Throughout The Vampire Diaries, Katherine Pierce proved to be the ultimate rival for her doppelganger Elena Gilbert. Katherine returns to Mystic Falls to fulfill an agenda; win back Stefan Salvatore’s heart as well as her freedom from Klaus. Katherine is willing to do anything to achieve her goals, including tormenting her human counterpart and scheming to trade her life to the Original hybrid.

Elena and Katherine fought over the Salvatores but were alike in more ways than they realized. The Petrova doppelgangers could have shocked viewers by joining forces. Katherine needed a friend, whereas Elena could have used another fierce and fiery companion.

10 Friends: Who Needs The Salvatores?

Katherine and Elena shared more than just their appearance, including a preference for partners. The older doppelganger pursues a relationship with both Salvatore brothers whilst they are human, before turning them into vampires. Over a century later, Elena follows her ancestor’s example by falling in love with the vampires.

Elena and Katherine rival for Stefan’s affections. An interesting subversion could have seen them disregard both of the Salvatore brothers in favor of each other.

9 Enemies: Katherine Tried To Kill Elena

Katherine and Elena come to blows more than once during the series. In season 4’s “Graduation,” the older vampire attempts to kill her younger counterpart. Katherine brutally beats the younger vampire before Elena shoves the cure for immortality down her throat.

Elena’s storyline with Katherine followed a similar path in season 2. With Klaus’ presence looming, Katherine tries to restore her debt by offering Elena and her friends as a sacrifice for the moonstone ritual.


8 Friends: Katherine And Elena Vs. Klaus

Both of the Petrova doppelgangers were persecuted by Klaus. Their magical blood placed them in danger, being the primary ingredient in the moonstone ritual to break Klaus’ curse. The Original hybrid tries to kill Katherine and Elena, as well as targeting and killing their loved ones.

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Elena and Katherine deserved to get revenge for the deaths of their family members. If friendship couldn’t have brought them together, a vengeful crusade against Klaus could have instead.

7 Enemies: Katherine Tried To Steal Stefan

One of Katherine’s earliest schemes in the show include trying to steal Stefan Salvatore from her doppelganger. Elena and Stefan are happy and in love during season 2. This doesn’t stop Katherine from driving a wedge between them by targeting Elena’s aunt Jenna.

Unlike her relationship with Damon, Katherine truly cared for Stefan and wanted to be with him. The vampire’s selfish nature would never allow her to prioritize friendship with Elena over her heart’s main desire.

6 Friends: They Had A Lot To Teach Each Other

They may have looked the same, but Elena and Katherine couldn’t have been more different. The older vampire was ruthless and calculated with a vicious mean streak. Elena was shown to be more compassionate, caring for the people around her instead of using them as a means to an end.

Ultimately, Katherine and Elena had a lot to teach each other. Elena could have warmed Katherine’s heart and potentially taught her to care about others, whilst Katherine could have taught her to be more self-sufficient and head-strong.

5 Enemies: Katherine Envied Elena

Pre-cure Katherine was stronger and faster than Elena, yet the older doppelganger still envied her human copy. Elena was surrounded by people who were ready to sacrifice everything for her, an attribute that Katherine coveted.

Katherine’s jealousy made Elena understandably guarded around her. If Katherine could overcome her envy then a friendship could have been possible, though it would have been an out-of-character conclusion for the fierce vampire.

4 Friends: Katherine Needed Friends

Katherine was a villainous figure with a sympathetic history. She was exiled from her family at a young age before she moved to a different country and met Klaus. The Original tried to sacrifice her to break his curse, so Katherine tricked Rose into turning her into a vampire before she fled.

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The villainous vampire spent over 5oo years alone and running from Klaus. Despite her crimes, she was long overdue a genuine friendship with someone who could have salvaged her morality.

3 Enemies: Katherine Wanted Elena’s Life For Herself

In Katherine’s eyes, Elena had it all. The younger doppelganger was surrounded by friends who loved her, like Bonnie and Caroline. Both of the Salvatore brothers adored her and went to drastic measures to keep her safe from the various supernatural dangers in Mystic Falls.

Katherine coveted Elena’s life instead of her friendship. During season 5, she literally steals Elena’s life by using her Traveler powers to take over Elena’s body.

2 Friends: Elena Could Have Shared Her Life With Katherine

Elena had the life that Katherine wanted and could have shared that life with her jaded doppelganger. Katherine’s villainy hindered her from obtaining her true goals. With an attitude makeover, the older vampire could have connected with her younger counterpart to become friends instead of rivals.

Katherine meeting Elena, Matt, Caroline, and Bonnie at the Mystic Grill was unlikely to happen. Yet the devious doppelganger could have tried to live alongside Elena instead of stealing her life altogether.

1 Enemies: Katherine Only Cares About Katherine

In the end, Katherine had no true friends; the villainous vampire cared only for herself. Katherine’s selfish nature was a necessity for most of her life as it kept her safe whilst running from Klaus. These habits became ingrained into her psyche and shaped her into someone incapable of forging a real friendship with another.

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The Mystic Falls gang were often ready to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones, something Katherine was unlikely to do. Teaming up with Elena would be cool to see, though ultimately, Katherine was only capable of looking out for herself.

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