Disney’s Hercules is a movie all about inner-strength and overcoming. Hercules starts out thinking of himself as an outcast, with no place to belong, but throughout the film discovers his inner power, friends, family, and love. Like many Disney movies, this animated wonder has a lot of great takeaways for those watching it.

Alongside amazing songs, here are some of the film’s most inspirational quotes.

10 I will face the world, fearless, proud, and strong…I can go the distance.

Hercules’s most iconic song, ‘I Can Go The Distance,’ is practically an anthem of inspiration. Every line is brimming with strength and each word carries with it a message of self-motivation.

In the refrain that concludes the song, Hercules belts these last few thoughts, reminding everyone that they don’t have to be afraid, they can head out into the world with confidence and achieve whatever their heart is set on.

9 Sometimes, I feel like I really don’t belong here, like I’m supposed to be somewhere else.

It’s important for every person to take their life into their own hands. In this line, Hercules conveys that he feels like he doesn’t fit in, in the place he is. This admission is difficult but inspiring and motivates him to begin his journey to where he does belong.

The first step to changing a bad situation is acknowledging a change has to be made.


8 If you can prove yourself a true hero on earth, your Godhood will be restored.

Though the viewers of Hercules cannot become literal gods, there is something inspiring to be taken away from this quote. The path to Godhood is heroism, that is, the way to be truly great is to be heroic. Greatness of spirit will help to unlock and bring to those who possess it the rewards they seek.

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This is one line to be taken to heart.

7 To be a true hero, kid, is a dying art. Like painting a masterpiece, it’s a work of heart. It takes more than sinew, comes down to what’s in you!

Philoctetes might be a crotchety, old goat, but he has a soft core inside of him once he opens up. Although his song starts out gruff, it soon becomes passionate and truly uplifting. He reminds Hercules that heroism isn’t just about muscle or strength, it’s about spirit and heart.

What’s inside of a person is what makes them truly great.

6 I’m a Damsel, I’m in Distress, I can handle this.

Meg is known for her sass, her snark, and her smarts. Although she is a damsel and she is in distress, she has no time for Hercules and his hero charging in to save the girl schtick.

Though Herc is sincere, it’s inspiring to see a heroine stick up for herself and refuse the big strong man who is sure he can save her.

5 Give up, give in, check the grin you’re in love

Sometimes, owning up to your feelings is a freeing thing to do. Meg wants to deny that she’s falling for Hercules, but she’s much happier when she finally lets her feelings go and frees herself to really feel them.

This line, from a great song, is an awesome reminder that its good to let oneself feel the things one is feeling. Just check the grin.

4 Zero to Hero, Just Like That!

Although the line says, “Just Like That,” it isn’t very simple for Hercules at all. But with a great drive to succeed, a will to excel, and a lot of practice, Hercules goes from zero to Hero.

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This quote is a great reminder that with a goal and effort, success will arrive in now time.

3 Being Famous isn’t the same as being a true hero… Look inside your heart.

Zeus has some wise words for his son–and the takeaway is not to take shortcuts, or to mistake attention for heroism. It’s not about the applause, it’s about the heart, and this inspirational message is one great takeaway from Hercules. 

Hercules still has a lot to learn to become a hero and a god and the only way he can do it is to look inside of himself and follow his heart.

2 Giving up is for rookies.

This is one important line. When the chips are down and Hercules has lost his strength, he has to remember that no matter what, giving up won’t solve anything. Hercules is able to outsmart the titan attacking him, even though he has no muscles because he refused to give up.

If Hercules won’t stop when his greatest power has faded and all seems lost, neither should you.

1 A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.

Of all the lines in Hercules, this is a great summary of what the film teaches. At the end of the day, it’s not about muscles, or fame, or any physical marker. Heroism is defined solely by how hard a hero loves, how far he is willing to go to defend what matters, and just how good he is.

This moving quote inspires both gods, satyrs, pegasui, and humans alike.

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