Pretty Little Liars has plenty of relationships, especially with Emily Fields (Shay Mitchell). She dates a barista, a chef, A’s Red Coat, and others. But two of her most successful relationships are with Paige McCullers (Lindsey Shaw) and Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse).

Some fans believe Emily belonged with Paige, while others defend her relationship with Alison. Both are memorable relationships, but (spoiler alert!) Emily ultimately ended up with Alison. Her relationship with Paige fizzled until Emily realized Alison was “the one.” Take a look at five reasons why Emily should have stayed together with Paige, and five why Alison was clearly the better choice.

10 Paige: Similar Interests

One of the best things about Emily and Paige’s relationship (affectionately known to fans as Paily) is that they have many similar interests. They’re both star swimmers on Rosewood High School’s swim team. While their relationship started out very competitively (let’s not forget Paige tried to drown Emily), it grew into a supportive relationship where they could confide in each other about swimming.

Out of all of Emily’s relationships, she has the most in common with Paige. They’re both tomboys and they have plenty to talk about. It wasn’t a boring relationship.

9 Alison: Mother Of Emily’s Twins

During the seventh and final season of Pretty Little Liars, it’s revealed Alison is pregnant with Emily’s twins. The babies were artificially inseminated by Emily’s donated eggs, due to a cruel game by AD. Because of this, Alison and Emily (affectionately referred to as Emison) will forever be connected.

Though unplanned, Alison and Emily come together to raise their twin daughters, Lily and Grace. They start a relationship and Emily should always stay with Alison, for the sake of their children.


8 Paige: Helped Emily Overcome Her Shyness

Emily is very confident and brave when she dates Paige. Emily takes chances, even working up the courage to perform karaoke with Paige on one of their first dates. Emily isn’t afraid of what other people think of her relationship, and Paige brings out this quality in Emily.

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At the same time, Emily helped Paige fully realize her identity as a lesbian. Before Emily, Paige was scared to “come out” to her parents. But with Emily’s help, she gains self-confidence. Together, they bring out the best in each other.

7 Alison: Their Shared Trauma

Emily would never have the same relationship with Paige that she has with Alison. For one thing, Emily and Alison have shared trauma. They have experiences with A that no one should have ever have to encounter.

Alison is the only person who knows how Emily feels. Emily confides in Paige about her situations, but Alison is the only woman who truly knows what’s going on. They’re in the A game together. If they can survive A and AD, they can survive anything.

6 Paige: Not Involved With A

While Emily has shared trauma with Alison, it’s a relief when she dates Paige. Their relationship is “normal” because Paige isn’t involved with A. She may be a target during some episodes, but she isn’t constantly manipulated and tricked by A.

Paige is out of the A picture. When Emily is with Paige, she has a break from the chaos. She can relax, and that’s important for Emily. With Paige, she can feel normal—like any high school girl should feel.

5 Alison: Emily Can Protect Her

One of the negative things about Emily’s relationship with Paige is that Emily likes to protect others. She learned from her father (a deployed National Guard member) how to protect others. She doesn’t want to be protected. She’s the strong one, but Paige constantly makes Emily feel weak and vulnerable.

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But with Alison, Emily is the protective one in the relationship. Alison depends on Emily, which is exactly what Emily wants. Emily is strong, supportive, and defends Alison, no matter what A tries to do. Emily can fulfill the role in the relationship that she prefers.

4 Paige: Doesn’t Manipulate Emily

Throughout the seven seasons of Pretty Little Liars, viewers learn that Alison frequently manipulates Emily. She plays games with her—making Emily believe she has feelings for her. She kisses Emily, but then says she can’t pursue a relationship. It’s disheartening to Emily.

Paige isn’t like this. She doesn’t manipulate her with her feelings. She’s honest and the two can openly discuss their feelings. Emily doesn’t have to worry about Paige’s intentions. She knows Paige cares for her. She never has to play the “she loves me, she loves me not” game with Paige.

3 Alison: Emily Sees The Good In Her

When viewers are first introduced to Alison, she’s not the nicest character. She bullies other people and she formed the circle of friends she knew she could rely on. However, she was always closest to Emily.

Because of her feelings for Alison, Emily defends her. Even when Alison makes poor decisions, Emily sees the good in her. She knows Alison is a good person who has a difficult time showing her love for others. She always sees Alison’s true character, and Alison appreciates this.

2 Paige: A Sweet, Normal High School Relationship

With Alison, Emily has to be more mature than her age. She experienced things high school teenagers shouldn’t have to face. There is always a sense of danger in their relationship, but with Paige, it’s normal.

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Emily’s relationship with Paige is how every high school relationship should be—sweet, fun, and romantic. They can go to the movie theater, attend dances, and swim together without feeling threatened by A. They can behave like normal 17-year-old girls. It’s an innocent relationship everyone wants in high school.

1 Alison: Her One True Love

Emily has loved Alison for as long as she can remember. She had a crush on her even before she realized she’s a lesbian. Even though Emily has other relationships on the show, no one compares to the way she feels with Alison.

Emily will always love Alison, regardless of their history and their complicated situations. Alison was her first love and the only true love she will ever have. Emily is happiest when she’s with Alison, and fans always like to see Emily when she’s happy and content.

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