Spellcasters in Dungeons & Dragons gain the ability to perform all sorts of extraordinary feats of magic as they level up, but in some circumstances, there can be no better choice of spell than a cantrip. Also called level 0 spells, cantrips can be cast an unlimited number of times, are always prepared, and don’t require the use of a spell slot.

The cantrips noted here are available to characters of the class denoted in brackets. Whether they are used in the arena of battle, to assist stealth missions, or help with matters of roleplaying and diplomacy, the versatile selection of cantrips on offer in D&D’s 5th edition means they’re useful no matter the style of campaign.

10 Guidance (Artificer, Cleric, Druid)

Guidance allows the caster to grant a willing target assistance for one ability check they will make in the next minute, giving them a d4 which they can add to that roll. It is a concentration spell with a range of touch.

This divination cantrip is extremely useful, and can be crucial for boosting an ability check past the required DC. Its versatility means that it is helpful when cast on players of any class, while its status as a cantrip means it can be used frequently. Though it’s only initially available for three classes to learn, one of the best feats for a Bard, Magic Initiate, gives players with magic abilities the option to learn 2 cantrips from another caster class’s spell list, meaning it could be acquired.

9 Mage Hand (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

With a range of 30 feet, the Mage Hand cantrip conjures a spectral hand the caster can control, allowing them to grasp objects with a carrying capacity of up to 10 pounds.

In addition to being able to clutch items, the Mage Hand has many other applications, whether it’s used to open unlocked doors, retrieve things out of a player’s reach, handle volatile substances, or cause a distraction. Though it can’t be used to attack or activate magical items, Mage Hand’s high functionality makes it a hugely worthwhile cantrip to know.


8 Minor Illusion (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Minor Illusion, as its name suggests, is a cantrip that can be used to manifest a sound or image within 30 feet of the caster, which can last for up to 1 minute. As a sound, it can range from a whisper to a scream, while images must be no larger than a 5-foot cube.

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Though interacting with the illusion or examining it with a successful Investigation check against the caster’s spell save DC reveals its true nature, Minor Illusion can be highly effective as a tool to confuse foes or misdirect attention.  It can also aid those wishing to hide, or be used to display a message. The 5-foot cube contains multitudes!

7 Eldritch Blast (Warlock)

Contributing to the argument that warlock is the best magical class, Eldritch Blast is a staple warlock spell. An evocation cantrip with plenty of firepower, it allows the caster to make a ranged spell attack which deals 1d10 force damage on a hit.

At higher levels its potency increases, allowing the caster to fire more beams which can each target different foes. As warlocks have so few leveled spell slots, Eldritch Blast’s power keeps them fighting in longer battles, while its range of 120 feet is highly useful in big-scale fights. The Eldritch Blast’s power can also be diversified when Warlocks learn Eldritch Invocations.

6 Toll The Dead (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

A cantrip found in Xanathar’s Guide To Everything, Toll The Dead uses necromancy to target a creature within its 60-foot range, causing them to make a Wisdom saving throw. A failed save means the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage, or 1d12 if they are missing any hit points.

The damage of this cantrip scales as the caster levels up, to 2 dice at 5th level, 3 at 11th, and 4 at 17th. It’s particularly useful as a way to inflict further damage on an already injured opponent without the need to use a spell slot or get into melee range with a weapon, and is highly effective on low-Wisdom monsters like the Gelatinous Cube or Kobolds.

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5 Message (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

The Message cantrip grants players a fantastic way to communicate with one another quietly, up to a range of 120 feet. The caster points towards a creature within range and sends a message only the recipient can hear, to which they are able to whisper a reply.

In considering which class to play, having someone with the capability to talk to others in an adventuring party who may get separated is crucial. If trapped in a dungeon, for example, the Message spell doesn’t have to follow a straight line and can pass through solid objects if the sender knows the target and knows they are beyond the obstruction.

4 Spare The Dying (Artificer, Cleric)

Though several classes in D&D have the ability to heal, Spare The Dying is a cantrip with an instantaneous effect that stabilizes a living creature at 0 Hit Points, which means they’ll no longer need to make death-saving throws.

With a distance of touch, Spare The Dying does have its limitations, but if an Artificer or Cleric has run out of spell slots with which they can heal, it’s a great stopgap to take the urgency out of what could be a deadly situation.

3 Mending (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

The Mending cantrip is available to a variety of spellcasters and allows the user to repair a single break or tear in an object that they touch, so long as the length of that break is not bigger than 1 foot in width, length, or depth.

Upon Mending the fixed object shows no sign of where it was broken. Though it can’t be used to restore magic to an item, it can physically repair a magical object, which can be hugely helpful if artifacts or other important wares are damaged. Although it’s not a flashy spell, Mending is a highly practical cantrip that can solve otherwise frustrating issues.

2 Chill Touch (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Chill Touch summons a ghostly hand within its range of 120 feet, through which a ranged spell attack is made. Upon a hit, this necromancy cantrip deals its target 1d8 necrotic damage and clings to its victim until the start of the caster’s next turn.

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Additionally, if Chill Touch hits an undead creature, they have disadvantage on attack rolls against the caster until the end of their next turn. Furthermore, any inflicted target is unable to regain any Hit Points whilst the hand clings to them. This is particularly useful when facing off against classic Dungeons & Dragons monsters with regenerative capabilities, like vampires or trolls.

1 Prestidigitation (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

The Prestidigitation cantrip uses the transmutation school of magic, and as such means that spellcasters can use it to create all manner of small magical effects. Though it only has a range of 10 feet, the spells long duration of up to an hour is compensation.

From lighting torches and campfires to flavoring food, marking an object to crafting tiny illusions, Prestidigitations versatility makes this cantrip far more than a set of party tricks. It can be used to clean battle-stained clothing or dusty pieces of treasure, and furthermore be repeatedly cast and layered so that up to three of its non-instantaneous effects occur at the same time, allowing for even more applications.

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