Here’s how serial killer Otis B. Driftwood changed between House Of 1000 Corpses and its sequels. While Rob Zombie’s films tend to be polarizing there’s no denying he has a distinctive voice. His take on Halloween II is a good example, with the sequel throwing away a lot of the familiar slasher movies tropes to tell a dark, nihilistic tale of survivor’s guilt and mental illness. It also subverts or outright dismisses the formula of the Halloween series itself, which is one big reason fans either love its boldness or despise it.

Rob Zombie’s first film was House Of 1000 Corpses, centering on a group of people who are captured by a sadistic family of serial killers called The Fireflys. The film was heavily influenced by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre but it had a famously hard time getting released. The film was originally set up at Universal and was set to be released in 2000, but the studio passed on the movie after viewing it. Zombie later took it to MGM, but they also dropped it after the filmmaker jokingly quipped in an interview the studio has “no morals” for picking it up – they didn’t take the gag very well. The film was finally released in 2002 by Lionsgate and became a modest hit.


House Of 1000 Corpses featured an oddball family of killers and freaks, including Captain Spalding (Sid Haig), Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie, Lords Of Salem), and Otis. B Driftwood. The latter was played by Bill Moseley, best known as Chop Top from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, with Otis being named after Groucho Marx’s character in A Night At The Opera. Otis is probably the most sadistic of the Firefly clan – who isn’t actually related to the family by blood – and his many crimes include torture, rape, and murder. He’s depicted as an albino in House Of 1000 Corpses and likes to get “creative” with his murders, such as killing Rainn Wilson’s (The Office) character and turning him into a “Fishboy” sculpture.

While House Of 1000 Corpses was a success, Rob Zombie himself remains mixed on the film. He feels it got too cartoony and over the top, which is something he wanted to fix for The Devil’s Rejects. This sequel was more of a gritty, 1970’s-style thriller, with Otis B. Driftwood returning as a main character. Zombie felt Otis as shown in House Of 1000 Corpses would jar with the tone of his sequel, so the cartoony feel of the character were toned down and he became more calculating and cruel. He’s no longer albino and is generally shown in a more grounded light.

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He also resembles Charles Manson and even paraphrases quotes spoken by the Manson family. Despite seemingly being killed at the end of The Devil’s Rejects, Otis returned again for 2019’s 3 From Hell, where the surviving Firefly’s go on another murderous rampage. Outside of his taste for murder and being played by the same actor, Otis now barely resembles the version introduced back in House Of 1000 Corpses.

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