Here’s how Obi-Wan Kenobi quickly defeated Maul in their final encounter in Star Wars Rebels. Both debuting in 1999’s Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the pair’s rivalry began when Obi-Wan seemingly killed Maul by slicing him in half. The assumption was that Maul had died, but it was later revealed he had, in fact, survived his encounter. By the time Maul had regained a sound mind and body, he was fueled with hatred for Obi-Wan, motivated to get back at the Jedi whom he believed caused his sufferings.

His journey for revenge was chronicled in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, culminating with his ruthless killing of Duchess Satine Kryze – leader of the New Mandalorians and a special friend to Obi-Wan. Unlike Maul, the Jedi opted against seeking out the former Sith to make him pay for what he did, essentially putting a stop to the revenge-driven cycle. It didn’t seem like Obi-Wan and Maul would ever see each other again – until Star Wars Rebels brought back Maul at the forefront. At this point, Maul was busy hunting the Ghost Crew to make Ezra Bridger his apprentice. It was then that he accidentally learned from the holocron Obi-Wan Kenobi had survived Order 66 and still lives. This kicked-off his search for his old foe who, at that point, was in hiding on Tatooine, tasked with keeping an eye on young Luke Skywalker.


Obi-Wan and Maul met for the very last time on the iconic sand planet. The idea of seeing Obi-Wan and Maul reunite and engage in a duel in Star Wars Rebels understandably excited a lot of fans, especially given their elaborate clash in The Phantom Menace. As established in that instance, Maul is a skilled fighter that Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan had to team-up against him. Unfortunately, for those who were looking forward to another epic Star Wars showdown, the fight was ultimately a let down considering that it only lasted for a couple of minutes. While it would’ve been cool to see a much longer battle, Kenobi taking care of Maul quickly actually makes sense for a few reasons – but it all boiled down to Obi-Wan learning from how Maul killed Qui-Gon.

Maul was no longer the agile fighter he once was in Star Wars Rebels. After his fate in Phantom Menace, he had to reconstruct himself as a cyborg, which itself hampered his ability to perform the same way he did when he first encountered Obi-Wan. It’s worth noting that this is the pair’s third fight, after previously fighting in Clone Wars along with Savage Oppress. Obviously, Obi-Wan wasn’t in his physical prime either, but what he lacked in physicality, he made up for in terms of being a smarter fighter. Obi-Wan knew Maul was emotionally erratic, meaning he was more prone to making catastrophic mistakes. He further provoked him, making him more unstable and susceptible to commit mistakes.

Aside from playing to Maul’s emotions, Obi-Wan mined inspiration from his first clash with the former Sith Lord. Dissecting the short fight, Obi-Wan used the same moves Qui-Gon Jinn did during their battle in The Phantom Menace, tricking Maul into executing the same parry he did before. However, instead of committing the fatal error his master did, Obi-Wan pivoted and hit Maul in the body, killing him.

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Overall, Maul’s defeat can be chalked up to the fact that since their last duel in The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan continued to hone his fighting skills. Even as he isolated himself on Tatooine, he strengthened his connection to the Force, which also helped him win. Maul’s skills, on the other hand, became stagnant as he spent the last few decades of his life keeping himself alive and plotting schemes. Given this, it makes sense Obi-Wan quickly defeated Maul in their final duel in Star Wars Rebels.

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