For fans of Star Wars, it’s well known that the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine are a formidable race of nomadic tribes, spread across the sands of the Dune Sea. While they’ve been seen a handful of times in the various films of the Skywalker Saga, they’ve recently had their true time to shine in The Mandalorian. However, there are some elements of the Tusken Raiders’ history that, sidelined by mainstream canon, have turned into legend, such as the Tusken Raider who once became a Jedi… and then a Sith Lord.

Before Disney purged the Star Wars Extended Universe from canon – turning its stories into Star Wars Legends – Sharad Hett was a famous Jedi Master thanks to Dark Horse Comics. Becoming disillusioned with his life as a Jedi after the death of his family and homeworld, Sharad exiled himself on Tatooine, where he embraced the culture of the Tusken Raiders, becoming one of their leaders. Eventually, he had a son he named A’Sharad, who was taken in and trained to be a Jedi despite his age after Sharad’s death at the hand of Aurra Sing. A’Sharad grew up in the Tusken culture, living as one of the Sand People in everything but his actual genetics. As such, A’Sharad Hett entered the Jedi Order and trained to become a Knight, all while still wearing the traditional head wrappings of his Tusken Raider people.


During the height of the Clone Wars, A’Sharad Hett was a Jedi Knight and even served alongside Anakin Skywalker for a time. When they were trapped together during a lethal desert storm, Hett learned of Anakin’s slaughter of the Tusken tribe that had abducted his mother during Attack of the Clones. However, Hett chose not to reveal Skywalker’s dark acts to the Order, as the Tusken part of him understood his need for vengeance. However, the part of him that was Jedi knew that Anakin’s secret was his burden to bear, and that he must accept and seek redemption for actions so steeped in the Dark Side. Feeling Anakin’s hatred for Tuskens all the same, Hett took his wrappings off, revealing the human underneath.

At the end of the Clone Wars, Hett managed to survive the Jedi Purge and the rise of the Empire by returning to his people of Tatoonie, but was soon exiled by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Not long after, Hett learned of Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader, feeling responsible after hiding Anakin’s darkness. This motivated Hett to turn to to a life of bounty hunting to make ends meet. However, a visit to the Sith homeworld of Korriban changed his life forever. Hett fell under the sway of the Dark Lord XoXaan, who trained and corrupted him in his vulnerable state, turning him into a being of pure Dark Side power.

Hett spent several years in stasis, awakening after the events of the Original Trilogy as the dreaded Darth Krayt, named after the fearsome dragons hunted by the Sand People. While Krayt attempted to rebuild the Sith Empire, he would ultimately be slain by Cade Skywalker, a future descendant of the Skywalker family in the Legends timeline.

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Obviously, Disney went down a different path, especially when it comes to the events after the Original Trilogy, leaving very little room for Darth Krayt to return in any kind of official capacity as seen with other Star Wars Legends characters (like Grand Admiral Thrawn). In any case, it’s nice to think about what might have been, and remember the legend that was A’Sharad Hett, the Tusken Raider Jedi turned Sith Lord Darth Krayt.

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