Marvel’s Avengers immerses players in a fantastic comic book style story as the Avengers look to redeem themselves in the aftermath of A-Day. The events in the game’s opening lead to a widespread outbreak of Terrigen gas, turning the residents of San Fransisco into in-humans. Fan’s of Marvel’s Agents of Shield & The In-Humans are familiar with the gas and its superhero-making properties.

The Terrigen gas affects everyone differently. Unfortunately for Dr. George Tarleton, the gas transforms him into M.O.D.O.K, the big-headed psychic super-villain. M.O.D.O.K. stands for Mental/Mobile/Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing. M.O.D.O.K seeks to cleanse the world of superheroes through his company, Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M. He is the final boss in the campaign for Marvel’s Avengers. This guide will walk players through how to easily defeat this big-headed baddie, and destroy A.I.M once and for all.


Marvel’s Avengers – M.O.D.O.K  Boss Fight

Marvel’s Avengers certainly saves the best boss fight for the grand finale. After players fight their way through seemingly endless waves of elite Aim-bots and Adaptoids (Robots with superpowers) they’ll finally come face to face with M.O.D.O.K himself. While he may be hard to look at, he’s not very difficult to beat. Each Avenger will be given their time to shine. The fight itself is broken into 7 stages, the final stage being more of a cutscene with button prompts. That being said, let’s dive into the final fight in Marvel’s Avengers.

Stage 1 – Ironman 

  • M.O.D.O.K, in his fully armored flying form, has a set of thrusters allowing for rapid movement through the air. While Hulk and Thor are busy keeping the Warships at bay, it’s up to Tony Stark aka Ironman to keep M.O.D.O.K in a more manageable location. He’ll do this by flying around and shooting at M.O.D.O.K’s 4 thrusters underneath his massive mechanical body. Of course, Ironman’s ranged attacks will eat up Intrinsic Energy which he can build back up by landing a few quick light attacks on the aim-bots below. While M.O.D.O.K holds a position, players should be blasting his thrusters with fully charged pulsar shots. However, when M.O.D.O.K begins flying around, players should switch to Ironman’s laser to easily stay on target. This first section of the boss fight is the 2nd hardest since Tony will be needing to recharge his ranged attacks often.

Stage 2 – Captain America

  • While still able to hover above the ground, MO.D.O.K’s moment has been drastically reduced. Captain America’s main focus will be damaging M.O.D.O.K’s under-thruster enough to ground him. Once grounded, Cap will wail on the power supply on M.O.D.O.K’s back until it’s destroyed. M.O.D.O.K will be launching side-to-side fan blade attacks that are slow-moving and easily outpaced. Players should stay staffing away from M.O.D.O.K’s fan blades and throwing Cap’s shield repeatedly at his underside. Unlike Thor’s hammer, Cap’s shield will come right back to him once it makes contact with its target. However, players must maintain steady accuracy and avoid missing M.O.D.O.K. and losing Cap’s shield for a few seconds. Thankfully, his fellow Avengers will keep the enemy AI occupied allowing Cap to focus solely on the task at hand. Once Cap is able to ground M.O.D.O.K, he should launch heavy attacks and hero abilities on the power core. There’s no reason to spend Cap’s hero abilities at any other time during the fight. It should take three ‘Downs’ for Cap to destroy M.O.D.O.K’s power supply. 

Stage 3 – Thor

  • M.O.D.O.K is beginning to feel a little defenseless as he retreats inside a massive over shield. Players will now take control of the God of Thunder himself. However, none of the Avengers can pass through the shield to attack M.O.D.O.K. Thor must use his Ultimate ability to launch himself into the cosmos before crashing down through the Bifrost and directly on top of M.O.D.O.K. The key here is surviving long enough to launch Thor’s ultimate ability. Player’s must play defensively and avoid going down at all costs. Once Thor’s ultimate is available, activate it and move his landing spot to be directly over M.O.D.O.K. He’ll come careening through the Bifrost and destroy M.O.D.O.K’s over-shield.

Stage 4 – Hulk

  • Kamala is in danger. Surrounded by aim-bots, she needs Hulk’s help to make it out alive. Thankfully, Hulk isn’t too far away. There is no real secret to this stage of the fight. In fact, players won’t even be launching attacks at M.O.D.O.K himself. The goal is to survive and destroy everything thrown the player’s way. This, however, might just be the most difficult part of the boss fight. Hulk and Kamala will be dealing with both shielded and self destructing aim-bots. Shortly after they’ll have a handful of Adaptoids thrown there way before finally having to take out various elite enemies. Kamala and Hulk need to have each other’s backs and be ready to pick the other up should they go down. After enough time, the giant rock golem (thought to be of Kree decent) will blast Hulk with its purple eyes and end this stage.

Stage 5 – Black Widow

  • M.O.D.O.K has taken Captain America as his personal super-human shield. It’s up to Black Widow to save Cap while Thor and Ironman deal with the big bad Kree mech. M.O.D.O.K will launch short ground waves at Black Widow which can be easily jumped over. The key here is to NEVER stop shooting at M.O.D.O.K’s face and purple forehead crystal. It will take a while, but Black Widow will eventually give M.O.D.O.K the worst concussion imaginable. His attacks are easy to avoid so long as players keep moving and shooting.
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Stage 6 – Kamala Khan

  • M.O.D.O.K has retreated into the head of his Kree bodyguard. He’s got the Hulk pinned down under an immensely powerful beam of purple eye-lasers. Kamala is the only one nearby that can reach the Hulk before he de-greens and leaves a vulnerable Dr. Banner to be blasted to bits. There will be a few obstacles in her way, along with some gaps she must super jump over and swing across. A few enemies will spawn near Kamala, but there is no reason for her to engage them. Players should keep moving and make it to the final stage of the fight.

Stage 7 – Kamala Khan

  • There will be no real combat at the point in the fight. Players will be prompted with a few quick button commands as they watch the final cutscene play out.

Once M.O.D.O.K is beaten, players will watch a few more cutscenes before the end credits roll. If players know anything about Marvel, it’s that there is obviously a post-credit scene awaiting them. Once all that is said and done, they will be brought back to the War Table where the ‘real game’ begins.

Marvel’s Avengers is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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