Traveling millions of lightyears away in No Man’s Sky by ship isn’t easy, but it can be if a player has access to a teleporter. While it could take players a long time to gather enough resources to travel back to a beloved galaxy, a teleporter can send players across the stars instantly getting rid of the need to craft yet another piece of antimatter.

Luckily, players don’t have to progress hours through the game to stumble across the blueprints for a teleporter as it becomes available to craft near the beginning of the game. During the tutorial, players are tasked with collecting buried technology modules that are used to unlock crafting blueprints for different buildings. While players are able to unlock the blueprint early on, they will need to gather a few materials and build other technology before they are able to open a portal to the stars. Here is how to build a teleporter in No Man’s Sky.


Building A Teleporter In No Man’s Sky

First things first, the player will need to unlock the blueprints for the teleporter and either the biofuel reactor or solar panels from the construction computer at the player’s base. This requires a few buried technology modules, which can be found on any planet buried beneath the surface. These can be found by using the player’s scanner. The player can also only build a teleporter on a claimed base, so they will need to build a base computer to claim a bit of land.

The base teleport module requires 4 metal plating, 2 carbon nanotubes, and 40 sodium, all of which are pretty easy to find/craft. Players can also buy all of these materials for nanites from a space station if they do not want to spend time scavenging them. Once the teleporter has been placed by using the build menu, players will also need to craft a power source via a biofuel reactor or a solar panel. Biofuel reactors are easier to construct but will need carbon or oxygen to burn in order to fuel the teleporter. The solar panels require rarer materials but will recharge the teleporter on its own.

Once the teleporter is active, players can teleport across the galaxy to other teleporters they have built or to space stations they have visited. This makes it easier for players to travel to different systems without burning warp drive fuel.

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No Man’s Sky is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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