In the Harry Potter universe, there are many useful spells. There are spells that are useful in protecting yourself from dark magic and others that are helpful in day to day life.

While many of the spells from the series make a lot of sense, such as Alohomora, there are others that are a lot weirder. There are some kinds of magic that seem obscure and like they are mostly pointless as well as other spells that are useful but also strange. Here are the strangest spells from the series.

10 Repelo Muggletum

This is the spell that is used to repel Muggles from an area. Given the International Statute of Secrecy, it’s important that Muggles don’t know of the existence of the magical world.

So, in that sense, this spell does make sense. However, while it might come in handy at times, it’s still weird to think about. This spell is made specifically to keep a certain group of humans away, and there’s just something funny about casting it and making any Muggles in the area go in a different direction.

9 Glisseo

While some spells can be used often, such as Scourgify which cleans things, others seem like they would maybe never be used. Glisseo is the word that’s said to turn a staircase into a slide.

This doesn’t seem like something most people would need to do ever. The only real reason to do so would be for fun or as a prank. While sliding down a former staircase might be enjoyable, as far as practical uses, it seems kind of random.


8 Furnunculus

There are many strange spells that have to do with cursing people in one way or another. Some of the most dangerous spells are curses such as the Cruciatus Curse. However, other hexes are more minor.

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Furnunculus covers the target in boils. This is a rather mean spell that would leave someone with painful skin issues. However, it’s also rather weird. There are many other ways to annoy someone or target an enemy, so this spell just seems to be there mostly to mess with someone.

7 Piertotum Locomotor

Piertotum locomotor is another spell that doesn’t seem very practical most of the time, but it is still pretty cool. This is the incantation that is used to animate statues, and while McGonagall does use this spell to protect Hogwarts, outside of that situation it seems useless.

While seeing statues come to life might be cool, and it’s also used in the Atrium fight scene in the Ministry, most everyday people wouldn’t use it. Also, even if it can come in handy at times, it’s kind of weird.

6 Duro

There are many spells in Harry Potter that make sense to have, and there are others that seem rather obscure. Duro is one of those spells.

This is the Hardening Charm that can turn anything into stone. It seems like most of the time no one would want any of their objects turned to stone, so this charm is mostly just used as a prank or to annoy an enemy. It definitely is a strange ability to be able to turn food into stone.

5 Rictumsempra

Rictumsempra is one of the charms that Harry and his classmates are taught in school, and it’s definitely one of the weirdest ones. This is the ticking charm, and it leaves your target with the feeling that they are being tickled incessantly.

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This would be a terribly pleasant charm to have placed on you, and it could definitely incapacitate someone. While it might do some harm to an enemy and stop them in their tracks, the fact that someone came up with this is weird.

4 Avis

Avis is another incantation that is rather cool but doesn’t seem to have much use. This is the spell that produces a flock of birds, and it’s what Hermione uses to set the birds on Ron after he makes out with Lavender.

Being able to produce birds with magic could be a beautiful and interesting thing, but it seems more for the wow factor than anything else. Also, it’s not very clear where the animals come from or where they go after the spell dissipates.

3 Riddikulus

Riddikuls is the spell that’s used when facing a Boggarts, and it’s used to turn the Boggart into something that the caster finds funny. While this is definitely a useful and necessary spell in this one situation, it’s a rather weird idea.

The thought of turning your worst fear into something hilarious and using laughter to defeat a dark creature is a rather fantastic idea even if it does make some sense. While it might be weird, it does lead to some hilarious situations.

2 Densaugeo

Similar to Furnunculus, Densaugeo is a spell that’s often used against an enemy and that targets physical appearance. However, this one is even stranger. This jinx causes the target’s teeth to keep growing larger and larger.

This is the spell that Hermione gets hit with this curse from Draco while he is fighting with Harry outside of Snape’s classroom. This spell is both weird and also rather terrifying.

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1 Tarantallegra

There are quite a few weird spells in the wizarding world, but perhaps the weirdest is Tarantallegra. It’s similar to Rictumsempra in that it incapacitates and enemy in an unexpected way.

This spell causes the target to suddenly start tap dancing and not be able to stop. While this spell seems funny and weird at first, it is actually a rather cruel spell if it’s placed on the target for too long. While it might be effective, it’s a rather weird incantation to have at one’s disposal, and it would definitely be weird to cast a curse on someone that made them dance uncontrollably.

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