The first season of Vinland Saga follows Thorfinn as he attempts to avenge his father’s death at the hands of Askeladd and his crew. Along the way, he meets many powerful warriors as he fights to become strong enough to defeat Askeladd in a duel.

Over the course of the first season, fans are introduced to several strong warriors who possess incredible fighting abilities. That said, only one character can be considered the strongest in the series. So, who will it be?

10 Canute

At the start of the series, Canute is depicted as weak and timid. He constantly hides behind Ragnar, but he begins to stand up for himself due to Thorfinn’s incessant put-downs.

By the end of the series, Canute grows into a cunning and confident young king. He masterfully handles the situation after his father’s death and assumes control of the throne with little resistance to his authority. While little is known about his combat abilities, he is likely trained in the sword due to his royal upbringing, and fans may get to see him in combat in season 2.

9 Torgrim

Torgrim is one of the few named characters of Askeladd’s crew. He is a burly, seasoned Viking and a respected member of the crew until he has a breakdown after his confrontation with Thorkell.

Although Torgrim has few opportunities to show off his skills in combat, he must be an accomplished warrior to survive for so many years as a marauding Viking. Additionally, his position as a leader in the crew is established by his ability to convince so many of the crew to betray Askeladd during the flight from Thorkell and his army.


8 Atli

Torgrim’s brother, Atli, is another named member of Askeladd’s crew who gets limited screentime during the first season. While not as physically large as his brother, he is depicted as fairly cunning and capable.

Again, little is known about his combat prowess, but the fact that he manages to survive for years as a Viking speaks to his toughness. Also, Atli is the only member of Askeladd’s crew who escapes the massacre by Thorkell and his army unharmed, so he must be especially cunning or incredibly lucky.

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7 Ragnar

For most of Canute’s life, Ragnar serves as his advisor and guardian. He manages to keep Canute safe, despite multiple assassination attempts and threats against the young prince, proving that he is cunning and diligent.

While Ragnar is not given many opportunities to show off his skills in combat, he was likely an excellent warrior during his prime, given the high rank he achieved in King Sweyn’s court. Even though he is killed in a trap laid by Askeladd’s men, he has the strength to stay alive for many minutes after being stabbed, which is a testament to his toughness and the strength of his will.

6 Bjorn

Bjorn is the longest-serving and most loyal of Askeladd’s followers. He rose to his role as second in command of Askeladd’s crew through his combination of strength, toughness, and skill in battle.

While not the most clever of Askeladd’s crew, Bjorn makes up for his lack of cunning with his sheer physical strength. When he eats berserker mushrooms, he enters “berserker mode” and becomes even more dangerous, as seen when he fights off almost 10 of his former crewmates single-handedly. Even after he is mortally wounded, he manages to stay alive for days through the sheer force of his will so that he can have Askeladd kill him in a duel, thereby allowing him to gain entrance to Valhalla.

5 Floki

The Jomsvikings are amongst the most fearsome warriors in the Viking world, so it takes great skill and strength to earn a position as a commander in their ranks. Due to his position, Floki can easily be counted amongst the strongest characters in the series.

His skills are briefly shown when he crosses swords with Askeladd after the latter assassinates King Sweyn. Given that Askeladd is arguably the second-best swordsman in the series, the fact that he can intercept Askeladd’s sword speaks to his reflexes and ability. Additionally, Floki is also quite cunning, as he is the one tasked to convince Thors to return to combat and ultimately arranges for his death at the hands of Askeladd and his crew.

4 Thorfinn

What Thorfinn lacks in natural talent he makes up for with hard work and determination. By the end of season 1, Thorfinn is a seasoned warrior with dozens of kills under his belt and he has the potential to become as strong as his father, Thors.

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Thorfinn is skilled with his short swords and highly agile, allowing him to overcome most opponents with quick, calculated strikes. In his first fight against Thorkell, he manages to wound the hulking Viking multiple times and escapes, even after taking a vicious pummelling. Then, in their second duel, he learns from his earlier mistakes and manages to survive long enough until he can lure Thorkell in close before delivering a knockout blow. While he never manages to defeat Askeladd in a duel, Thorfinn is still a dangerous warrior who possesses skills that far exceed the abilities of most Vikings his age.

3 Askeladd

Throughout the series, Askeladd proves time and again that he is a cunning commander. He sacks and plunders a Frankish town by having his men carry their boats over a difficult pass so that they can attack the town’s unguarded harbor, and later manages to evade Thorkell’s army for weeks while running through enemy territory.

Askeladd is not just a brilliant commander, but also a skilled swordsman. He is able to hold his own in his fight with Thors and is even able to draw first blood with a beautifully executed surprise attack. Askeladd is equally proficient at fighting multiple opponents, as he is able to kill dozens of his own men after they betray him, and he later slays many of King Sweyn’s guards and loyal lords before he is eventually cut down. In his prime, he was likely even more impressive, as his strength and speed surely declined some with age.

2 Thorkell

While he is not as gifted in combat as Thors, Thorkell is the most physically powerful character in the series. Even though he is past his prime, Thorkell is still stronger and faster than almost every warrior he faces in battle.

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Thorkell is so strong that during the defense of London he picks up giant logs that normally take multiple men to carry and throws them like spears, sinking several of the attacking Viking ships. In his two fights with Thorfinn, although Thorfinn is more agile, Thorkell proves that he is deceptively fast despite his huge frame, and he almost lands what would be killing blows on his much smaller opponent on multiple occasions. Thorkell is second only to Thors in terms of strength, although Thorfinn could pass him soon enough if he continues to improve at his current rate.

1 Thors

Although he dies early on in the series, Thors is, without a doubt, the strongest Viking in Vinland Saga. In just a few short episodes, he demonstrates a level of skill and strength that no other character has come close to touching.

In the opening episode, he takes down an entire ship of enemy warriors by himself. Then, in his fight against Askeladd and his crew, he defeats multiple crewmembers with his bare hands, including a berserk Bjorn. In a flashback later in the series, Thorkell reveals that Thors was able to block a blow from his ax with ease, further underscoring his incredible strength. Whether he is wielding a sword or using his fists, Thors is undoubtedly the strongest character in the series.

NextOnce Upon A Time: Things From Season 1 That Haven’t Aged Well

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