For Commanders wanting to explore all that Elite Dangerous has to offer, trading is a great way to take a break from combat or exploration. It’s also a fun way to begin financial preparations for the Odyssey DLC’s imminent release. Trading is also a great way to increase a Commander’s Federation and Imperial rank, granting access to ships like the Corvette, Imperial Eagle, and the Cutter (the most versatile ship in the game). There’s not much to learn to get started trading, though there are several things to consider when starting a trade mission or route. This guide will go over what a Commander needs to know to make the most amount of credits, or other desired rewards, in the most efficient manner possible.


There’s a way to start trading at any level of wealth in Elite Dangerous, with trading missions offered at a significant number of stations. For Commanders looking to trade but lacking a higher cargo capacity, Courier and Data Transfer missions will provide Commanders with some credits and reputation, with the added benefit of taking no cargo space. This means a Commander can take up to 20 of these missions without hindering Jump Range or handling. Once a Freighter ship is acquired, Commanders can take missions or find their own trading route and explore the galaxy!

How to Pick and Outfit a Ship for Trading in Elite Dangerous

Cargo capacity is the name of the game. For Commanders just getting started, the Hauler outfitted with a class 2 shield, a class 1 Fuel Scoop, and the remaining Optional Internals filled with Cargo Racks will provide 20 tons of Cargo capacity for only 51,950 credits. A direct upgrade from the Hauler would be the Adder for a base price of 87,810 (not including cargo racks). The Type-6 provides the best cargo capacity for medium ships but is notoriously hard to maneuver.

The Asp Explorer is an excellent ship to use as an alternative medium-sized Freighter, with the bonus of versatility for when a Commander decides to take on missions other than trading. For Commanders with several million credits at their disposal, or those looking for a clear upgrade path for a Freighter ship, the Type-9 Heavy will hold the most Cargo at a whopping 348t in its stock configuration, with somewhere around a 700t capacity fully outfitted. A direct competitor to the Type-9 is the Imperial Cutter, though purchasing a Cutter requires the Imperial Navy rank of Duke (well worth the grind).

The basic outfitting of a freighter should focus on the type of trade route a Commander takes. Cargo Racks should occupy the ship’s largest optional internal slots, with the second priority being a Shield Generator. It is possible to run a Freighter without shields, but this poses a significant risk for the ship and its Cargo. One wrong turn or misplaced boost may result in a high-speed collision with a port, either costing a significant amount in repairs or rebuying cost.

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It’s recommended to use a C or D class shield for a better jump range, and the size should be determined by the Commanders confidence in their flying abilities. For longer ventures requiring several jumps, a fuel scoop will undoubtedly be necessary. For trade loops between two systems like Sothis and Ceos (see below), ditch the fuel scoop and equip another cargo rack, refueling at stations when necessary. With a Freighter fully outfitted, it’s time Commanders begin their trading career!

How to Find the Best Transport Missions in Elite Dangerous

There are a few methods to begin trading in the galaxy. The simplest is to dock at a station, open the mission board, set the mission type filter to “Transport,” and accept any mission the Commander desires. If it requires moving materials, Commanders will need to move the materials into their ship’s Cargo from the Mission details screen. It is possible to accept missions for more Cargo than a ship can hold, so be mindful, completion will require multiple collections and deposits. After a mission is accepted, the Commander will have 24 hours to complete the transaction. Though this seems easy enough, several mission aspects may turn a two-jump trade run into a 45-minute venture. All Commanders now have access to Horizons, and a venture to a Planetary base is certain to take longer than landing at a starport.

The primary things a Commander should consider before accepting a mission are:

  • The destination system distance (shown in lightyears)
  • The destination station distance (measured in light-seconds)
  • The number of materials being transported
  • The reward

If Commanders are looking for a short time to complete their mission, find a mission (or multiple) that can be completed in one run. The next thing to look for is the destination. Use the Plot Route function in the Galaxy Map to see if any refueling will be necessary, as well as the number of jumps it will take to reach the destination. The most overlooked mission parameter is the station distance. The distance measured is from the System’s primary solar body to the destination station. Some missions will be one jump away but will have a station distance of anywhere between 10,000-30,000 light seconds, sometimes taking 15 minutes (or more) to fly from the sun to the destination.

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It will be quicker to add one or two jumps than to take a mission with a station arrival distance of over a couple thousand light seconds.  Finally, there is the reward. At stations or Systems Commanders don’t plan on returning to, credits are typically the best option for a reward. If a Commander enjoys a System or finds themselves at the same station frequently, investing in reputation instead of credits will allow Commanders to gain access to more lucrative missions via increased reputation. Investing in reputation for Federation or Imperial aligned minor factions has the added benefit of increasing a Commander’s respective Navy rank, unlocking security clearances for systems, and the ability to buy Imperial or Federation specific ships.

Where to Grind Imperial and Federation Rank in Elite Dangerous

There are a couple of systems in the galaxy with only one or two nearby populated systems. This will allow Commanders to complete trading loops between the two neighboring systems. Many Commanders know one of these places as where they completed the grind for their Federal Corvette, Sothis and Ceos. At a couple 100 lightyears away from the bubble, it requires some commitment to begin but is one of the fastest known grinds for Federation rank. Follow the same steps in the Ngalinn and Mainani Systems for Imperial rank.

To complete the trade loop:

  • Go to either System (Sothis or Ngalinn)
  • Stop by a station
  • Pick up a mission ending in the other System (Ceos or Mainani)
  • Complete the mission at the destination station
  • Collect missions for returning to the starting system (Sothis or Ngalinn)
  • Repeat until the desired finances or rank is met
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Commanders have also reported success at Canopus and Exphiay for Federation rank, though the station distance is further.

Commanders can play the galactic market by buying goods below the Galactic average and selling them for more. One of the easiest commodities to “flip” is Tritium due to its requirement for Fleet Carrier Hyperspace Jumps. For other materials, there are several tools for finding and customizing trade routes.  A commonly used tool is the Single or Multi-Hop route Finder found on Elite Dangerous Data Base.

This tool allows Commanders to set their situation parameters, like jump range, location, supplies budget, cargo capacity, and route preferences. For example, let’s say a Commander is in Sol. The Commander will set their “Buy from System” to Sol and either set the “Sell to System” parameter to where they want to go or set their “Buy from Station” and leave the “Sell to System” empty for the best commodities to buy and locations to sell. The Multi-Hop route works the same but will have Commanders buying and selling multiple kinds of goods while venturing through multiple systems.

Elite Dangerous is available on Steam, Epic Games, Playstation, and Xbox

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