It is difficult for horror fans to think of the Halloween season without picturing the pale emotionless face of Michael Myers and the Halloween series. The John Carpenter classic jumpstarted the slasher genre, and each sequel made a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

The franchise has 11 films of varying timelines with two more on the way. Halloween is known for terrifying viewers and making them feel as if the Boogeyman is around every corner. Over 40 years later, fans are still debating on which scenes terrify them the most, and they have plenty of chilling moments to choose from.

10 Fire Walk With Me – Halloween II (1981)

Halloween II was different in tone from the original, with John Carpenter directing several scenes to increase the gore factor to compete with other slashers of the time like Friday the 13th and Happy Birthday to Me. While Carpenter didn’t direct most of the film, he did write the script and he fully intended for this to be Michael’s last outing.

In the climax of the film, Dr. Loomis lights a room full of leaking gas on fire, sending both himself and Myers up in flames. Laurie Strode believes the nightmare is over until The Shape comes lumbering toward her, fully engulfed in flames. He eventually collapses, leading viewers to believe he is dead. Yet the terrifying image of Michael almost dying the laws of nature by going after Laurie while being consumed by fire ranks as one of the franchise’s scariest images.

9 A Killer Revealed – Halloween (1978)

Filmgoers in 1978 didn’t know what to expect when they went into the original film. All they knew was that the killer wore a pale, white mask and was a fully grown man. The film opens with a long POV shot following someone stalking a young girl and her date while John Carpenter’s chilling score plays. The figure follows the girl upstairs, where her life is cut short. Audiences were on the edge of their seat as the killer makes their way downstairs, anxiously awaiting the full reveal.

It is common horror knowledge that Michael began his career at a young age, but the initial reveal that the killer was a young child is shocking to an oblivious viewer. While not the scariest scene, this opening scene hints at the man Michael is to become, and a perfectly chilling way to start the franchise.


8 Doctor Massacre- Halloween 6

While the sixth entry in the franchise has been known as one of the worst, the theatrical version still has one of the most gruesome Michael moments of all. The climax of the film takes place in a sanitarium, and Michael stands in a room full of doctors unable to react to anything due to the curse he is under.

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Unexpectedly, Michael decides to think for himself, and slaughters the doctors in the room with him. While the attack isn’t fully shown on screen, the screams and shadows seen as well as the flashing lights lead the viewer to imagine the carnage, which in many cases leads to a much scarier outcome. This shows that Michael can never be fully controlled, which many fans point out while scary, goes against the entire rest of the film.

7 Silver Shamrock Ad – Halloween III

Upon its original release, Halloween III: Season Of The Witch was panned almost immediately mostly due to the fact that Michael Myers was absent and it was a standalone story. Because fans are realizing the Halloween III isn’t as bad as believed, they are being introduced to one of the most unsettling scenes to ever bear the Halloween name.

A major plot point involves the sinister Silver Shamrock mask company. Kids all around wear their masks and excitedly sit in front of their televisions on Halloween night. The Silver Shamrock ad plays, and the masks actually end the children’s lives in front of their horrified parents. The mask essentially turned their heads into insects, adding a different kind of horror than what was portrayed in other Halloween films.

6 Laurie Discovers Her Dead Friends – Halloween (1978)

A popular trope in slasher films is the final girl discovering all of the bodies the killer has accumulated before the final showdown. One of the earliest instances of this, and perhaps the scariest, came in the original chilling Carpenter classic. Laurie Strode naively babysat as her friends meet Michael. After she fails to reach them, she decides to investigate for herself, where she discovers his homecoming party.

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She finds her friends dead and displayed for her to find, right before she finds the man himself. This sequence is absolutely terrifying, as the audience knows what happened while they watch Laurie have to find out for herself. The audience puts themselves in her shoes, imagining what it would be like to find their own friends, adding a personal level of terror.

5 The Next Generation Of Evil – Halloween 4 (1988)

The 1988 film Halloween 4 typically ranks modestly against the other films. The film features a shock twist ending that implied Michael would no longer be the killer moving forward. After he is defeated once again, his niece Jaimie and the other survivors feel they can rest easy. That is until a familiar POV shot seems to kill Jaimie’s mother.

The film then reveals the assailant isn’t a returning Michael, but his young niece sporting a clown costume similar to the one worn by Myers when he killed his sister. The film cuts to black over Dr. Loomis’ horrified screams, implying that evil is genetic and can never truly be stopped.

4 Rooftop Chase – Halloween 4 (1988)

One thing that makes Michael’s rampage in the fourth film so scary is that he is targeting a child. Jaimie Lloyd is Laurie Strode’s daughter in this timeline, and Michael is out to get her to effectively end his own bloodline.

Because Michael is actively going after a child, the scene on top of the roof of a large house is all the more suspenseful. Michael is closing in on Jaime and her foster sister Rachel, and one slip could spell doom for any of those involved.  Watching a child trying to climb down a house is terrifying to watch on its own, but add in a knife-wielding Michael Myers into the mix, and fans have one nail-biting and intense scene.

3 Michael Stalks Laurie – Halloween (1978)

Upon returning to Haddonfield, Michael Mayers sets his sights on Laurie. On several occasions, Laurie catches glimpses of him with the scariest Halloween mask Michael Myers has ever worn, staring at her from behind bushes or outside her school. Laurie is already paranoid by the time Michael makes his first move, making his full reveal later in the film even scarier. This scene makes unnerved audiences even after the film is over, which is the mark of an effectively scary scene.

2 You Can’t Kill The Boogeyman – Halloween (1978)

The climax of the original Halloween was as suspenseful as any good horror climax should be. Laurie Strode fights off Myers as best as she can, but regardless of what she does he keeps coming back. It looks like all hope is lost until Dr. Looms finally confronts his former patient. Loomis spares no words and instead begins firing upon The Shape. After six shots, Michael falls over a balcony onto the yard below. Loomis looks over to see that Michael is finally defeated. He looks away for a moment, only to discover Michael is now gone. This final scene left audiences believing that Michael was still out there and could be anywhere, making them checking behind every corner even after leaving the theatre.

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1 Michael Comes Home Again – Halloween (2018)

The sequence of Michael roaming the streets of Haddonfield in Halloween 2018 is one of the absolute scariest moments ever put to film. The houses are unassuming and unlocked, and Michael goes house to house exterminating the residents. Knowing that an escaped mass murderer can just walk into a random home and endanger innocent people is absolutely chilling. Michael Myers is a seemingly normal person in this iteration, and this scene proves that he can be anywhere and nobody is safe, not even in their own homes.

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