In 2008, Disney/Pixar released the film WALL-E. This film served as a cautionary tale, warning humans about their mistreatment of the earth and touching on topics such as the influence of large corporations. Many of the issues discussed in the film are still prevalent today and many have come to view this movie as a semi-realistic dystopian story.

However, if one takes the time to look closely at the film, many questions arise. There are several things in the film that just don’t seem possible or make sense, even given the futuristic environment of the film. Take a look at these 10 things that make no sense about WALL-E.

10 Tech Compatibility

WALL-E enjoys collecting treasures he finds in the piles of trash that inhabit Earth. In one scene, WALL-E pops a VHS into a VCR. The video begins playing on an iPod before the image is transferred to a television.

It seems highly unlikely that these forms of technology will ever be compatible, as these technologies are already obsolete to non-collectors. It’s also worth noting that WALL-E was storing the VHS tape in a toaster.

9 Spaceship Functioning

The Axiom was using a lot of electricity. While it’s possible – but unlikely – that they were able to use solar power to run the amenities on the ship, one large question remains. How was the Axiom able to return to Earth?

The ship was floating around in space for over 700 years, much longer than originally planned. While fuel isn’t required for spaceships to float aimlessly, it is required to launch the ship back towards space. There is no way that the fuel in the Axiom is still good after 700 years. And there are some serious concerns about the condition of the engine after being off for that long.


8 Reproduction

The film makes it clear that the humans on the Axiom don’t interact in person. In fact, John and Mary only become aware of their surroundings after WALL-E shuts off their screens.

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Furthermore, the people in the film are resigned to their chairs, unable to move independently. That leaves one terrifying question. How are all of these babies being produced?

7 Food Supply

The characters in WALL-E don’t eat solid food. Instead, they get all of their nutrients from a mysterious drink produced by Buy n Large. A question many have asked is what exactly is in those drinks. It’s clear that there are no plants on the ship, but there also doesn’t seem to be any livestock.

Yet somehow, they are able to provide food to these humans. This question has lead to many fans to speculate that the humans in WALL-E are cannibals who have been eating the remains of their fallen brethren. Yikes!

6 Pool Maintenance

The Axiom has a gorgeous pool area. While these pools may have initially been used by the guests on the ship, it’s clear that no one has used them in a very long time.

Pools are difficult and expensive to maintain, so why would they spend time continuing to care for these pools when they haven’t been used in hundreds of years? Additionally, the robots around the pool don’t seem to be waterproof – so what robots are taking care of this pool in the first place?

5 Captain Calculations

A quick look at the captain’s portraits will raise some questions. It seems that each of the captains commanded the ships for about 135 years. This means that the people on the ship have an expected life expectancy of at least 155 years! While life expectancy has improved as modern health care has developed, the ship doesn’t seem like the health epicenter of the world.

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With the people having nothing to eat but some unknown liquid combined with their sedentary lifestyle, it seems unbelievable that they would be living that long. Not to mention, it seems hard to believe that someone would agree to be the captain in the first place when literally every other person on the ship gets to do nothing but lie around all day.

4 Plant In Space

The main characters spend much of the movie trying to protect the plant that WALL-E has found. Too bad it will surely be dead by the time they return to Earth.

Lack of sunlight exposure aside, the plant would have died the second WALL-E pulled it out in space to hand to EVE. He probably should have just left it in the ground where he found it.

3 BNL Videos

The entire movie is animated, with one exception. Every time a Buy n Large video is shown, from the CEO announcements to the commercials, the characters are live-action.

This is disconcerting and feels like a strange choice. Don’t the characters in the film realize the people they are looking at on the screen look very different than everyone else with whom they video chat?

2 Eve’s Gun

Eve is a bot that is regularly deployed to Earth to see if it is habitable. Her mission is to search for evidence of life. Unfortunately, Eve has a tendency to react quickly, blasting almost anything that moves with her weapon.

This seems like a major flaw in a robot that is primarily designed to help life flourish. It’s questionable why this robot would even have a gun in the first place, though the gun does wind up to be very helpful during their quest.

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1 Earth Habitable?

After finding one plant, the humans are excited to return to Earth. They determined that because they found one plant, there is evidence that humans can survive on Earth again. Unfortunately, Earth looks far from inhabitable.

There are still overwhelming amounts of trash – with no realistic path to removing it. There is also no evidence of other plant life, meaning that humans will face many problems on Earth. Maybe Auto wasn’t the villain after all.

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