Warning! Spoilers ahead for Thor #6

Even after a massive victory, nothing good is coming Thor’s way in the future of the Marvel Universe. In the most recent running Thor series, the God of Thunder has taken on some new titles. One was expected: The King of Asgard. Thor now rules over and protects the Nine Realms as his father once did, though he’s still trying to adjust to his new position at the start of the series. However, it’s not long before he gets his new, more unexpected title: Herald of Thunder, courtesy of the World Devourer Galactus who needed his help to destroy the universe-ending Black Winter. However, with the first arc over, Thor has seen the future, and it looks to be way more frightening and terrible than the Black Winter could ever be.


In the current Thor series from Donny Cates and Nic Klein, Thor joined Galactus in the locating and subsequent consumption of several key planets that would perhaps give Galactus enough cosmic power needed to stop the Black Winter. Naturally, Thor is quite reluctant, but seeing no other choice, agrees to aid Galactus. With most of the planets, Thor tries to evacuate the residents to Asgard as refugees, only then allowing Galactus to do his work in destroying the planet. However, this wasn’t the case in one instance, as Galactus had grown impatient, causing Thor to engage him in battle until a new understanding could be reached. Their alliance, however uneasy, has caused many of Thor’s friends and allies to call his actions and rule into question, but Thor presses on, finally meeting the Black Winter face to face alongside the World Devourer. It’s then that Thor does the unthinkable.

In Thor #6, Thor learns that when Galactus looks at the Black Winter, it takes the form of Thor himself. This is because the star plague takes on the appearance of whatever will be one’s eventual demise. The doom of Galactus comes so very quickly, as Thor realizes what he must do, executing Galactus with extreme prejudice for all the terror he’s brought the galaxy right then and there.

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Not only does Thor kill Galactus with the cosmic power that Galactus himself gave the God of Thunder, but he also combines it with his own power of the King of Asgard, absolutely obliterating the cosmic destroyer, making Thor the Herald of None. Thor then goes further, using the energies stored within Galactus’ body, (making sure that they weren’t for nothing) to destroy the Black Winter by turning Galactus into a massive bomb of cosmic energy.

As the Black Winter gets reduced to little more than a single black snowflake, it asks Thor if he would like to see his end before it’s destroyed completely. Thor agrees, seeing a vision of his future that will potentially be his eventual demise: Thanos, wielding a large black gauntlet with a single large stone in its center on one hand, and Thor’s own hammer Mjolnir in the other, with all of the Infinity Stones embedded within it. Not only that, but an army containing several of Marvel’s heroes stand behind him, all of them living corpses.

It’s doubtful that any Marvel fan saw this coming, and the vision sends Thor reeling into despair, removing himself from his people for weeks when he should be celebrating his victory over Galactus and the Black Winter. How will Thanos be able to wield Thor’s hammer? Does it have to do with the fact that it’s been getting heavier for Thor as of late? And what does Thanos’ new gauntlet do? Is it what’s giving him power over the dead? Is is a Necro-Gauntlet? Hopefully, fans will get answers about Thor’s grim vision soon as the series continues from Donny Cates.

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