From 2004 to 2010, Lost came on TV. This dramatic series was about survivors of a plane crash on a mysterious island. The setting, the relationships, the sci-fi elements, the discovery of things such as a hatch, The Others and everyone’s true destiny… There was a lot to love about this show!

One of the main characters on it was Hugo “Hurley” Reyes, who was portrayed by Jorge Garcia. He won the lotto. He thought he was cursed. He helped make sure everyone was having a good time. He was super sweet. And over the years, he was credited with some iconic quotes like the 10 down below.

10 He Loved Comfort Food

Hurley enjoyed a good meal, and he apparently thought comfort food could be used as a helpful tool. Yes, one of his best lines was as follows: “You know, maybe if you eat more comfort food, you wouldn’t have to go around shooting people.”

There was a good amount of shooting on this show, as many lives were lost. Sometimes, it was necessary, as the main characters fought for survival. Other times, it was not. But Hurley’s solution was simple: Just eat more yummy foods!

9 He Was Not Sure What Was On The Island

The island had polar bears and smoke monsters and time travelers, and when the main group first crashed there, they were quite uncertain and uncomfortable. Hurley thought maybe the weird noises they heard could have been dinosaurs, but Jack said no. Hurley continued, “If you didn’t see it, how do you know it wasn’t a dinosaur?”

Jack reminded him that dinos were extinct, to which Hurley said, “Oh, yeah, good point.” He could always be counted on for comedic relief!


8 He Wanted Answers

On a similar note, Hurley was usually one to go along with everyone on everything, causing him to say this: “Okay, that thing in the woods: maybe it’s a monster, maybe it’s a pissed-off giraffe! I don’t know! The fact that no one is even looking for us, yeah, that’s weird, but I just go along with it, because I’m along for the ride! Good old fun-time Hurley! Well, guess what? Now, I want some friggin’ answers!”

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Yes, after some time, like those around him, he wanted answers. Where were they? What was going on exactly? Who else was on the island? And why was it all happening?

7 He Got Cramps

Another funny line during a not-so-funny time came from Hurley: “Dude, I know how this works. This is going to end with you and me running through the jungle screaming and crying. He catches me first, because I’m heavy, and I get cramps.”

These people all were fighting and running for their lives at different times, and Hurley may not have always had an advantage. It seemed to all work out for him in the end, though, right? 

6 He Was Subtle

In the beginning, the group discovered that Sun could speak English, and Hurley asked her husband, Jin, this: “Are you sure you don’t speak English? There’s a rumor that you do… Your wife’s hot!”

He thought that surely if Jin could understand him, that would be what would get him to talk! Of course, he did not understand him, so he may have never learned that Hurley thought his wife was hot. 

5 He Was To The Point, As Well

One of Hurley’s most iconic quotes was pretty funny yet also pretty disturbing. See, one scene involved a side character named Leslie Artz and some dynamite. Things did go well for this character, which resulted in Hurley saying the following: “Dude, you’ve got some Artz on you.” 

So he could be to the point and very direct, even during tough situations. And there were plenty of those for these people and in this place!

4 He Did Not Give Good Nicknames

Hurley did not give good nicknames, but Sawyer sure did. Sawyer was known for all the unique things he called his peers. At one point, Hurley seemed to be fed up with all of that, and this was his rebuttal: “Shut up, Red…Neck…Man…!”

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Sawyer responded with a “touche”… in a sarcastic tone… one he spoke in quite often. It may have not been a win for Hurley, but it was a hilarious moment, as he tried to give this guy a taste of his own medicine. 

3 He Knew How To Have A Good Time

As this character even said himself, he was the fun-time guy, the one who provided everyone with a golf course. He also had another idea of fun, which he told Jack was “cool” and “old school”: “You know, you and me trekking through the jungle, on our way to do something that we don’t quite understand. Good times. 

On this show and for these two, that may have been the very best time… though it could have also turned into a really not-so-great time, too.

2 He May Have Not Excelled In Math… Or History

Of course, time travel became a part of this exciting story, as well. During that time, Hurley was asked what year he was born. His answer was 1931. When asked if he was 46, he said yes, but he didn’t seem so sure. When asked who the president of the United States was, Hurley gave up, saying this” “All right, dude, we’re from the future. Sorry.”

It was not a huge, stand-out scene (when compared to all the other craziness of Lost), but it was such a Hurley moment/quote.

1 He Was A Protector

In the end, Hurley became the protector of the island, and he had an emotional exchange with Ben. Jack was gone, Hurley didn’t know what to do, and Ben told him to do what he did best and take care of people. In response to that, Hurley asked for help: “I could sorta use someone with, like, experience. For a little while. So…will you help me, Ben?”

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And getting a little emotional himself, Ben answered, “I would be honored.”

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