Hulu’s hit miniseries Little Fires Everywhere is filled with a cast of dynamic characters. Though many people began watching the show because they were interested in the plot, they stayed and became fans because they fell in love with the characters.

One of the most complex characters on the show is Lexie. Lexie originally appeared to be nothing but a spoiled brat; after all, she was willfully ignorant and at times seemed even unredeemable. But Little Fires Everywhere has incredible character development and even Lexie has moments where fans can’t help but empathize with her. Here are 5 moments when fans felt bad for Lexie and 5 more times they just hated her.

10 HATED HER: Her Cruel Treatment Of Izzy

Izzy, the youngest Richardson child, is the most sympathetic character on Little Fires Everywhere. This is partially because of the way Izzy’s family treats her. Meanwhile Lexie, who’s always eager to impress her mother, echoes Elena’s cruel treatment of Izzy.

Lexie excludes and ignores Izzy and is quick to criticize her, especially if the criticism makes Lexie seem superior. Through a flashback in which Izzy tries to save an injured bird, it is revealed that this cruel treatment of Izzy has been ongoing since a very early age.

9 FELT BAD FOR HER: Getting Pressured Into Having Sex

Lexie is in a long-term relationship with Brian. Though there are several cringey aspects to this relationship, Lexie does seem to genuinely care for Brian. These two are intimate, but Brian wants to go further and continuously pressures Lexie to have sex.

When the pair begin to fight more regularly, Lexie seems aware that she may lose him. She then decides to have sex with him, but it is clear she is only doing so out of fear of being dumped rather than out of love. Unfortunately, this situation is one to which many can relate.


8 HATED HER: Being Rude To Fast Food Workers

Lexie is extremely privileged and does not realize how entitled she acts. She also makes several racist comments but is appalled to hear that anyone would consider her racist.

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When she goes to a drive-thru with Brian, she is annoyed when her order is incorrect. She is rude to the worker and makes a problematic comment about what happens when “they don’t go to college.” Brian calls her out on this comment but Lexie is unwilling to acknowledge that what she has said is wrong.

7 FELT BAD FOR HER: Her Struggles With Pregnancy

In the beginning of the series, Lexie makes it very clear that she has never had to struggle in life. But when Lexie becomes pregnant, she faces hardship for the first time. She attempts to hide her pregnancy at first, clearly feeling very alone and not sure what to do. She seems miserable and exhausted as she shuffles through life and pukes in her bathroom.

During a conversation with Brian, she tries to gauge what his reaction would be to her pregnancy without telling him. He makes it very clear that he doesn’t want children anytime soon and Lexie decides to suffer in silence rather than confess the truth.

6 HATED HER: Using Pearl’s Name At The Clinic

When Lexie decides to get an abortion, Pearl accompanies her to the clinic, skipping class and supporting her. When Lexie notices one of her mom’s friends working at the abortion center, she decides to write down Pearl’s name on her chart in order to conceal her identity. She is clearly trying to hide this from Pearl as she encourages Pearl to wait in the car.

When Pearl’s name is called out, Lexie stands and heads to the back. Lexie gives Pearl an empty apology and even has the nerve to say that Lexie and her mother know people in this town and it would “actually matter” if people found out about her abortion. The terrifying implication here is that people think higher of Lexie than Pearl and that Pearl’s reputation does not matter, demonstrating Lexie’s racism once again.

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5 FELT BAD FOR HER: Going Through An Abortion

The aftermath of Lexie’s abortion is brutal. It is clear that she is deeply hurting and it’s in this moment that it becomes clear how lonely Lexie truly is. She doesn’t have anyone in her life with whom she feels truly comfortable.

Lexie knows Elena would not be understanding and decides that she can’t go home. She is forced to spend the night with Pearl and Mia, sobbing in Mia’s arms. Though these two have not had a positive relationship, Mia comforts and cares for her as she heals. But Mia also forces Lexie to confront some difficult truths about herself.

4 HATED HER: Stealing Pearl’s Essay

One of the first time fans see Lexie’s ugliness is when she is applying for Yale. Over a dinner conversation, she talks about her challenge writing her college essay as the school asks her to write about a time she has overcome a struggle. Lexie makes some offensive comments about affirmative action and being punished for having good parents.

When a counselor refuses to place Pearl in an advanced math class, she writes a letter advocating for herself. She shows this letter to Elena, knowing that Elena will solve the problem for her. When Lexie sees the letter on the counter, she decides to steal Pearl’s essay, claiming Lexie’s story and struggle as her own.

3 FELT BAD FOR HER: The Crushing Pressure To Be Perfect

There are few scenes in which Lexie allows herself to be vulnerable. One such conversation occurs with Brian in her bedroom. Brian is expressing his disappointment in her and it is clear a breakup is imminent. Lexie wants to come clean about her abortion, but can’t bring herself to confess this to Brian.

Instead, Lexie talks openly about the pressure she feels to constantly be perfect and the stress that is put on her. Brian is unsympathetic to her struggles, but fans watching this scene couldn’t help but empathize with Lexie in this moment.

2 HATED HER: Lying To Brian

When Brian points out Lexie’s problematic behavior, she refuses to listen to him and doesn’t acknowledge that what she is doing is wrong. She allows herself to be willfully ignorant, as though that excuses her actions and hateful language. By continuing to make ignorant comments, it is clear that Lexie doesn’t fully understand the impact of her words.

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But when Lexie steals Pearl’s essay, she is careful not to share this information with anyone, especially Brian. When he finds out anyway, she continues to lie to him, saying that Pearl allowed her to use her story. In this moment, it is clear that Lexie understands what she is doing is wrong, despite the fact that she continues to downplay the significance of what she has done.

1 FELT BAD FOR HER: The Climactic Fight With Her Mother

In the climactic finale of Little Fires Everywhere, Elena’s children finally turn on her. Though Izzy begins the battle, her siblings finally hit their breaking point.

Lexie decides to stand up to Elena. She takes responsibility for her actions for the first time, explaining all of the ways that she is actually the problem child, not Izzy. She screams at Elena, telling her that she is not perfect. But Elena is unwilling to accept this and screams back “Yes you are.” The earth-shattering “No I’m not!” which escapes Lexi’s lips clearly demonstrates the deep pain she is feeling.

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