice. The chapter dedicates an entire page to a grouping of fallen faces. Others, such as pro-hero Endeavor, have had their lives changed permanently as a result of the war. If there’s one thing MHA does not shy away from, it’s displaying the tragedy brought upon by the violence one’s obsession can cause.

In this case, it’s Shigaraki’s obsession with both power and the destruction of the hero system that led to a war that hurt both sides just as evenly. As the arc came to a close, readers could see the increased control League of Villains founder All For One began to take over Shigaraki, going so far as to take over his body to signal the Nomu. While Shigaraki’s chances at survival seem strong following his escape, Izuku Midoriya’s dedication to “saving” this villain insinuates things may only get worse before they can get better.

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With the release of the next chapter just days away, the ending of the Paranormal Liberation War arc leaves fans at the edge of their seats as they await the direction the series will go in next. It’s hard to keep an optimistic perspective when the My Hero Academia universe seems to be left in such an unrecoverable state. Still, this world is no stranger to tragedy, and the characters have been able to bounce back in the past. Even with these villains on the run, fans know there is still plenty of hope for the heroes.

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