The anime Avatar: The Last Airbender has remained a powerful part of the pop-cultural zeitgeist for years, thanks in large part to its great writing. From hilarious one-liners to powerful meditations on themes of friendship, family, love, and goodness, this series features quotes that truly resonate with its fans. Though the show’s words detail the experiences of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and the rest, they really have a broader, universal appeal and meaning that translates directly into the real world.

While Avatar is ostensibly a kid’s show, its wonderful blend of warm comedy, mixed with sometimes bleak but always, in the end, hopeful, wisdom lingers with viewers long past the final credits.

10 “Everything Changed When The Fire Nation Attacked.”

While an introduction that repeats before every episode could feel like a nuisance, this segment of Avatar: The Last Airbender’s opening sequence has become one of the most memorable parts of the series.

But taking a closer look at the words, it makes a lot of sense that this is a line that would stay with fans. In truth, this quote encapsulates the show’s main conflict in one memorable bite, delivering an aggressive sense of urgency and a strong feeling that the world of the show has been forever altered. Though Aang and his friends eventually succeed in stopping the Fire Nation’s grand plans for world domination, the scars of war and betrayal do not simply fade. Although highly meme-d by Avatar fans, this line has deeper resonance as well.

9 “That’s Rough, Buddy.”

This is quote seems funny, but it actually reveals a lot about Zuko as a character, making it that much more memorable. While out on a “field trip with Zuko,” Sokka and Zuko actually begin to bond. This culminates in Sokka telling Zuko that his first girlfriend got turned into the moon. After a moment of mediation, Zuko responds with this short but poignant comfort.

This line sticks with viewers because it really is applicable in most situations where comfort is needed. But there’s also a kind of innocence to the delivery. Given that Zuko was largely on his own in the lead up to his joining the Gaang, certainly, without any friends of his own age, he had few chances to practice his social and comfort skills. Still, Zuko clearly wants to be there for Sokka, and the result is this endearing line.


8 “You Miscalculated. I Love Zuko More Than I Fear You.”

Love vs. fear. Might vs. right. Duty vs. heart. These are all themes that Avatar delves into and this quote from Mai, Zuko’s love interest, sharply reflects the overall premise of the show. Azula, normally one of the smartest Avatar: The Last Airbender villains, makes her biggest mistakes because she is unable to factor human emotion into her plans.

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Although she is mighty and clever, her downfall is that she always prioritizes selfishness and evil but is felled again and again by the more powerful connections that love creates. Viewers can hear Mai’s calm voice in their heads as she faces Azula and reminds both the audience and the irate Azula that there are some things not even ultimate power can control.

7 “There Is Nothing Wrong With Letting People Who Love You Help You.”

Uncle Iroh becomes the wise grandfather of all viewers as he sagely doles out advice to his lost nephew, any other errant youth in need, and fans everywhere. In this quote, Iroh talks to Toph, who has run away from her friends after a disagreement. Toph proclaims that she can take of herself and that she doesn’t need anyone’s help or care, but Iroh counters with this sentiment.

One of Avatar‘s main take-homes revolves around the idea that having friends makes an individual strong. Although there is a vulnerability associated with love, it is not a weakness. This quote by Iroh applies to Toph’s issue but also to many different situations beyond the screen. Support and love matter.

6 “Alright, Hair, It’s Time To Face Your Doom!”

Azula is a fearsome villain on Avatar: The Last Airbender, and at times, her evil seems to run so deep that there is nothing human left about her. But something the show is absolutely great at doing is humanizing all of their characters and giving viewers ins to even the worst of them.

Though Azula seems endlessly scheming and sly, there are moments where she is seen to be awkward, unsure, and much younger than she wants to pretend to be. This quote is a perfect example of that. Who hasn’t felt so frustrated that they thought the best solution was to give themselves a haircut? Though she’s preparing to end the world, Azula’s brief interlude is a highly relatable scene that stays with viewers. Not to mention, the quote is hilarious.

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5 “You Have To Promise Me That You Won’t Stop Caring.”

Katara often serves as the defacto mom of the group, doing her best to keep the team together and functional, even when situations get rough. In this quote, she tries to comfort Aang after losing control of his powers out of grief. It’s a fascinating quote for Katara because she’s usually very pragmatic and, occasionally, even judgmental. Still, in this case, she tries to support Aang and remind him that although being out of control isn’t productive, caring is important.

Avatar: The Last Airbender deals with some heavy themes, such as grief and loss of loved ones, which are, unfortunately, universal parts of the human experience. But the show reminds its viewers that caring and hoping can hurt, but they matter.

4 “I’m Just A Guy With A Boomerang. I Didn’t Ask For All This Flying And Magic.”

Sokka is often the most relatable character for fans watching the show. While other characters have magical powers and great abilities, Sokka is just “a guy with a boomerang” doing his best. But what viewers know about this quote, and thus, also learn about themselves, is that it isn’t true at all. Sokka is so much more than what he realizes he is, and the team would not have been able to claim victory without him.

Using his heart and mind, Sokka triumphs throughout Avatar, just like fans do in everyday life.

3 “The Best Tea Tastes Delicious Whether It Comes In A Porcelain Pot Or A Tin Cup.”

Uncle Iroh’s love of tea is one of the recurring gags on the show, but it’s also a beautiful part of his character. To Iroh, tea is a simple pleasure that makes his life more meaningful. In this quote, he discusses the inherent deliciousness of tea and how his connection with drinking it is so enjoyable.

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Of course, Iroh isn’t really talking about tea, but about how it is a person’s heart that is the most critical part of them. Neither wealth nor power makes something better if it is not good to begin with. Viewers love Iroh’s devotion to tea, but it is his wisdom that is the real treat.

2 “Anyone’s Capable Of Great Good And Great Evil.”

Aang cans seem like he lacks the seriousness necessary to be The Avatar; however, when the situation calls for it, he rises to the occasion. Here, he reveals the truth about humanity. No one is inherently good or evil, but there are forces of both inside everyone.

Aang refuses to write off a whole nation as evil and even feels the show’s greatest villains may have good in them, a point emphasized by the plot repeatedly. These resonant words stick in the minds of viewers.

1 “Hello, Zuko Here.”

It’s hard to imagine that three words could have such a profound impact, but this short quote represents the culmination of one of the most hard-earned storylines of the show, Zuko’s redemption. Something Avatar does really well is pay off the stories it builds, and, finally, after a long, convoluted road, Zuko is ready to take that long-awaited step and join the Gaang.

Fans can see how far Zuko has come with his earnest attempts at introducing himself, and viewers celebrate this satisfying development.

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